More on Apparition Hill

More on Apparition Hill: (See post dated 10th July)

This information has been contributed by a fellow JTM Crusader.

*About every 200 ft (65 m) there was a brass depiction of each of the Joyful mysteries of the Rosary.

*The whole walkable path on Apparition Hill is in the shape of a giant Rosary when viewed from above.

*The Cross between the 2nd and 3rd Mystery


This was the place of one of Our Lady’s apparitions. That cross is there because on the 3rd day of the apparitions, the following occurred:

On the 26th of June 1981,
On the same day, coming down Podbrdo,Our Lady appeared one more time,
this time however only to Maria saying,
“Peace, peace, peace and only peace.”
Behind her, Maria could see a cross.
After which Our Lady repeated, in tears, the following words,
“Peace must reign between man and God, and between all people!”

*The Permanent Sign on Apparition Hill: (same as Garabandal).

When the visible sign comes, for many it will already be too late:

Vicka, during an interview by Fr. Janko Bubalo:

Janko: “Tell me where the Virgin will give that sign.
Vicka: “On Podbrdo. At the sight of the first apparitions.

Janko: “Will the sign be in the Heavens or on earth?
Vicka: “On earth.

Janko: “Will it appear spontaneously, or will it gradually appear?
Vicka: “Spontaneously.

Janko: “Will everyone be able to see it?
Vicka: “Whoever comes here will.

Janko: “Will the sign be temporary, or will it be permanent?
Vicka: “Permanent.

Janko: “Will the sign be able to be destroyed by anyone?
Vicka: “By no one.

Janko: “You think that or…
Vicka: “The Virgin said so.

Janko: “Do you know exactly what the sign will be?
Vicka: “Exactly!

Janko: “Do you know when the Virgin will make it evident to the rest of us?
Vicka: “I know that also.

Janko: “And why is the Virgin leaving the sign here?
Vicka: “Why to show the people that She is here among us…I’ll just say this: whoever does not believe without a sign will not believe with a sign.

Question: “Do you know when the permanent sign is going to come?
Ivan: “Yes.

Question: “Is it going to be in your lifetime?
Ivan: “Yes.

Question: “When the permanent sign comes, will everybody in the whole world believe because of the sign?
Ivan: “I don’t know.

Question: “What happens to those people who don’t really believe enough right now to convert and want to wait until the permanent sign comes?
Ivan: “For those people, it will be too late. The Blessed Mother says that is why God is giving so much time for these apparitions, so that all may come to conversion.
She wants to make certain that all people have this opportunity.
She can’t help anybody who doesn’t want to change, who doesn’t come back to God, who doesn’t put God first.
If you don’t do this now, it will be too late.”

PADRE LIVIO – So, in essence, the discourse is this: the Madonna urges us to convert, she tells us not to wait for the sign on the mountain in order to convert, and in any event,  «…all the secrets that I have confided will be realized and also the visible sign will be made manifest. When the visible sign comes, for many it will already be too late», (December 23, 1982). What does that mean?
VICKA – The Madonna did not explain why it will be too late and I did not ask, she only said that we are now living in a time of grace.

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Catholic mother of seven children. Crusade prayer warrior in Jesus' Final Mission to save souls.