Why Talk About Science? (On Science and Faith)


Mark Mallett, on his blog, reflects on why a Catholic/Christian site would focus on science. In actual fact, it has everything to do with our Faith – with subversive tactics, lies, fear and in fact persecution of our Faith and its beliefs.

Bro. Alexis Bugnolo, on his “FromRome” blog also deals with the issues relating to this “pandemic” with various opinions from doctors and scientists supplying us with information.

This is a spiritual fight: the Forces of Darkness against the Light of Christ’s Church.  These are the End Times , we know the final result because our dear Lord and God, who loves us so much, has sent us many people, over hundreds of years, to warn us. We haven’t listened, but in the end we know the wonderful victory that He has in store for us.



Shortly before he was elected pope, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger preached the homily at the pre-conclave Mass and warned against the rise of ‘a dictatorship of relativism’.

Cardinal Pell reaffirmed this at speech to the National Press Club of Australia shortly after the election of Pope Benedict. Pell voices his objections to relativism, in society and applied in school as a principle of knowledge and learning. Read it here: https://newlearningonline.com/new-learning/chapter-7/george-pell-on-the-dictatorship-of-relativism

Read Mark Mallet’s article here:

Source: Why Talk About Science?