“… When the First Commandment is broken by My Church on Earth – …the world will witness the worst chastisement since the flood. 


I remember Oct 4th, 2019 very well. It was the Feastday of St Francis of Assisi.

It was also the day there was a consecration ceremony for the Amazonian Synod.

This ceremony was held in the gardens of the Vatican – Sacred Space – where the False Prophet gathered with his cohort of bishops and cardinals as well as some visitors from the Amazon – including a Sharman shaking some rattles, dressed in war paint and feathers. In the middle was a “mandela’ – a pagan circle with 2 images of  the “pachamama” (Earth goddess). I was horrified. Even more horrified when the False Prophet blessed the images, and also accepted the black ring.

The horror movie didn’t end there. They all joined in prayers to this pagan idol. A Franciscan was shown with others bowing low to these idols. It didn’t end there. The idols were placed and carried on a “bier” which seemed to be in mockery of when we carry the Blessed Sacrament in Eucharistic procession – and they carried it into a church. Afterwards, they left the images there to be prayed to and worshipped by the people. How can anyone think that this person organizing all this,  the one who “sits in the Chair of Peter” can ever be a true Pope? They are heretical actions of the highest order. This Pachamama event seemed to be the precursor of the current cv state of the world. You can’t but help connect this to the vision of Pope St Leo XIII!

I believe, it was a blessing sent by God, to give us a little reprieve from this horror, when a very courageous man  (Alexander Tschueggel) and his camera-man grabbed all these idols from the church and threw them into the river Tiber.


Later that month, followers of the  Jesus to Mankind messages and prayer groups, were instructed to pray a “Daily Prayer Campaign” for 6 weeks. The reason was to mitigate effects of Cv .. and what is to come after. We wondered what it was, that would come after. Jesus’ intentions for the prayer campaign were:

  • to mitigate the effects of the Covid 19 Pandemic and all that will follow it.
  • For the Salvation of Souls

For a period of five weeks, beginning Tues. November 10, we were requested to pray for these two specific intentions every 3pm, local time.

The prayers we were to  pray at the minimum were:

  • the 3 O’Clock Prayer,
  • the Divine Mercy Chaplet,
  • as well as the Daily Core Prayers. (these were about 20 in number)

Now we know what “effects” Jesus was referring to – the lock-downs and the loss of freedom to speak, to meet, to worship in our churches; and it seems now the worst is the current situation where our medical status in mandated , where many have suffered horrific adverse events, and where people have lost their jobs and income, because they are following their Christian conscience. There is also the fact that many have only condescended to this mandate because of coercion and trying to feed their families.

It all makes sense. We were told in many messages (detailed in other posts) where Jesus told us to avoid these vc’s as they would spread disease and even kill us. He told us that it would be the worst genocide in history.


It is now all too obvious. But, getting back to the Pachamama story: Jesus gave us an amazing prophecy of what would happen once, we break the First Commandment.


“… When the First Commandment is broken by My Church on Earth – the final bastion of My Father over His children – the world will witness the worst chastisement since the flood. 

Once paganism grips My Church, this will mark the final chapter….”

When God’s children love themselves and preen before Him, He weeps bitter Tears. But, when He is replaced in the hearts of all by paganism and a false god, His Wrath will be unprecedented. …”

See the complete message at: 24 May 2014 @ 9:20pm; Message 1133


God is our loving Father and wants all to be saved. He warns us through prophecies and protects His children as He has always done; but this love also  entails  Justice – and His anger and wrath which is unprecedented.

We have to show and prove our Love and remain faithful to Our Lord and Saviour and to our Loving Father in Heaven. He will guide us. The reward is immense – His New Kingdom of Heaven and Earth, (See Revelation). We also knows who will win this Battle for Souls and what happens to those who have deceived God’s children.


Published by

Remnant Disciple

Traditional Catholic; member of Jesus' Remnant Army; leader of a Jesus to Mankind Prayer group since 2010. Prayer group leader for about 25 years.