Paganism prophecies fulfilled: “Soon Christians will become like pagans”- Part 3


See Part 2 at:

“Soon Christians will become like pagans”- Part 3


 “They will shout, praise false gods, destroy the souls of the vulnerable and blaspheme against Me. These are the souls who anger Me the most, because they are very convincing and cause great confusion. They will be like magnets as they draw many Christians away from Me.”

      • Headline: “Multi-faith committee set up to spread Pope Francis’ claim that God wills ‘diversity of religions’
      • “Hell does not exist – what exists is the disappearance of sinful souls,” the Pope allegedly said. “They are not punished, those who repent obtain the forgiveness of God and go among the ranks of the souls who contemplate him. But those who do not repent, and therefore cannot be forgiven, disappear.”
      • In previous interviews with the famous Italian atheist, the Pope is supposed to have told Scalfari not to convert, said that “Communists think like Christians,” and that “there is no Catholic God.” In an interview in 2015, Scalfari reported the Pope allegedly making a similar statement to today, that “there is no punishment” for an unrepentant soul, “but the annihilation of that soul.”

      • After another interview Scalfari wrote in La Repubblica: “Anyone who has had the good fortune to meet with him and speak with him in utmost confidence – as I have done several times – knows that Pope Francis conceives of Christ as Jesus of Nazareth: a man, not an incarnate god. Once incarnate, Jesus ceases to be a god and become a man, until his death on the cross.” Scalfari claims that when he put this idea to Francis, he replied:Jesus of Nazareth, once he became a man, although he was a man of exceptional virtue, was not a god at all.”
      • Of the Holy Spirit – ‘Pope Francis’ says: The Paraclete (the Holy Spirit) creates all the differences among the Churches, almost as if he were an Apostle of Babel.‘   (MARCH 15, 2013, VATICAN )
      • Of Jesus Christ – ‘Pope Francis’ Says:
        And it’s fine (the Cross) but not just as a badge, as if it were a team, the badge of a team; but rather as the memory of the man (Jesus) who made himself sin, who made himself the devil, the serpent, for us; he debased himself up to the point of totally annihilating himself.‘    (APRIL 4, 2017 – L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO)
      • Of the Most Holy Trinity – ‘Pope Francis’ jokes:
        Inside the Holy Trinity they’re all arguing behind closed doors, but on the outside they give the picture of unity.‘   (MARCH 25, 2017 – CRUX)
      • Of God the Father– ‘Pope Francis’ says:
        God cannot be God without man… Let us also think of the Father, of our Father who cannot be without us, and who is watching us at this moment.‘     (JUNE 7, 2017 – ROME REPORTS/VIDEO)
      • Of the Blessed Virgin Mary – ‘Pope Francis’ says:
        She was silent, but in her heart, how many things she told the Lord! ‘You, that day, this and the other that we read, you had told me that he would be great, you had told me that you would have given him the throne of David, his forefather, that he would have reigned forever and now I see him there!’ Our Lady was human! And perhaps she even had the desire to say: ‘Lies! I was deceived!(DECEMBER 20, 2013 – VATICAN RADIO)  
      • (See details at: “
      • ‘Pope Francis’ said that Jesus “had to beg forgiveness of his parents and that the Virgin Mary reproached Christ. (when lost in the temple)
      • ‘Pope Francis’ taught that the miracle of Jesus multiplying the bread and fish was really a miracle of sharing.

“My enemies will blind My people to the Truth and soon Christians will become like pagans.

      • The Pan-Amazonian document, titled Instumentum Laboris, (is)peppered with radical political ideas cloaked in religious verbiage and lovingly promoted as “ecotheology.” Among the many strange document proposals are:

In paragraph #98 c) 3, “training centers” in the Amazon where “The teaching of pan-Amazonian indigenous theology is requested in all educational institutions.”

In paragraph #98 b) 1. “…it is suggested to integrate indigenous theology and ecotheology that prepares them for listening and open dialogue where evangelization takes place.”

In paragraph #98 d) 1:  “It is requested to deepen an existing Amazonian Indian theology, which will allow a better and greater understanding of indigenous spirituality to avoid committing the historical errors that ran over many original cultures.”

The document exalts the Amazonians’ desire to “live in harmony with nature, in dialogue with spirits.” (#75)

      • On Oct. 4th 2019, there was a pagan ceremony held in the garden of the Vatican, in the presence of Pope Francis and bishops . Those there included an Amazonian “sharman” conducting the ceremony. It involved pagan statues of Pachamama’ (Mother Earth). These statues were blessed by Pope Francis; then later worshipped  (people bowing down to the ground) – these latter included a Franciscan friar.
      • The statues were later enshrined in a nearby church
      • The statues were used in a ‘Way of the Cross’ ceremony during the Amazonian synod.
      • The final Mass for the synod involved a pagan ritual bowl (with plants and earth which possibly had blood mixed with it, according to pagan rites as was described) which was then placed on the altar during the Mass.
      • Prayers and devotions were offered each day after the synod to these idols where they were enshrined in a church dedicated to Our Lady in Traspontina. Thankfully, a young man responded by taking these statues out of the church and throwing them into the River Tiber.See:

“…blind My people to the Truth…”

      • Bergoglio (aka pope francis) has a very cunning way of doing this.  He came out immediately and forcefully after the Pachamamas were thrown in the Tiber to state “As a bishop of the diocese, I ask forgiveness from the persons who were offended by this,”
      • He has not apologised to the Catholics & Christians of the world for the fact that these pagan icons were on Vatican soil in the first place, much less bowed down to and worshipped there.
      • He has repeatedly had interviews with Scalfari, where he would make claims such as “hell does not exist”:

That Jesus was not Divine whilst on earth and his other heresies and blasphemies. (see examples in examples given for the previous prophecy . He has never denied these claims, yet the Vatican insists that these interviews were not written down, so they are not his exact words. A very clever tactic!


I will be thrown out into the gutter like a pauper and the doors of My Church will be slammed in My Face. And when I knock at the door it will be bolted from the inside by those who claim to come from Me”.

      • The Encyclical “Laudato Si” hardly mentions God. It is all about the environment. When it was promoted, it was shown as a light show on the outside walls of the Vatican, showing images of pagan gods and goddesses. This was done on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
      • FP/PF said “To bow down with compassionate love before the weak and needy is part of the authentic spirit of religion…” yet this same man does not genuflect before Jesus in the tabernacle.
      • FP/PF also said: “It’s not right to convince someone of your faith … proselytism is the strongest venom,” .Is that to say that  promoting our Faith in Jesus and evangelising is “venom”??
      • Luther was promoted on a Vatican postage stamp – at the foot of the Cross (replacing Our Lady and St. John the Apostle). In the image, Luther holds a Bible, and Melanchthon (one of the founders of Lutheranism) holds a copy of the Augsburg Confession, the primary confession of faith for the Lutheran church. His statue was also placed outside the Vatican.




A man posing in the Cathedral after his performance: wearing a skull on his belt, the crosses hang like trophies on his shirtless chest as he claims his applause and revels in his moment of infamy, during an LGTBi ‘celebration’ fundraiser event approved by the local Cardinal.
      • “Tomorrow’s event in St. Stephen’s Cathedral is the third time Vienna’s Cardinal Archbishop has allowed the pro-LGBT “LIFE+” association to use the church as a venue for the World AIDS Day charity concert that will take place on Sat. Nov. 30.

The event last year, which Cardinal Schönborn attended, featured a shirtless actor known for playing homosexual roles standing on the altar rail, loud rock and electronic music, and actors dressed as demons. “ ( )

Cardinal Schonborn (second from right) stands beside Gery Keszler (right) along with performers at 2018 pro-LGBT concert in Vienna Cathedral, Vienna Austria.

In Conclusion:

Key phrases from these prophecies that stand out to me include:“destroy the souls of the vulnerable”and “My enemies will blind My people to the Truth.

This is exactly what has happened in all the various ways described above.

There are three classes of peoople I can immediately think of that have been ensnared by the enemies of the Church

      • Those who are tempted with same sex attraction or in SS relationships who are not encouraged or corrected but instead affirmed in their sin.
      • Children who see or are fed lies (about the teachings  already mentioned) including the grieving little boy who was led to believe that his aetheist dad may not be in hell (because God is all loving and his dad was ‘good’.)
      • And lastly, the divorced, separated or abandoned spouses – or simply unmarried- or invalidly re-married- who are all very vulnerable are led to believe their marriages are “more real” than some which have been sanctified and are encouraged to think that they do not have to change and that they do not have to definitively renounce their sinful states.
      • Lastly the ignorant who have not been well catechised or pagans who are being left uncatechised who are being led into error. All these groups are all vulnerable; all having their souls unknowingly blackened and shackled to destruction.

This angers God the MOST, according to the message and this is being fulfilled daily by the actions and words of the Masonic group masquerading as Catholic priests and the liberalists buying in to their agenda.

“And he said to his disciples: It is impossible that scandals should not come: but woe to him through whom they come. [2] It were better for him, that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should scandalize one of these little ones.” (Luke 17:1-2)

(This article was a joint effort between Remnant Survivor and Remnantchild ofMary)