Paganism prophecies fulfilled: “Soon Christians will become like pagans”- Part 3


See Part 2 at:

“Soon Christians will become like pagans”- Part 3


 “They will shout, praise false gods, destroy the souls of the vulnerable and blaspheme against Me. These are the souls who anger Me the most, because they are very convincing and cause great confusion. They will be like magnets as they draw many Christians away from Me.”

      • Headline: “Multi-faith committee set up to spread Pope Francis’ claim that God wills ‘diversity of religions’
      • “Hell does not exist – what exists is the disappearance of sinful souls,” the Pope allegedly said. “They are not punished, those who repent obtain the forgiveness of God and go among the ranks of the souls who contemplate him. But those who do not repent, and therefore cannot be forgiven, disappear.”
      • In previous interviews with the famous Italian atheist, the Pope is supposed to have told Scalfari not to convert, said that “Communists think like Christians,” and that “there is no Catholic God.” In an interview in 2015, Scalfari reported the Pope allegedly making a similar statement to today, that “there is no punishment” for an unrepentant soul, “but the annihilation of that soul.”

      • After another interview Scalfari wrote in La Repubblica: “Anyone who has had the good fortune to meet with him and speak with him in utmost confidence – as I have done several times – knows that Pope Francis conceives of Christ as Jesus of Nazareth: a man, not an incarnate god. Once incarnate, Jesus ceases to be a god and become a man, until his death on the cross.” Scalfari claims that when he put this idea to Francis, he replied:Jesus of Nazareth, once he became a man, although he was a man of exceptional virtue, was not a god at all.”
      • Of the Holy Spirit – ‘Pope Francis’ says: The Paraclete (the Holy Spirit) creates all the differences among the Churches, almost as if he were an Apostle of Babel.‘   (MARCH 15, 2013, VATICAN )
      • Of Jesus Christ – ‘Pope Francis’ Says:
        And it’s fine (the Cross) but not just as a badge, as if it were a team, the badge of a team; but rather as the memory of the man (Jesus) who made himself sin, who made himself the devil, the serpent, for us; he debased himself up to the point of totally annihilating himself.‘    (APRIL 4, 2017 – L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO)
      • Of the Most Holy Trinity – ‘Pope Francis’ jokes:
        Inside the Holy Trinity they’re all arguing behind closed doors, but on the outside they give the picture of unity.‘   (MARCH 25, 2017 – CRUX)
      • Of God the Father– ‘Pope Francis’ says:
        God cannot be God without man… Let us also think of the Father, of our Father who cannot be without us, and who is watching us at this moment.‘     (JUNE 7, 2017 – ROME REPORTS/VIDEO)
      • Of the Blessed Virgin Mary – ‘Pope Francis’ says:
        She was silent, but in her heart, how many things she told the Lord! ‘You, that day, this and the other that we read, you had told me that he would be great, you had told me that you would have given him the throne of David, his forefather, that he would have reigned forever and now I see him there!’ Our Lady was human! And perhaps she even had the desire to say: ‘Lies! I was deceived!(DECEMBER 20, 2013 – VATICAN RADIO)  
      • (See details at: “
      • ‘Pope Francis’ said that Jesus “had to beg forgiveness of his parents and that the Virgin Mary reproached Christ. (when lost in the temple)
      • ‘Pope Francis’ taught that the miracle of Jesus multiplying the bread and fish was really a miracle of sharing.

“My enemies will blind My people to the Truth and soon Christians will become like pagans.

      • The Pan-Amazonian document, titled Instumentum Laboris, (is)peppered with radical political ideas cloaked in religious verbiage and lovingly promoted as “ecotheology.” Among the many strange document proposals are:

In paragraph #98 c) 3, “training centers” in the Amazon where “The teaching of pan-Amazonian indigenous theology is requested in all educational institutions.”

In paragraph #98 b) 1. “…it is suggested to integrate indigenous theology and ecotheology that prepares them for listening and open dialogue where evangelization takes place.”

In paragraph #98 d) 1:  “It is requested to deepen an existing Amazonian Indian theology, which will allow a better and greater understanding of indigenous spirituality to avoid committing the historical errors that ran over many original cultures.”

The document exalts the Amazonians’ desire to “live in harmony with nature, in dialogue with spirits.” (#75)

      • On Oct. 4th 2019, there was a pagan ceremony held in the garden of the Vatican, in the presence of Pope Francis and bishops . Those there included an Amazonian “sharman” conducting the ceremony. It involved pagan statues of Pachamama’ (Mother Earth). These statues were blessed by Pope Francis; then later worshipped  (people bowing down to the ground) – these latter included a Franciscan friar.
      • The statues were later enshrined in a nearby church
      • The statues were used in a ‘Way of the Cross’ ceremony during the Amazonian synod.
      • The final Mass for the synod involved a pagan ritual bowl (with plants and earth which possibly had blood mixed with it, according to pagan rites as was described) which was then placed on the altar during the Mass.
      • Prayers and devotions were offered each day after the synod to these idols where they were enshrined in a church dedicated to Our Lady in Traspontina. Thankfully, a young man responded by taking these statues out of the church and throwing them into the River Tiber.See:

“…blind My people to the Truth…”

      • Bergoglio (aka pope francis) has a very cunning way of doing this.  He came out immediately and forcefully after the Pachamamas were thrown in the Tiber to state “As a bishop of the diocese, I ask forgiveness from the persons who were offended by this,”
      • He has not apologised to the Catholics & Christians of the world for the fact that these pagan icons were on Vatican soil in the first place, much less bowed down to and worshipped there.
      • He has repeatedly had interviews with Scalfari, where he would make claims such as “hell does not exist”:

That Jesus was not Divine whilst on earth and his other heresies and blasphemies. (see examples in examples given for the previous prophecy . He has never denied these claims, yet the Vatican insists that these interviews were not written down, so they are not his exact words. A very clever tactic!


I will be thrown out into the gutter like a pauper and the doors of My Church will be slammed in My Face. And when I knock at the door it will be bolted from the inside by those who claim to come from Me”.

      • The Encyclical “Laudato Si” hardly mentions God. It is all about the environment. When it was promoted, it was shown as a light show on the outside walls of the Vatican, showing images of pagan gods and goddesses. This was done on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
      • FP/PF said “To bow down with compassionate love before the weak and needy is part of the authentic spirit of religion…” yet this same man does not genuflect before Jesus in the tabernacle.
      • FP/PF also said: “It’s not right to convince someone of your faith … proselytism is the strongest venom,” .Is that to say that  promoting our Faith in Jesus and evangelising is “venom”??
      • Luther was promoted on a Vatican postage stamp – at the foot of the Cross (replacing Our Lady and St. John the Apostle). In the image, Luther holds a Bible, and Melanchthon (one of the founders of Lutheranism) holds a copy of the Augsburg Confession, the primary confession of faith for the Lutheran church. His statue was also placed outside the Vatican.




A man posing in the Cathedral after his performance: wearing a skull on his belt, the crosses hang like trophies on his shirtless chest as he claims his applause and revels in his moment of infamy, during an LGTBi ‘celebration’ fundraiser event approved by the local Cardinal.
      • “Tomorrow’s event in St. Stephen’s Cathedral is the third time Vienna’s Cardinal Archbishop has allowed the pro-LGBT “LIFE+” association to use the church as a venue for the World AIDS Day charity concert that will take place on Sat. Nov. 30.

The event last year, which Cardinal Schönborn attended, featured a shirtless actor known for playing homosexual roles standing on the altar rail, loud rock and electronic music, and actors dressed as demons. “ ( )

Cardinal Schonborn (second from right) stands beside Gery Keszler (right) along with performers at 2018 pro-LGBT concert in Vienna Cathedral, Vienna Austria.

In Conclusion:

Key phrases from these prophecies that stand out to me include:“destroy the souls of the vulnerable”and “My enemies will blind My people to the Truth.

This is exactly what has happened in all the various ways described above.

There are three classes of peoople I can immediately think of that have been ensnared by the enemies of the Church

      • Those who are tempted with same sex attraction or in SS relationships who are not encouraged or corrected but instead affirmed in their sin.
      • Children who see or are fed lies (about the teachings  already mentioned) including the grieving little boy who was led to believe that his aetheist dad may not be in hell (because God is all loving and his dad was ‘good’.)
      • And lastly, the divorced, separated or abandoned spouses – or simply unmarried- or invalidly re-married- who are all very vulnerable are led to believe their marriages are “more real” than some which have been sanctified and are encouraged to think that they do not have to change and that they do not have to definitively renounce their sinful states.
      • Lastly the ignorant who have not been well catechised or pagans who are being left uncatechised who are being led into error. All these groups are all vulnerable; all having their souls unknowingly blackened and shackled to destruction.

This angers God the MOST, according to the message and this is being fulfilled daily by the actions and words of the Masonic group masquerading as Catholic priests and the liberalists buying in to their agenda.

“And he said to his disciples: It is impossible that scandals should not come: but woe to him through whom they come. [2] It were better for him, that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should scandalize one of these little ones.” (Luke 17:1-2)

(This article was a joint effort between Remnant Survivor and Remnantchild ofMary)


Prophecies fulfilled:” Soon Christians will become like pagans” Part 2


“Soon Christians will become like pagans”- Part 2

See Part 1 at:


“Soon, voices, which will promote paganism, will be heard in houses, which honour Me, and they will desecrate My Altars.”

These voices include that of the FP/PF himself as well as:

  • The Catholic-Muslim Interfaith Council;
  • The LGBTQ lobby which has become very powerful, and one of their chief advocates – that of Jesuit, Fr James Martin.
  • “fraternal delegates” from Anglican and Protestant churches in South America
  • 12 “special guests,” most of whom are internationally recognized experts on climate, food security or indigenous rights. The guests include Ban Ki-moon, former U.N. secretary-general, and Carlos Afonso Nobre, a Brazilian expert on climate change and the Amazon and co-winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. Jeffrey D. Sachs of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University in New York also will participate.
  • The pope has also honored abortionists Emma Bonino and Lilliane Ploumen for their work.

  • Headline: “Pope Francis proposes adding ‘ecological sin’ against ‘common home’ to catechism”  …In his 2016 message for the celebration of World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, Pope Francis called on Catholics to go to confession for sins of not being respectful of creation, giving examples of examination of conscience such as “avoiding the use of plastic and paper,” “separating refuse” and “turning off unnecessary lights.” … He called on Catholics to have an “ecological conversion.” … the Pope published a book titled Our Mother Earth,” a collection of his addresses, messages, and homilies where he stresses the protection of the environment.


  • Voices of religious extremists and terrorists desecrating churches and the eucharist:

Headline: “Eucharist desecrated, statues smashed in series of French church attacks” See:

Voices of LGBTQ Lobby:


“Voices, which come from the spirit of evil, will be seen as exciting interpretations of people’s aspirations who seek fulfilment in their lives. …

  • The work of this papacy has been exactly this – to use the aspirations of people who want fulfilment in their lives, such as the divorced who remarry outside church guidelines and who (supposedly) want to be able to receive the sacraments; the people of same- gender attraction, who still want to be Catholic and receive the Sacraments; the denial of Hell, (as well as many more heresies). These people then feel so empowered – they have a church with the pope and bishops condoning their sins and changing the teachings accordingly. These people have also been victims of this great deceit and been led astray. And it was the bishops and the FP/PF who are at the core of this deceit, sprouting it wherever they can be heard, garnering favour from the masses and from the one who sits in the chair of Peter who then rewards them for their favour.

The “voices” such as those of: Card, Kasper, Cupich, Archbishop Charles Chaput, the bishops of Malta and the Argentine bishops who issued guidelines for implementation of Amoris Laetitia.… (and let’s not forget the one at the top.) As well as these, there are many other voices joining in:


  • Abp. Mark Mark Coleridge who has said he will bless same-sex couples .

Headline: “Brisbane Archdiocese Promotes Blessings for Gay Couples”

A “rite of blessing” for same-sex couples and for the divorced and remarried was proposed at the conclusion of Brisbane Assembly 2019. “ (


  • The Archbishop’s ( Coleridge)advent letter: 2016 The challenge now is not to abandon the faith in favour of the facts, but to create a new engagement of the faith with the culture of which we’re part as the logic of the Incarnation demands….”


  • Jesuit priest, Fr. Martin’s LGBT ministry and advocacy:

Over the years, Fr. Martin has made numerous remarks that indicate open hostility towards, and deep opposition to, unchangeable doctrine on matters related to men, women, and sexuality. Bishops need to stop allowing him to spread his un-Christ-like message in their dioceses. Below is an extensive list of things he has said or done. For instance, Fr. Martin…

Wants active homosexuals to be “invited into parish ministries” like eucharistic ministers.

Once claimed “some” saints were “probably gay.”

Told a gay Catholic journalist that he hopes that during the exchange of peace at mass “you will be able to kiss your partner or soon to be your husband. Why not? What’s the terrible thing?”

Wants the Catechism’s use of the term “intrinsically disordered” scrapped. He believes it is “needlessly hurtful” to homosexuals and thinks “differently ordered” is preferable because it is more “pastoral.”

Has said a Catholic attending a same-sex “wedding” is just as acceptable as a Catholic attending a Jewish wedding.

Received an award from a pro-homosexual group for his “lasting contributions to the safety and/or equality of people who are LGBTQ, their families, and allies.”

Thinks the Church should recognize the “special gifts” homosexuals bring to the Church because of their sexual attractions.

Claims the Bible has been taken out of “context” in its condemnation of homosexual acts.

Urged homosexual priests to “come out” as “LGBT” in order to facilitate “dialogue” with bishops.

Praised the “fidelity” of a “married” transgender couple and wondered what the Church can “learn” from them.

Was given the “Bridge Building Award” at the 2016 gathering of the pro-gay New Ways Ministry, a dissident group censure by the Vatican and the U.S. Bishops Conference


  • Headline: “Pope appoints cardinals with ties to UN, gay activists to help draft Amazon Synod”:

“Pope Francis has added his own nominations to the group who will draft the final report of the Pan-Amazonian Synod.  The four men named as the pontiff’s own choices are Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, the aristocratic Archbishop of Vienna, Austria; Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, the Argentinian chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences; Archbishop Edmundo Ponciano Valenzuela Mallid of Paraguay; and the Italian Fr. Rossano Sala….”

Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, 77 –  A firm believer in climate change, he advocated that Catholics have no more than one or two children. Sánchez Sorondo has stated that the scientific theories expounded in Francis’ Laudato Si’ are part of the pontifical Magisterium. The Pontifical Academy of Sciences, which Sorondo heads, has come under fire in recent years for hosting pro-abortion, pro-population control speakers with ties to the United Nations.

Fr. Rossano Sala, 49, was nominated by Pope Francis as a Special Secretary for the Synod of Bishops on Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment in 2018. He wrote his dissertations for both his Licentiate and PhD degree under the guidance of Monsignor Pierangelo Sequeri, now the President of the gutted John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences. The topic of Sala’s doctoral dissertation was “The Human Possible: Explorations out of Modernity.”


  Prophecies being fulfilled: “Soon Christians will become like pagans”- Part 1


“Soon Christians will become like pagans”- Part 1

See Introduction at:

 “You must be on your guard, for the voices of false spiritualism, which do not come from God, but which will be felt in different parts of the world. “

  • False Spirituality: Ecological Spirituality

This is meant to make us mindful of our stewardship of Creation. We adore and pay homage to our Creator , not creation itself. We sin against God and His infinite goodness, not against creation itself. FP/PF referred to “sins against creation”. This is false spiritualism.Was the  “Season of Creation” a cunning lead up to the homage to “Mother Earth”? It was a lead up to the synod.

In the recent Amazonian synod, the FP/PF took part in many ceremonies, where he, with bishops and others present, paid homage to ”Mother Earth.This is blatant paganism.


  • False spirituality: Adopting pagan practices into Catholic rituals and practices

Headline: “Amazonian woman who led Vatican tree-planting ceremony reveals its pagan significance “

  • False spirituality: Humanism

On 13th Sept, 2019, the FP/PF, while visiting UN headquarters, announced that he is hosting an initiative for a “Global Pact” to create a new humanism.

Jesus Himself, in the Book of Truth has explained to us what Humanism entails. The extracts of messages below, explain very clearly why it is a “false spiritualism”

      1. They will use the message of humanism, love of one another, in terms of your ability to look after the poor, uneducated and needy, as a substitute for the Truth you were given in the Gospels.November 9th, 2013 @ 11:48
      2. Humanism is an affront to God because it focuses on man’s needs and not the need to repent of sin before the Creator of all that is. If you ignore the mortal sins, clearly defined in the Laws laid down by God, which lead to eternal damnation, then no amount of compassion for the civil rights of the human race will atone for those sins.” – December 25th, 2014 @ 15:10

The Fp/Pf has throughout his pontificate focussed on the needs of the “poor”. The “poor” to PF/FP include the Amazonian Indians, (who pay homage to “Pachamama” and who still practise infanticide) who, we have been told, can teach us about spirituality. The divorced and remarried “poor” who, up until Amoris Laetitia, were unable to be one with the Church and receive the Sacraments. The “poor” include The LGBTQ people (who want to continue to live their sinful lifestyle) and be accepted by the Church.

  • False Spirituality: Nihilism

The F/PF has said, through his favourite journalist  Scalfari, on more than one occasion, that there is no hell, and that wicked souls who cannot go to heaven are annihilated and cease to exist. It is heresy, and a false teaching. This teaching is, once again, ”a substitute for the Truth you were given in the Gospels”. In other words, you don’t have to worry about going to hell, because there isn’t any such  place.


“The influence of evil spirits will be seen in wars of terrorism, where sweet voices promoting misguided ideologies will try to justify the wicked atrocities they carry out in the Name of God.”

Islam terrorism and ideology:

  • “…the last of Mosul’s 60,000 Christians were entirely displaced, killed or trafficked at the hands of ISIS.”

“An Attack on Christians: The Islamic State’s attack on Christianity is neither coincidental nor tertiary, nor does it represent a part of ISIS’ plan. It is at the very heart of their plan.

Take, for instance, the fact that the videos of their beheading and execution of Ethiopian and Egyptian Christians were entitled “A Message in Blood Written to the Nation of the Cross,” and the front page of the ISIS magazine in October featured a picture of St. Peter’s Square with an ISIS flag superimposed atop the obelisk that adorns the center of that iconic heart of Christianity.

In every major address or written communication given by the founder of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, he has declared their intention to march “all the way to Rome,” and along the way, he has promised to “break the crosses” of the Christians and to “trade and sell their women.”

  • Islam’s justification in name of God: (a few examples from the Quran):Quran (4:76)“Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Taghut (Satan, etc.). So fight you against the friends of Shaitan (Satan)” The Arabic for the word “fight” is from qital, meaning physical combat. 


  • Terrorism in India and Hindu religious-nationalist ideology

Besides the violence of Islamic extremism, there are also major violent trends in Hindu extremism that have largely been ignored in the United States. These attacks involved careful planning by organized Hindu extremists with an explicit program and a developed religious-nationalist ideology.

The brutal violence visited on Muslims in Gujarat in February 2002 also brought the dangers of Hindu extremism to world attention. Between one and two thousand Muslims were massacred by Hindus after Muslims reportedly set fire to a train carrying Hindu nationalists, killing several dozen people.

  • Research for Open Doors’ World Watch List shows that in 2018, more than 12,000 Christians were attacked. The increase in persecution is a direct result of Hindu nationalism—essentially, the belief that India must be a Hindu nation, and any other religion is not Indian. Christianity, as a result, has been a key target of this new nationalism 


Read Part 2 in our next post. 





Multiple Prophecies Fulfilled: “The warnings about these days …”


“Soon Christians will become like pagans”- Introduction

I found, whilst posting a series of messages that mention “Paganism” – that not only the message as a whole has been fulfilled, but many of the finer details, (which the Book of Truth so aptly describes and has warned us against) have also been fulfilled in the process.

One such message is entitled:  “Soon Christians will become like pagans” (18 November 2014 @ 12:18 pm) There are many more incidents and events, which can probably be referenced but these I will detail a few that come to mind.

The Book of Truth is just that. God knows that we need to know and understand the Truth, and the things that we have been warned against in the Book of Revelation. In the Biblical Book of Daniel, God said that the details would be closed until the time of the end.

God keeps his promises. These are the End Times. The book is now being revealed to us.

 Daniel 10:21: … “but first I will tell you what is written in the Book of Truth.”

Daniel 12:9: “Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end.

The Book of Truth is often denounced, and not acknowledged, notwithstanding the fact that everything which eminent theologians and learned people are trying to discern is all in there. (e.g. The resignation of Pope Benedict and the situation-foretold a year in advance, the “False Prophet” sitting on the chair of Peter; how he would be approved and applauded by the world, how he would prioritise humanism, how he would introduce Paganism into the church, etc.)

What really amazes me is this footnote (which I found in my NAB Bible:- revised Edition) published by World Catholic Press Bible :

The Scripture: Daniel 10:21

“but I shall tell you what is written in the book of truth. No one supports me against these- except Michael, your prince.”

The Footnote in the NAB Bible –

Daniel  “[10:21] The book of truth: a heavenly book in which future events are already recorded; cf. 7:10; 12:1.”)

(The imprimatur is 1986. The last revision is 2010. I don’t know how far back this footnote goes.)

The last paragraph of the message (mentioned at the beginning of this post) says:

“I have warned you of these days and they will soon be upon you. Again I say to you, My Word is Sacrosanct. These are the final messages from Heaven and are given to a world that is indifferent to Me as it is ungrateful.”


The message: *(Asterisks denote the prophecies that have been/are being fulfilled)

Soon Christians will become like pagans

18 November 2014 @ 12:18 pm

Soon Christians will become like pagans.

My dearly beloved daughter, My Voice is the only voice you will hear, in the four corners of the earth, as I prepare humanity for the great assault. You may hear many voices from the mouths of false visionaries and prophets but none will cut through your souls like the flame of the Holy Spirit.

*You must be on your guard, for the voices of false spiritualism, which do not come from God, but which will be felt in different parts of the world. 

*The influence of evil spirits will be seen in wars of terrorism, where sweet voices promoting misguided ideologies will try to justify the wicked atrocities they carry out in the Name of God.




*Soon, voices which will promote paganism, will be heard in houses, which honour Me, and they will desecrate My Altars.

*Voices, which come from the spirit of evil, will be seen as exciting interpretations of people’s aspirations who seek fulfilment in their lives.

*They will shout, praise false gods, destroy the souls of the vulnerable and blaspheme against Me. These are the souls who anger Me the most, because they are very convincing and cause great confusion. They will be like magnets as they draw many Christians away from Me.

*My enemies will blind My people to the Truth and soon Christians will become like pagans.  I will be thrown out into the gutter like a pauper and the doors of My Church will be slammed in My Face. And when I knock at the door it will be bolted from the inside by those who claim to come from Me.

I have warned you of these days and they will soon be upon you. Again I say to you, My Word is Sacrosanct. These are the final messages from Heaven and are given to a world that is indifferent to Me as it is ungrateful.

Wake up and face the Truth.  There is only one Master. You cannot remain loyal to Me if you serve more than one master.

Your Jesus


Read our next post for these prophecies and how they are being fulfilled- 

“Soon Christians will become like pagans”- Part 1



Paganism in the Church – is it our own doing?


In presenting the series of messages about paganism prophesied for the New One World Church, I missed a very important message. It had details which I do not remember reading. Of course I had read it. I never missed one message when it came on line. But there was so much to take in – most of it we had no idea about. Looking back we can see it all and how it all fits.

The message relates to Vatican II and the changes which followed. I was in my late teens, so I remember it all. We just took it all for granted and thought that our bishops knew what they were doing. We trusted them and we trusted the pope.

The prayers after Mass were instituted by Pope Leo XIII after a terrible and frightening  vision he had. After this vision he wrote the St Michael’s prayer – both a long version – and the short version we are all familiar with. After Vatican II, when they took away these Leonine prayers after Mass for Russia so that it does not spread its errors, we thought that it was because we didn’t want to offend the Russians – (Communism, Cold War, etc —  the whole world was on edge). In doing so, the 3 Hail Marys, the Hail Holy Queen and the Prayer to St Michael were removed. We didn’t think too much about it.

It has only become evident in recent times the danger this put us in.

Now, being Crusaders, we all know about the Book of Truth:

Daniel 10: 20-21

Do you know,” he asked, “why I have come to you? Soon I must fight the prince of Persia again. When I leave, the prince of Greece will come;  but I shall tell you what is written in the book of truth. No one supports me against these except Michael, your prince.

My daughter pointed out the significance of this statement, especially when she read this next message (that I will print below). The enemy knew why Pope Leo XIII had us all saying this prayer worldwide after every Mass. It was for our protection. The enemy had to get rid of the St Michael’s prayer – it would hold them back.

The message (below)  connects Vatican II, Freemasonry in the Vatican, the changes introduced after Vatican II and the removal of the Leonine prayers after Mass to what is happening today – to paganism in the Church. Imagine if every Catholic Church all over the world had been still saying these prayers after Mass for the last 50 years!

Jesus tells us the collapse of the church was deliberately planned to “To destroy the homage of ordinary Catholics to the One True God.”

The False Prophet was not very affected when everyone jumped up and down against the paganism that occurred recently. He did not seem affected or worried. That’s because it was planned from the very beginning – from Vatican II.

This next message is strong. It seems to be for priests, but it applies to many of us as regards the Eucharist. “They cunningly presented new ways to administer My Holy Eucharist which are insulting to Me.”  Some who read it will be in denial about this last statement, but Jesus is very sad.

Many are doing reparation- personally, in parishes, etc because we were all so shocked at the paganism that was openly displayed before, during and after the Amazonian Synod.


Many Popes have been prisoners

3 May 2012 @ 6:19pm

“My dearly beloved daughter, to My churches through the world I say this. Know that I will always be with you at your side as long as you proclaim My Most Holy Word.

To My Catholic Church, even though you caused torment as a result of evil sin know that I will never forsake you, although you have sinned. But know this.

Your faith in Me is not as strong as it should be. You do not love Me as you once did.

All the wealth you accumulated, put a distance between Me, your Christ and Saviour, and God’s ordinary children.

You scaled such lofty heights that I could not reach up to you and offer you My hand to salvage you from the rot within your core.

You were taught the truth by My Peter upon whose rock you were built. And what did you do?

You built thick stone walls around you.

This caused a lack of communication with those whom you needed to feed with My Body and Blood so that their souls could be nourished.

The respect required of you in administering My Most Holy Eucharist was lost when you demeaned My Presence.

When Vatican II declared new rules they were introduced by those evil Masonic forces from within your corridors.

They cunningly presented new ways to administer My Holy Eucharist which are insulting to Me.

Your so called tolerant teachings proclaimed a series of lies including the refusal to acknowledge the power of St Michael the Archangel.

He is the protector of the Church against Satan. Those forces among you knew this. This is why you stopped all prayers requesting his help before Me at the Holy Mass.

Then you perpetrated the biggest untruth that Hell was not to be feared. That it was just a metaphor. For this lie, accepted as the truth by many of God’s children, has meant the loss of billions of souls.

How you offend Me. For those humble and sacred servants among you I ask that you go back to My Teachings.

Never allow riches to accumulate amongst you and think that they are acceptable in My eyes.

Riches, gold and power accumulated in My Name will be your downfall. You cannot profit from My Holy Word.

You have suffered because of the way you have offended Me.

Never think that I am blaming the many Holy Popes who have sat in the seat of Peter. Their mission has always been protected.

Many Popes have been prisoners in the Holy See surrounded by Masonic groups who do not represent God.

They hate God and have spent fifty years spreading untruths about the Mercy of God.

Their works have led to the collapse of the Catholic Church.

This was not an accident. It was deliberately and cunningly plotted in order to destroy the faith of the Church. To destroy the homage of ordinary Catholics to the One True God.

For this you will now be cast aside into the wildernessAfter Pope Benedict, you will be led by Me, from the Heavens.

Oh how you have made Me weep.

I call on all of My sacred servants who know the truth to stand up and follow Me, your Jesus, to spread the truth of My Teachings in humble servitude. You must find the courage and the strength to rise from the ashes.

Above all, reject the lies which will shortly be presented to you by the False Prophet.

He will merge the Catholic Church with other churches, including pagan churches, to become one abomination, a one world church without a soul.

Your Jesus”


Our Lady of Good Success (*Quito):

“…In this supreme moment of need of the Church, the one who should speak will fall silent.”

Let’s not be one of those who remain silent

We have to be strong now. Take action, Pray more. Do more reparation .

Let’s not sit back in complacency any longer. We have to do what ever we can.

God is on our side. Who can be against us?

Paganism: Book of Truth – 6th Dec. 2014


Paganism and its dangers

Should you embrace new age practices you deny Me

6 December 2014 @ 2:20pm

“My dearly beloved daughter, how is it that those who do not accept My Existence, or the Divinity of My Eternal Father, are so willing to embrace false gods all of their own making?

When My Presence is felt by souls who reject My Existence, they feel a need to retaliate without compunction. They will scoff, ridicule, mock My Presence, whether this be in My Church, in books; in the Word or when I am present in other souls. The presence of God is omnipotent and it is felt in the most painful way by those souls who are in darkness. This is why they react with such venom to any mention of Me. These people have a deep ingrained hatred of Me and they fail to see how they can hate someone who, in their eyes, does not exist.

I warn those who embrace false spirituality and who idolize or obsess about anything that does not come from Me. If you open your souls to any spiritual realm, not of My making, you will open the door to demons, who will cunningly entice you into their dark world. Whatever peace you believe you receive from new age practices will be short-lived. And as you seek more, you will then enter into a state where your conscience will be taken over by those enemies of God, until you are unable to release yourself from their domain.  You will never find peace when you idolize false gods.

The world is infiltrated with false doctrines, gods and religions. There is only one True God and you can only come to Him by recognising the Great Sacrifice He made when He sent Me, His only begotten Son, to bring you salvation from the snares of the evil one.

To those who do know Me, but who dabble in other doctrines, know this. Should you embrace new age practices, you deny Me.  Should My Church acknowledge other creeds, that are not of Me, then they betray Me.

The time when My Birth is celebrated, by showing allegiance to other religions, that are not of Me, will be one of the greatest betrayals of the Truth.

Your Jesus”

Final post in this series of 30

See Special post on Paganism tomorrow.




Paganism: Book of Truth – 18 Nov. 2014


Soon Christians will become like pagans.

18 November 2014 @ 12:18 pm

Soon Christians will become like pagans.

My dearly beloved daughter, My Voice is the only voice you will hear, in the four corners of the earth, as I prepare humanity for the great assault. You may hear many voices from the mouths of false visionaries and prophets but none will cut through your souls like the flame of the Holy Spirit.

You must be on your guard, for the voices of false spiritualism, which do not come from God, but which will be felt in different parts of the world.  The influence of evil spirits will be seen in wars of terrorism, where sweet voices promoting misguided ideologies will try to justify the wicked atrocities they carry out in the Name of God.

Soon, voices, which will promote paganism, will be heard in houses, which honour Me, and they will desecrate My Altars. Voices, which come from the spirit of evil, will be seen as exciting interpretations of people’s aspirations who seek fulfilment in their lives. They will shout, praise false gods, destroy the souls of the vulnerable and blaspheme against Me. These are the souls who anger Me the most, because they are very convincing and cause great confusion. They will be like magnets as they draw many Christians away from Me.

My enemies will blind My people to the Truth and soon Christians will become like pagans. I will be thrown out into the gutter like a pauper and the doors of My Church will be slammed in My Face. And when I knock at the door it will be bolted from the inside by those who claim to come from Me.

I have warned you of these days and they will soon be upon you. Again I say to you, My Word is Sacrosanct. These are the final messages from Heaven and are given to a world that is indifferent to Me as it is ungrateful.

Wake up and face the Truth.  There is only one Master. You cannot remain loyal to Me if you serve more than one master.

Your Jesus

Post no. 29 in a series of 30

Paganism: Book of Truth – 15 Nov. 2014


Pagans, who shun the Truth, will enter My House

15 November 2014 @ 10:22 am

My dearly beloved daughter, let it be known that anyone who rejects the Book of Revelation denies the Word of God. The Truth is contained therein and should any man take away from it, deny the prophecies foretold, or add to them in any way, he will be cast into the wilderness.

The Truth leads you to salvation, and the path towards the New Paradise leads to Me.   It is only through Me, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man that salvation will be given to man.  I Am the Way and the Light.  It is only through Me and your acceptance of Who I Am, will you be able to see the Light of God.  There is no other way.  Follow any other path you choose, but none will lead you to God.

If you are for Me you must honour your brother and sister through love, kindness and patience.  You must not judge others because of their religious beliefs.  You must love them as I love them. This does not mean that you should embrace their beliefs, or show reverence for them, because if you do then you deny Me. You cannot serve two masters.  You must never insult Me by showing allegiance to false gods placed before Me.

The day you pay homage to false gods under My Roof will be the day I will storm My Temple and destroy all within it.  How lukewarm is the faith of some of My servants who strive to impress the populace and seek adulation.  How little respect is shown to Me in My Own House, when everything that I gave you is tossed aside with indifference until, eventually, nothing of Me will remain within My Church.

You, My beloved followers and sacred servants who remain true to the Word will have a heavy burden. You will have to suffer the pain and indignity when you will witness the sacrileges, the heresies and practices of the occult. While many of these violations of My Sacred Body will be cleverly concealed, those with true discernment will be shocked, but powerless, when these things happen.  Such will the deceit be, which will reverberate from every crevice, that it would take an army of two thousand men to stop these imposters from doing harm.

These impostors are led by those who do not come from Me.  They have infiltrated My Body, through devious means, and it will have taken a long time before they finally, and completely, seize My Church.  Soon their actions will be seen for what they are by those blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.

Pagans, who shun the Truth, will enter My House where they will be welcomed with open armsYou will be told that you must show love for all God’s children, to keep silent those who might oppose themVery few people will defend Me, Jesus Christ, and those who will dare to object to these blasphemous ceremonies, which will be held on the same altars used to house My Most Holy Eucharist, will be silenced.

My enemies may seize My House but not My Church because all Christians throughout the world make up My Church.  The faithful, consisting of those who will refuse to deny the Word of God, and who will never accept any tampering of the Holy Word of God, will maintain My Church on earth Nothing will prevail against it.

Your Jesus”

Post no. 28 in a series of 30

Paganism: Book of Truth – 1st Nov. 2014


Nothing can come from nothing

1 November 2014 @ 1:35pm

My dearly beloved daughter, beware of those who deny the Divinity of My Father.  He, and only He, created the world – all came from Him. Nothing can come from nothing. All that is, and will be, comes from My Eternal Father.

The Word cannot be broken and if, and when, it is do not accept anything that is contrary to the Truth.  You live in a time when all evidence of the existence of God, and everything He created, will be denied.  Everything that He holds dear will be destroyed.  His creation is being torn asunder by those who deny Him.  Life, which comes from Him, is being destroyed and the Truth, which He gave His children through His Holy Book, containing the Old and the New Testaments, is now being questioned.  Soon, much of what the Word says will be deemed to be untrue.

How little you love He who is your Eternal Father and how little you value your own destiny, for the path you choose is carefully selected to suit only your own arrogance and self-gratification.  The man who is obsessed with his own intellect, knowledge and vanity will continue to try to find a path to God, but by his own making. This will lead him astray and he will end up living a lie. When you wander through this life in search of the meaning of your existence, you will never find it unless you accept the Truth of Creation.

God, My Eternal Father, created you. Until you accept this you will continue to idolize false gods and your paganism will bring you to your knees in despair.  The time has come when you will accept anything that proves My Father does not exist.

Paganism and its dangers

You were given the Truth. Accept it. Let me lead you by the hand to My Father so that I can bring you Eternal Salvation.  Anything other than the Truth will lead you on the road to hell.

Your Jesus

Post no. 27 in a series of 30


Paganism: Book of Truth – 28th Oct. 2014


God the Father: Without Me you could not exist

28 October 2014 @ 8:20pm

My dearest daughter, My children must know that there is only one God. Only one.  Any other exists only in the minds of man. Any other god is an abomination in My Eyes and the man who succumbs to worshipping false gods, serves only the devil, who delights in man’s fall from grace.

I Am the Beginning and the End. Nothing can prevail against Me. Even the demons and fallen angels, which I cast into the abyss, will never stand before Me and challenge Me, for they are without such power.

So many religions have been founded by fallible man, and this has caused much confusion.  From the beginning I spoke with One Voice and, until the end, there can only be One Voice. The world is Mine for I created it.  I created every living thing. I also created My Heavenly Hierarchy from which I threw out those angels who defied and betrayed MeMany of these fallen angels communicate with My children who have created a new age form of spiritualism. I warn those of you who adore false gods, through the pursuit of such practices. Such spiritualism will expose your souls to evil spirits whose only desire is to destroy your souls.

These false angels are demons, disguised as living spirits of the light, and they will seduce you into believing falsities.  Every lie about My Heavenly Hierarchy will be fed to you so that you will place all your needs before satan and evil spirits. All they do is savage your souls like wild beasts and then leave you empty and bereft of any love.  At first, when you give yourself over to such idolatry, you will be given a false sense of peace.  Demons can give such powers but they are short-lived. For once they gain access to your souls, they will torment you and goad you into demonic acts.

I Am all that was in the Beginning and I Am the End. All begins and ends with Me.  When you place false gods before Me, and do this because of your selfish desire to seek pleasure, power and control of your destiny, you are guilty of breaking My First Commandment.

Without Me you could not exist. Without Me you have no future. Without My Son you cannot come to Me.  Reject My only beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the True Messiah, and you reject Me.

The Truth was first given to the world when paganism was rife. The Truth was given to the world with the birth of My Son and generations were converted. The Truth is being given again to the world now, as the great apostasy strangles the souls of those who believe in My Son, and at a time when paganism is rife again. Just as it was in the beginning when I was rejected by ungrateful men so, too, will it be in the end, when men’s hearts will turn to stone and their souls, will be given away freely to the devil. Then, the world as you know it, will be no more as the New Heaven and the New Earth merge as one. Finally, peace will reign again and I will unite those who choose to come with Me.

Your beloved Father
God the Most High

Post no. 26 in a series of 30