“My promise to come and separate the goats from the sheep is about to become a reality”


sheep and goats

The Promise of Jesus’ Resurrection

My new paradise will become the world without end – as foretold

2014.04.17   21:00

My dearly beloved daughter, My resurrection from the dead happened for a reason. It did not take place simply to prove My Divinity to those who did not accept who I was. Up to that time, souls who died could not enter heaven. They had to wait.

But, no sooner had My resurrection taken place, than they were given new life in My kingdom. My resurrection brought eternal life for souls and death, therefore, would no longer have a hold over the human race. My resurrection will be truly evident at My Second Coming, for then all those souls, who died in me and for me, will also be raised from the dead and be given eternal life.

They will rise in body and soul, in perfect union with the will of God and they will live in my new kingdom, when the old earth and the heavens will disappear and a new world will arise.

My new paradise will become the world without end – as foretold. All those who love God and who accept my hand of mercy will enter My Glorious Kingdom. That was the promise I made, when I traded my earthly body in death, to give you all eternal life. Do not forget that what God promises, He will always deliver.  What God foretold to all of His prophets will take place, for He does not say one thing and mean another. When God told John that the world will divide in the latter days and his temple would be destroyed, He did not lie. The reign of those who wish to destroy the Word of God has commenced and the times for all those prophecies, as foretold to Daniel and John, are upon you.

My promise to come and separate the goats from the sheep is about to become a reality. Man will be given every kind of help, through intervention from heaven, and plenty of opportunity to make a final choice. He will either follow me or stay behind.

Your Jesus

“…the time is close for Me to step in and take charge. (…) prepare for My great Mercy.


divine mercy

The most important Event since My Resurrection

19 September 2011 @ 8:15pm; Message 0196

My dearly beloved daughter, it is My intention to bring every man, woman and child into My New Paradise on Earth, for if just one soul is left behind it would break My Heart. This is why the number of messengers I now send into the world has increased. It is so they can spread My Holy Word to encourage conversion.

I do not send messengers to frighten My children. Instead, the role of My messengers is to prepare every person on this Earth, so that they are ready and worthy to live in this New Paradise.

My children, the times you are living in are not pleasant. Law and order have broken down. Greed has meant that your financial stability has been stolen from you. Self-glory and obsession with ambition has meant that your Faith has also been taken away from you.

Like a household where there is no parental control
You, My children, are like as in a household where there is no parental control. Like spoilt children, you are provided with all the material comforts you crave without having to earn them. You are provided with food, which you don’t have to toil for. Everything that dissatisfies you is replaced with yet another novelty, another stimulant. Yet, nothing satisfies for long. Then rows take place among the children, each seeking to control the other to get their own way. Physical warfare can then break out. But no one is in charge and so they hurt each other, sometimes with grave consequences.

This is how I view the world. My children are unhappy, lacking in spiritual comfort, but refuse to be guided by My Church. My Church today cannot control such an unruly population who do not find devotion to Me to be as stimulating as the creature comforts of the flesh.

War is destroying mankind and spiritual decline has created a vacuum in the world, which most of you, by now, feel the effects of in your hearts. Nothing is as it seems. Material glory glitters on the exterior, its light appealing to those starving for comfort, but there is nothing but darkness behind it.

I Am the Light that is missing in your lonely confusing and somewhat frightening lives. This is why the time is close for Me to step in and take charge. You, My children, must welcome this and prepare for My great Mercy.

You must pray for your brothers and sisters and look forward with open arms to welcome My intervention. Be positive. Be hopeful. Be confident that even the most hardened sinners will be relieved at the advent of this Great Event, the most important since My Resurrection.

Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

“Come to Me, children. Let Me take you into My flock, so like a Good Shepherd I can lead you to safety.”


good shepherd

Why do you reject My Warnings to prepare for My Second Coming?

21 February 2012 @ 7:45pm; Message 0347

My dearly beloved daughter, how you suffer in My Name and that of My beloved Father.

You must be strong, as these Messages will provoke outrage in some quarters, although they will inspire and give strength to other souls.

My Holy Word was rejected by learned men, during My Time on Earth.

I was dismissed as a fraud by the priests and those who claimed to be holy men.

Those of you who say that the treatment meted out to Me was barbaric, would be right, that people who lived in those days were uneducated, coarse and wicked, that they were cruel in their treatment of Me, their beloved Saviour.

Some may say that they were ignorant and knew nothing of Holy Scriptures. But this is not true, because those living in the world today, although they are more educated and knowledgeable, are no different.

Those, whom you would expect, fully versed in the Holy Bible, to be alert to the Teachings therein, are blind to the Truth.

For all their understanding of My Father’s Holy Book, they have failed to prepare for the time when I will come again.

When did they think they would be accorded this time?

The time is drawing very close to My Second Coming on Earth.

Yet, mankind has not prepared themselves for My arrival.

Even My sacred servants do not preach of the importance of this Most Glorious Event. Why is this?

Have you learned nothing? What is it that I have to do?

When did you think I might come and why do you think that the time is not near?

What is it that blinds you and blocks your ears to the sound of My Voice?

Drop your cloak of gold, silver and riches and accept that you are nothing, without Me.

Without My Graces, you cannot prepare your souls for My Glorious Return.

My beloved Father always sends prophets to prepare His children. He has been doing this since time began.

Why then do you reject My warnings to prepare for My Second Coming?

I beg you to listen to Me.

I cannot command you to listen, for you have been given the gift of free will.

I can never force you or give you the command to take action. For this is impossible.

My Father will never interfere with your free will.

But He will never hesitate to warn you, guide you and flood your souls with Graces to make you strong.

For those with open hearts He will give them the Gift of the Holy Spirit.

Those guilty of pride, religious snobbery and arrogance, will find it impossible to open their hearts, because they lack the most important quality of all – humility.

Without humility and generosity of heart, you cannot come close to My Sacred Heart.

Come to Me, children. Let Me take you into My flock, so like a Good Shepherd I can lead you to safety.

Your Jesus

Redeemer of Mankind


















“My Tears flow in great torrents at this time as the Holy Word of God is being torn asunder.”


Jesus Wept_250x200

Comment: We are  nearly at the end of Lent. Holy Week is almost upon us, with the betrayal of Jesus by one of His own; His persecution and suffering and His death on the Cross. Jesus still suffers today. He tells us that “the spirit of My Church is drying up so that, soon, it will become but just a desert.” This message is a good one to meditate upon  during this coming Holy Week. We will feel His Pain for the Church more intensely, than we already do. The past 13 years is full of prophecies that have been fulfilled regarding His Bride, the Church. Jesus’ Church is still being decimated, and torn asunder. We see it happening now – deaconesses??

Let us meditate on His Words to us now, especially during Holy Week, but let us also take to heart His Love, His reassurance and Hope. He sees and understands us: “This may be a time of confusion, division, sadness and a longing for those who represent Me on this earth to proclaim the Truth.” How well He knows us and how we suffer for Love of Him. Let us make some room for Him this Lent; let us listen and look forward to the Resurrection.


Never before, since My Crucifixion, has Christianity endured such persecution

06 May 2015 @ 10:31pm; Message 1335

My dearly beloved daughter, My Tears flow in great torrents at this time as the Holy Word of God is being torn asunder.

Love for Me, Jesus Christ, has dissipated and the spirit of My Church is drying up so that, soon, it will become but just a desert. It will be bereft of life and only the true faithful among My Church will keep the Heart of My Love beating steadily, while everything else, which surrounds it, will become dehydrated with every ounce of life sucked from it.
Never before, since My Crucifixion, has Christianity endured such persecution because of contempt against the Word of God.

Famine of Truth

All that is held sacred in My Father’s Heavenly Kingdom is being decimated by man, whose heart no longer feels love for his Creator God the Most High. Those who remain faithful to Him, and who love and cherish Him, will feel His Pain within their hearts like a sword, which pierces and inflicts terrible suffering but which will not kill. For those with true love for God will be unable to separate from Him because they are attached to Him by an umbilical cord, which cannot be severed.

God, through His Mercy, will destroy His enemies who try to steal the souls of those whose names are contained in the Book of Life. My Time is almost upon you.

Never give up hope or despair, when you witness the work of My nemesis and the speed by which his cunning wicked ways are accepted by unsuspecting souls. I Am first most a God of Great Patience and My Mercy will be poured over the human race in abundance amidst the flames of My Love. These flames will instil a renewal of faith in Me by those who have fallen away from Me, just as they will destroy Satan and every demon and fallen angel who hold hostage those souls who belong to Me,but who have separated from Me.

The Warning

My Time will come, but not before the world will see the signs foretold in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Truth. Do not fear Me. Prepare for Me. Reject the false promises made by My enemies. Remain true, always, to My Word. My enemies will have no part in My Kingdom. My beloved faithful, including those who call out to Me, during the Warning, will never die. For theirs is the New Kingdom – My Kingdom – the One promised to Me, the Messiah, the King for all time – a world without end.

This may be a time of confusion, division, sadness and a longing for those who represent Me on this earth to proclaim the Truth. But know this. I Am the Truth. The Truth never dies. My Kingdom is eternal and you, My beloved children, belong to Me. Come. Stay close to Me. I will lead you to your rightful inheritance. Trust in Me. Listen to Me through these Messages – the Book of Truth. It is God’s Gift to you so that you will never forget My Promise to come again to judge the living – those alive on this earth as well as those who died in My Favour.

I will show signs of every kind all over the world now. Those who are blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, will know they have been sent to you by the Command of My beloved Father.

Go in Peace. Listen to Me only through these messages at this time.
I love you all dearly and I have claimed you as Mine. Let no man attempt to steal one single soul from Me, for he will suffer eternal torment for his actions.

Your Jesus

Jesus speaks on Hell, Satan, sexual immorality, ecological catastrophes, and the Hand of God.



Sexual Immorality will lead you to Hell

19 April 2011 @ 11:50pm; Message 0069

My daughter, as the world divides into different divisions – those who live simple and orderly lives, some in wealth and peace, those who are afflicted through poverty and illness or who are victims of war, and those in power – all will witness the very same forthcoming events in wonder.

Many will see ecological catastrophes as the Hand of God. Others will say that they are a sign of the end times; while others will say that it all has to do with global warming. But what is most important now at this time is to understand this. Sin, if it escalates to unprecedented levels, will cause destruction in your orderly lives anyway. But when it intensifies to the current levels experienced and witnessed by all of you in the world today then you can be assured that such catastrophes will be the Hand of God at work.justice_gavel

God the Eternal Father has already responded and acted in this way. Now, as the time approaches to destroy Satan and his followers, further ecological unrest will be unleashed by God, in His Mercy. He will do this to prevent Satan and all his corrupt human puppets, who salivate at the prospects of the riches and glory he promises them through his psychological powers.

Satan instills evil thoughts and actions in souls weak enough to expose themselves to his possessive powers. Such people share common traits. They are self-centered, obsessed with worldly ambitions and wealth and are addicted to sexual deviations and power. All will end up in Hell, if they continue to follow the glorification of the antichrist, who is about to make himself known in the world.

Many innocent people do not believe in Satan, the antichrist, or indeed, in God the Father Almighty. So they turn a blind eye. Yet, they wonder why the very society they live in has collapsed. They don’t understand the frightening speed at the collapse of the traditional family unit. They put this down to the ills of modern society. What they don’t know is that Satan targets the family as a priority. This is because he knows if the family collapses then society too collapses. Many do know this because it is becoming increasingly apparent in the world today.

Then look at sexual immorality. You wonder how horribly society has been infested with this depravity. Yet again, what you don’t realize is that Satan is responsible for every single act of obscene immorality in the world. While those of you, caught up in a world of promiscuity, sexual deviation and abuse of others, will argue that these acts are a source of amusement and in some cases a form of income – you must know they will be your passport to the eternal flames of Hell.


For every depraved sexual act you participate in, so too will your body, even though you will be in spirit, burn as if in the flesh, for eternity. Each part of the human body you abuse through mortal sin will suffer the most pain in the fires of Hell. Why would you want this? Many of you poor, deluded souls don’t realize that you have never been told the Truth, the Truth that there does exist Heaven, Purgatory and Hell.

Many of My well-meaning sacred servants of the Churches have not emphasized these Teachings for a very long time. Shame on them. I cry for their anguish because many of them do not really believe in Hell themselves. So how can they preach about the horror that is Hell? They can’t, because many have opted for the easy answer. “God is ever Merciful. He would never send you to Hell. Would He?

The PF no hellanswer is no – He doesn’t. That is true because He could never turn His back on His children. But the reality is that many, many souls blocked by the mortal sin they have been enticed to commit, become addicted to their sins time and time again, over and over. They are in so much darkness – comfortable within their own immorality – that they continue to choose this darkness even after death. They cannot be saved then. They have chosen this path by their own free will – a Gift from God, which He cannot interfere with. But Satan can. And he does.

heaven hell signpostChoose which life you want, the path of life towards God the Eternal Father to Heaven, or Satan, the deceiver, in the fires of eternal Hell. There is no clearer way of explaining the outcome to you, My children. It is because of My Love and Compassion, that I must teach you the Truth.

This Message is meant to frighten you somewhat, because unless I show you what is in store for them, I would not be revealing My True Love for all of you.

It is time to face up to the future, not only for yourself, but for those friends, family and loved ones whom you influence through your own behavior. Behavior breeds behavior. In the case of an innocent, you could unwittingly be guiding and leading them, also, on the pathway to eternal darkness through ignorance.

Look after your soul. It is a Gift from God. It is all you will take with you into the next world.

Your Saviour
Jesus Christ

Do not listen to exaggerated claims you may hear about the end times

AM+DGThe Father's Love

Do not listen to exaggerated claims you may hear about the end times

8 January 2013 @ 9:00pm; Message 0667
My dearly beloved daughter, when I wish to prepare the world for My Second Coming, I must ask that all of My followers trust in Me, completely. I love you. I will always respond to your prayers, in order to mitigate the evil acts, which are being planned in the world by the enemies of God.

I protect you, My beloved followers. While I could never hide the Truth from you, I must warn you against the inaccurate prophecies, which are being delivered by false prophets in the world at this point in time, and which create terror in the hearts of souls.

The Hand of My Father, as I have told you before, will fall on those wicked people, when they try to take God’s children from the earth before they are fit to enter My Kingdom.

You must never allow fear to destroy hope, or terror to destroy love. Love will destroy evil. Love will increase in the world and be spread because of the Grace of God, in response to the prayers of His children.

Do not listen to exaggerated claims you may hear about the end times. Do not allow such tales, many of which amount to fiction, to upset you or frighten you.

I, Jesus Christ, in My Mercy, will destroy evil, as I will never give up on souls. God is Love. God’s Power is Almighty.

God is Merciful. Never forget that.

Pray, pray, pray, for you must not allow your hearts to be troubled when prayer can mitigate much of the evil in the world. Surrender to Me in love, hope and joy and I will take away all your fears and unnecessary worries.

When you are preparing for a great celebration you will always be joyful and excited. And, although many disruptions and difficult setbacks may occur before the great day, all will be forgotten when the sun rises at dawn on the much anticipated day.

This is how you must look upon My Second Coming. While the evil you will witness in the lead up will frighten and disgust you, it will be short lived, for soon it will have all been forgotten.

Be at peace. Never lose hope in My Great Mercy. I will never forsake those who love Me.

Your Jesus

 “My mercy will be shown to you in great torrents but after that you will choose your own destiny. “


sheep and goats

I can reveal only so much to you before I separate the sheep from the goats.

11 February 2015 @ 3:16pm; Message 1326

My dearly beloved daughter, so many spat in My Face, cursed Me and denied Me during my time on earth and they continue to do so to this day.

Every gift, which was given to humanity through seers, visionaries and prophets from God was rejected by the majority. Soon, the flame of Truth will be difficult for man to find, though they may seek it out. My enemies will rejoice and celebrate as My witnesses on earth are knocked to the ground and trampled upon. Oh how ungrateful are the cold hearts of men, and how little love they have for Me.

My punishment is imminent and I will separate those, whose love for Me remains alive, from the souls who reject Me. My intervention will be swift and woe to the man who curses Me, for I will cut him off from the bosom of My Sacred Heart, and he will be left walking amongst the beasts who roam the earth seeking out the souls they crave so that they can destroy them.

Today your Lord has spoken and today is the day when the changes, as foretold, will commence. My mercy will be shown to you in great torrents but after that you will choose your own destiny. Those who have allowed hatred to fester in their souls will reject Me outright. Those with lukewarm souls will not have the graces to remain true to Me and they, too, will reject Me.

I have given you the Word, the Truth, and many have cursed Me because of it. There is only so much that I can give you before the Great Day. Now, take what I have given you and remember every Word, for My time is near and I can reveal only so much to you before I separate the sheep from the goats.

Those of you who curse Me shall be cursed. Those who believe in Me will have Eternal Life. Suffer in My Name and I will exalt you in My Kingdom to come.

The day of the First Resurrection is coming and those who

won’t accept Me will be cast away for eternity. My anger is great at this time and if you were to witness the dull grey and darkened souls of those with lukewarm hearts it would cause you to weep. Sadly, the majority of souls are in darkness and were you to see this you would die of shock such is the state of the souls of humanity.

Your Jesus

Many believe Hell to be, merely, a Place from Folklore



Many believe Hell to be, merely, a Place from Folklore

11 February 2013 @ 12:30pm; Message 0702

My dearly beloved daughter, My Heart’s desire is to save those people, who commit terrible sin, from the torture of Hell.

 For every mortal sin committed, the pain of fire will tear the soul apart as if it were made of flesh. The cries of anguish and terror, from such souls, as they are pulled into the depths of Hell, break My Sacred Heart.

My Heart is cut and the terrible pain I feel is because of these poor souls. Many people alive on earth, at this time, are in terrible danger. This, because so many believe that mortal sin is merely a minor fault and as a result, justify it. And, then, they continue on a path of self-destruction.  Unless they can see what grave errors they are making, they will suffer damnation, where they will burn in agony, for eternity.

So few people believe in the existence of Hell. Many believe Hell to be, merely, a place from folklore. So many do not believe that God would allow such a place to exist, and that all sins, no matter how bad, are forgiven. I blame this on the errors made by those sacred servants, who, over the decades, succumbed to the pressures of a secular world. This deception has meant the loss of billions and billions of souls. And, while it is too late for these souls, there is still time for those who are marked with the stain of mortal sin, today, to be salvaged.

You must pray that these people can be protected from the evil allure of Satan, who rejoices at the prospect of their fate. My Light will and can only be poured over them when they open their eyes to the truth of sin. Although they torment Me with their wickedness, there is not one among them who does not feel discomfort, or despair, because of their sins.  While many know the cause of such unrest, they will do nothing about it, as they continue to condone and justify their sins. Some do this because they are surrounded with the darkness of lies, which are embedded in their culture. Such lies promote the acceptance of sin.

Help Me to save them with this Litany

Jesus to Mankind Litany Prayer (5) For the Salvation of Those in Mortal Sin

Jesus, save all sinners from the fires of Hell. Forgive blackened souls. Help them to see You. Lift them out of darkness. Open their eyes. Open their hearts. Show them the Truth. Save them. Help them to listen. Rid them of pride, lust and envy. Protect them from evil. Hear their pleas for help. Grasp their hands. Pull them towards You. Save them from the deception of Satan. Amen.

 Help them, My followers, by asking Me, daily, to forgive them, for the terrible insults they fling upon Me.

Your Jesus

Prophecies and Warnings from Heaven




Today we celebrate the feastday of Our Lady of Lourdes.

Our Lady told Bernadette “I am the Immaculate Conception”. Later, at Fatima she announced that her Immaculate Heart would triumph”. We are reminded of the role that she plays in our Redemption. Much of what she has foretold  here as well as La Salette and Quito has come to pass. We can see that these prophecies were for our times today – we can see the sinfulness, the heresies, the blasphemies, the scandals in the Church hierarchy, taking place before our eyes. Our Blessed Mother – Mother of the Church, Help of Christians, Mediatrix of all Graces and Advocate, and Mother of Salvation – has been trying to warn us. God has sent us His own Mother. Jesus Himself, in the Book of Truth message on  (19 February 2011 @ 3:00pm) told us of the importance of the prophecies He entrusted to His Mother: Prophecies – La Salette, Fatima and Garabandal now unfold: “All of the prophecies given to the blessed visionaries at La Salette, Fatima and Garabandal, will now unfold for all to see. For all the thousands of believers who know and accept these prophecies, know that now, I your Saviour, call on you all to pray for the souls of all mankind. …”


Our Lady at Fatima showed the children Hell and all it entails. Today we have seen may bishops (ncluding the one at the top) deny this teaching. In the message in Book of truth on  11th Feb. 2013, reminded us of Jesus’ teaching  about the existence of Hell. He told us “So few people believe in the existence of Hell. Many believe Hell to be, merely, a place from folklore. So many do not believe that God would allow such a place to exist, and that all sins, no matter how bad, are forgiven. I blame this on the errors made by those sacred servants, who, over the decades, succumbed to the pressures of a secular world. “

The Schism has also been foretold, and the “Warning”.  A most important prophecy (3rd Secret of Fatima) and also St Francis of Assisi and Bl. Catherine Emmerich is that of the present situation in the Vatican. On Feb. 11th, 2012, Jesus told usMy poor Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict XVI will be ousted from the Holy See of Rome”. This was fulfilled exactly a year to the day 12 months later. te that Jesus says he ‘will be ousted’ – very different from ‘resignation”

Concerning all these deceits, Jesus said: “You may ask: Why should these events present such difficulties? You will then wonder why I allow these things to happen. Surely Jesus, in His Mercy, would not present such obstacles? Well, I must permit them, because it will be through these challenges that the final battle between My Eternal Father and the evil one can take place. Without a final confrontation, he, Satan, cannot be thrown, finally, into the abyss of Eternal Hell.”         (19 February 2011 @ 3:00pm)

Many times (in the Book of Truth), Jesus appeals to his “sacred servants” for their help.



How The Warning is a gift to Mankind

02 January 2011 @ 9:45pm; Message 0037

My beloved daughter, when people hear these Messages, they will question them, challenge them and pull them apart. More than that, they will pour scorn on them and ask the question: Why do these Messages not speak more of joy and happiness? Why are they frightening? Surely this approach to communicating to the world would not come from Jesus Christ? Surely Jesus Christ preaches love not terror?

My answer to these charges is simple. It is because I love all of you that I now show you My Mercy through these Messages. I come first as Saviour for all, to free you, so that everyone can benefit from salvation. My death on the Cross was to give you a second chance to enter My Father’s Kingdom.

This time I come back as a Just Judge. You are all now, through My Love for you, being shown Mercy by Me, first. This Mercy takes the form of an advance Warning to help you get your lives back in order before I return on Judgement Day. Out of My Compassion for each and every one of you, I now give you the final chance to open your hearts and live your lives in the way you are meant to.

Joy on Earth cannot be compared to Joy in Heaven

Turn your back on sin, repent and bring prayer back into your lives. It is out of Mercy that I must warn you of the Truth. The joy that you believe is missing from My Messages is due to the fact that mankind has turned its back on true joy. The joy felt in Heaven cannot be compared to the so-called joy you experience on Earth. Joy on Earth, which comes from true love, will be pure. Joy that comes from worldly goods is meaningless.

My children, the joy I should feel from watching you is short lived, unfortunately, because of what I witness on the Earth today. All that you hold dear springs from worldly possessions, or through the acknowledgement from others who praise you. Little time is devoted to preparing yourselves for the next life.

The Warning is a Gift

My Mercy is being brought to you as a Gift. Accept it. Relish it. Reach out to Me, all of you. I Am your life raft in a fiery sea that is full of unexpected currents and eruptions. Save yourselves now, or face being sucked into a current of such magnitude that should you decide, at the last minute, to accept a lift into the raft, you will not have the strength to climb in.

The Purification in the world continues

I Am weary, children. No matter how much I attempt to communicate, many of you still turn a deaf ear. Even My priests do not heed My call when I wish to reveal My Mercy. As the Purification in the world continues and increases in velocity, now is the time to call Me children.

Earthquakes and other global disasters

Never fear the storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanoes and heat waves, which will descend on the world to help stop the antichrist and his army. My followers will be safe in the knowledge of that which awaits them in the New Paradise, which will result when Heaven and Earth infuse as one. These things must happen. They cannot be stopped as they have been foretold. These events, however, My children, will be short lived.

You, My believers, will be rewarded for your faith and endurance, in the face of huge opposition. The joy, then, My children, will be hard to fathom. Those of the Light will be enveloped with the Glory and Love that awaits you. Those in the dark will not be able to stand the Light. You may wish to do so, but it will hurt you so much that you will have to hide. But there is nowhere to go except the den of darkness, which is headed up by the king of darkness himself – the evil one. Is this what you want?

How Satan works through people

Do you understand the terror that the deceiver represents? Do you not realise that he lurks behind every single act of selfishness, greed and love-of-self? While you live what you believe to be your exciting, fun-filled and busy life, spending, eating, vanity dressing and constant search for the next entertainment, you are blissfully unaware of what is behind your actions.

That secret voice, which you cannot hear, but feel – when you feel an urge to act, which coaxes you to seek, seek and seek more fun, thrills, and excitement, comes from the evil one. No matter that your actions, cause you to smile, laugh and clap your hands with excitement. It is of little weight. These strong desires are designed to help you seek constant self-gratification. What good is that? Does it make you feel good when it is over? Of course it doesn’t. When you stop and ask yourself, what if I could no longer do these things – what then? Would it matter? At first, yes, perhaps it would be frustrating, but it is only when you are left with nothing that you will need to focus only on keeping yourself alive.

Food will become more important than fun-filled material goods. Then when you run out of food and go hungry, you will realise that none of those former attractions matter. This is the purification that will now take place quickly in the world. Through this purification, a form of cleansing, you will become whole again. Then and only then will you be ready to accept the Truth.

How Satan leaves you feeling empty

My children, you do not see Satan at work. You cannot see him, yet he spends all his time trying to steal you from Me. He causes you terrible pain, children. All the temptations he puts your way use the worldly appeal of money, beauty, possessions and talent, which are devoured by you because of greed and desire. You believe that when you have amassed all these things that you feel complete. Sadly, this is not true. This is the lie that Satan uses to entrap. When those of you who have reached such lofty heights of wealth, find that, for whatever reason, you have lost it all, then be thankful. For it is only when you come naked of worldly possessions that you can truly allow Me into your heart.

Message to the wealthy

For those of you with wealth – I do not condemn you. Because you have material comforts, this does not mean you are not following the right path. But you do have a responsibility to share and look after those less fortunate than yourselves. This is your duty. It is not the wealth or material comforts that are wrong. It’s not the joy and laughter that you experience when enjoying life that is wrong. It’s when it becomes an obsession and when your desire for luxury living takes precedence over your own faith and the welfare of others, that makes this an offence in My Father’s Eyes.Your wealth, homes, clothes and possessions are like clouds passing through the sky.

They are there one minute and gone the next.

You cannot take them with you into the next life. It is your soul that will go with you. Look after your soul, show love to one another and those who cause you anguish in this life. Follow My Teachings. Ask for My Mercy. Only then will you join Me in the New Earth that is Paradise. Do not forfeit your inheritance and your place in My Father’s Kingdom.

Your beloved Jesus Christ







“These brave souls …will fight to preserve My Most Holy Sacraments. … feed My flock during the persecution.”


St Felix pope on error

Just as the blind cannot see, there will be those amongst the Church in Rome who can see, but who will refuse to acknowledge the Truth

20 March 2013 @ 7:15pm; Message 0736

My dearly beloved daughter, My Crucifixion is being relived all over again and each part is connected to the time in the lead up to My Second Coming.

crpss and crown of thornsNow that My Body – My Church – has endured the scourging, for so many years, because of the spirit of evil, the Crowning of Thorns is now being inflicted on the leadership within My Church.

When the third thorn pierced My Right Eye, I could no longer see through It. Only through My other Eye could I see the terrible pain, which was experienced by My Mother. Now that the Crown of Thorns pierces the Head of My Church in Rome, only one-half will bear witness to the Truth of the prophecies foretold. The other half will be blinded and will fail to see the damage, which is to be meted out upon every part of My Body – My Church – in every nation in the world.

maistream mediaJust as the blind cannot see, there will be those amongst the Church in Rome who can see, but who will refuse to acknowledge the Truth. So painful will the Truth be, that it will be easier for these sacred servants of Mine to take the easy path. Cowards, they will choose the path of desecration rather than take up their cross for Me.

call to priestsThen there will be those who love Me and this division will not deter them in the plan to help Me salvage souls from certain death. These brave souls, filled with the grace of the Spirit of Fire, will fight to preserve My Most Holy Sacraments. These are the clergy who will feed My flock during the persecution. Every grace will be granted to such pure souls and they will, in turn, lead My remnant army, to the gates of the New Heaven and the New Earth.

God's Word swordIt takes great courage to accept the Word of God’s prophets. It is never easy to hear the Words of the prophets, whose Words cut to their heart of souls, like a double-edged sword. Their warnings are painful to hear, but sweet because of the fruits they yield, for when the Word of God is given as a Gift, it offers salvation.  Grasp My Holy Word, as It is your lifeline. You, My beloved followers, are protected by the Seal of the Living God and so you must never fear.

Your enemies will scold you, insult you, and may persecute you, but it will be I, Jesus Christ, Who will walk with you. You, My chosen few, who respond to My Call, through your suffering, will redeem much of humanity, in My Eyes.

I bless you. I give you peace and strength, so that you can follow Me without fear in your hearts.

Your Jesus