All about Crusade Prayer Groups – messages from Jesus


  •  23 Oct 2011”I wish  to form an army of prayer groups”

My dearly beloved daughter, it must be known that I wish to form an army of Prayer Groups around the world. I will provide you, My army, with Prayers that will need to be recited to save souls. These Prayer Groups will expand and within its ranks will rise a veritable army of devoted followers to bring forth the Truth of My Divine Promise of Salvation for all. 

These Groups will form the army as dictated by My beloved Father, which will tackle the darkness of evil caused by Satan and his believers and followers….”

  • These prayers were written in Heaven and promise extraordinary Graces.” (11 Nov. 2012)  
  • I will provide you, My army, with Prayers that will need to be recited to save souls.” (23 Oct. 2011)
  • “My beloved daughter, please ask My children to recite these Prayers from now until The Warning. My followers are requested to recite these Prayers, which I will give you every day to save souls.” (17 Nov. 2011)
  • “To help you with this task, I have assigned a number of saints to help you. They include Saint Benedict, Saint Augustine, Pope John Paul II, Saint Faustina, Saint Malachi and Saint Theresa of Avila. I will reveal others in time. All are working now to support your task, which is one of the most important ever given to mankind at this crucial time in history. ” (7 February, 2011)  and also

All the saints are still walking with you, but you don’t know it. You must call on St. Benedict, St. Joseph, St. John the Evangelist, St. Augustine and Michael the Archangel to give you the support you will need.” (11 May, 2011)

  • Bible: I urge My followers to remind people of the importance of reading the Holy Bible, the Word set out, according to the Will of My Father.” (23 January, 2013)
  • Book of Truth: Only these messages can reveal the secrets of times to come and offer the blessings needed by all of God’s children up to the last day…(18 June , 2012)


What else is required:

Patience, silent prayer daily, the formation of prayer groups, daily recital of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, fasting and the Holy Rosary to My beloved Mother, combined, act as the perfect formula for saving souls. (10 Aug 2011)

Why we must be obedient to Jesus:

You, My disciples, are under My direction (11 Nov 2012)

“It is because you are protected by My Father, and guided by Me directly, that you will succeed” (11 Nov.2012).

You must work closely, in love and harmony, and keep in touch with My daughter, Maria. I have instructed her to assist, where possible, in guiding you. I have sent her a group of people who will co-ordinate these groups in different regions in the world. You must each focus on your own region and link with each other.  Maria will be instructed, by Me, as to how I need them to be managed and the format I desire.

I will bless each Prayer Group, when they agree to My Direction.”(17 January 2013)

“I thank those who have followed My instructions and show obedience.” (11 Nov 2012)


Organizational points:

  • Prayer Books to be used(17 January, 2013)
  • Break the Crusade Prayers into parts, “so that you can focus on special intentions’. (7 March, 2013)
  • “There is no need to recite all prayers together although I urge that you do recite as many as possible during any one week.(7 March, 2013)


Problems in our prayer Groups:

 “…To My followers, you must prepare now for the terrible trials, which you will have to face because of your response to My call. Everything will be done to cause disruption to your Prayer Groups…”

Do not allow differences of opinion to halt this Work. This is a time when Satan will try to drive a wedge between you all (January 17, 2013 )

Other Messages for Crusade Prayers Groups:

  •  3rd Sept. 2012:  “…I call on all of you to set up centres where you can to ensure that My Messages are spread in whatever way you can.

Prayer is an important part of such centres because when you set up prayer groups you will strengthen the power of My army.

I will increase conversion as more prayer groups are established in My Holy Name.  Call these prayer groups Jesus to Mankind and leave the rest to Me.

My Holy Spirit will cover you in such groups and guide you every step of the way. I will give you further instructions soon.

Be at peace. I am happy that you, My beloved disciples have responded to My Call with such love and trust.

  • On 23rd Jan 2013:

I will mitigate much of the suffering foretold, through the power of My Crusade Prayer Groups

My dearly beloved daughter, I desire to instruct My Crusade Prayer Groups to be vigilant when setting up in their nations. They must keep Holy Water close by, have a Crucifix of Me present and recite this special Crusade Prayer to Bless and Protect your Crusade Prayer Group.

Crusade Prayer (96) to Bless and Protect our Crusade Prayer Group

…     Please recite this prayer before and after every prayer meeting.

I must also instruct you, My beloved disciples, to ensure that prayer forms the basis for every prayer meeting. I do not wish you to contemplate negativity or create fear amongst yourselves, because all I bring is Love and Mercy.

My Messages are full of hope and I will mitigate much of the suffering foretold, through the power of My Crusade Prayer Groups. The purpose of this Mission is to save souls. It has never been about anything else. My Messages are given to enlighten you, to alert you to the dangers, which affect your faith, and to prepare you for My New Paradise.

Go now, in Peace. I will cover each Crusade Prayer Group with My Abundance of Graces, including  the Gift of Discernment.

Your Jesus