Jesus’ Warnings and Protection


Jesus to Mankind Crusade Prayer meeting on Thurs.8th July, 2021

(Due to lock-down, we could only meet through technology. Sadly this meant that at least 4 could not join us.)

Prayer Theme: Protection (Groups A & C).

Bible: Luke 1: 37

Book of Truth:  16th June 2012

Thoughts: The Bible reading tells us much about protection in these times. It speaks of Mary who brings Our Lord to Elizabeth, who greets Mary in an exclamation inspired by the Holy Spirit, that acknowledges the blessedness of her womb. This Presence amongst them is reiterated by St John the Baptist who “leaped for joy” in Elizabeth’s womb.

This tells us that it is through Mary and Jesus that we will be protected; that the Holy Spirit will guide us, but first we have to have Faith and believe. “Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.”

The Book of Truth reading reminds us of God’s protection in the messages from Jesus. More specifically, in this message of 9 years ago,  Jesus warned us of what was to come, and some of which we are experiencing today. There is still much more to come. Jesus gave us a prayer for us to say to ask our Heavenly Father, to “Avert One World Control.”


Bible Reading:

Luke 1: 39 – 45

Mary Visits Elizabeth.

39 During those days Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah,
40 where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth.
41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the holy Spirit,
42 cried out in a loud voice and said, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.
43 And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
44 For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy.
45 Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.”

Reading from the Book of Truth

Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world.

17 June 2012 @ 8:15pm; Message 0461

My dearly beloved daughter, the plans of the Masonic groups to take over the world currencies are getting close to completion.

Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world to cause suffering on a scale never seen before.

Avoid any such sudden global vaccination announced for it will kill you.

Their evil schemes would shock all those innocent souls who have no idea how powerful they are.

Driven by a lust for power, wealth and a desire to be godlike in all they do, they believe they are invincible.

They control banks, governments and are responsible for causing terror in the Middle East.

They control much of the world’s media and the truth of their wickedness is hidden behind so called humanitarian organisations.

Sadly very few of God’s children know of their plans.

Know that the hand of My Father will fall so suddenly and swiftly on those nations who protect such evil leaders.

They will be struck with tsunamis and earthquakes of such a magnitude that they will be wiped out.

Those who believe that they are so powerful will see fire falling from the skies just before My Second Coming.

The seas will become lakes of fire and they will find it hard to hide from the hand of punishment poured out upon those wicked souls who will refuse My Cup.

Defiant up to the end they will fight My Eternal Father and the power of the Heavens.

Siding with the antichrist, from the groups from which he evolves, they will realise the error of their ways when it is too late for them.

Many of these groups, including leaders of banks, governments, heads of large businesses all of them interlinked, and working together to make paupers out of ordinary people, will convert after The Warning. So this is good.

The time for me to separate those souls who love me from those who side with the evil one is not far away.

Be warned. There will only be so much time in which to convert. The souls most in need of My Mercy belong to these wicked groups who have no respect for the laws of God.

You must pray that they will see the Truth.

You must pray that they stop inflicting hardships through the terrible laws they mean to bring about.

You must pray to stop the genocide they plan, worse than what Hitler did in World War II.

This group, the largest in number since their formation in the middle ages, are Satan’s army.  They will be led by the antichrist. They have been planning to bring about their control of banks for decades.

They have been planning the introduction of the Mark of the Beast, a chip which every man and woman will be forced to have implanted in their bodies to access food, for fifteen years.* (this refers to the PAST 15 years in which this has been planned)

Now that the time has come for them to unveil their New World Currency know that prayer, and much of it, can help mitigate much of their plan. Here is a prayer to avert One World Control.

Crusade Prayer (61) Avert One World Control

O Dear Heavenly Father, in memory of the Crucifixion of your Beloved Son Jesus Christ, I beg you to protect us, Your children, from the Crucifixion being planned to destroy your children by the Antichrist and his followers. Give us the graces we need to refuse the mark of the beast and Bestow upon us the help we need to fight the evil in the world spread by those who follow the way of Satan. We beseech you, Dear Father, to protect all of your children In these terrible times and make us strong enough to stand us And proclaim your Holy Word at all times. Amen

My daughter, I am saddened to have to reveal these things. My followers need to understand what is happening.

Those who do not believe in these messages will be in no doubt, when the antichrist presents himself  as I have foretold.

You must unite in groups around the world in prayer,

The more of My followers who do this the stronger will the presence be of the Holy Spirit and the weaker then will be the army of Satan.

Try not to be fearful for such a persecution can be faced fearlessly.

Once you prepare well by following My instructions and keeping in daily prayer the time will be swift.

Trust in Me always.

Remember I died for your sins. It is only fitting that you allow Me to lead you in this time towards the New Kingdom on Earth.

Only I, Jesus Christ, can lead you. Remember that without Me you are nothing.

Your Jesus



Globalism and World Government


Brannon Howse: Globalists admit Covid-19 is their instrument to achieve Global government

April 22, 2020 From Rome Editor

A summary of principal points in this documentary:

  • World Economic Forum displays their entire plan for world domination on their website, which is filled with documents explaining how they are doing it.
  • The Tavistock Institute which studied mind control in prisoners of war by means of implanting new beliefs after deliberate induced fear.
  • The best friend of the founder of WHO is the founder of the Tavistock Institute
  • Tavistock Institute pledge itself to achieve goals of world health control.
  • Pandemic is a cover for martial law controls to achieve one world government.
  • Pandemic Hype has been used to recondition many to become willing tools of promoting one world government and control of their neighbors.
  • Pandemic is generally a psyop.
  • Expect coming war with Russia and China as another trick to convince masses to give up the rest of their rights and buckle down in unquestioning obedience to world government, which will be proposed as the ONLY solution to world peace and security.
  • Role of Marxist-Jesuits to bring down the Catholic Church and turn it into a tool of globalism.
  • Rockefeller Foundation has funded Tavistock Institute programs.
  • George Brock Chisholm the founder of WHO said the cause of all perversion is morality, and the goal of Psychotherapy is the elimination of the concept of good and wrong.
  • Career channeling is their tool to manipulate the careers of those individuals who agree and disagree with their agenda.
  • Electronic controls at borders and checkpoint will ultimately be used to identify and detain those who have intentions to oppose globalism.
  • Opposition to globalism will be classified as a mental illness.
  • AmeriCorps will be instrument to weaponize youth for globalism and promote them as leaders of the new society.
  • Public education will be used to mold and track the values of students for the rest of their lives.
  • Shows that the World Economic Forum has the goal of controlling world religions (Catholic Church) and instrumentalizing them for their goals.

Globalists and their plans : Excerpts from the Book of Truth


“…The evil one’s influence over God’s children is manifested and witnessed by the divisions which are separating nations; murders; persecution and the attempts made to wipe out Christianity. (5 Aug. 2014)

“…My dearest beloved, I must inform you that a Third World War is about to unfold in the world. My tears flow this morning, as you can see.*

The Second Seal is about to unfold as foretold to John the Evangelist in the Book of Revelation. It will start in Europe.

When it commences, much will be over saving the economy, and catastrophe will affect Greece, with much fallout in France.

The Middle East will also be involved with Israel and Iran at war and Syria will play a serious part in the downfall of Egypt….” (16th May 2012)

“My dearly beloved daughter, it is time for the Second Seal to open, as wars will increase and spreadThe avenging dark angel comes from one source, My daughter, and these wars are all connected. They did not happen because of regional unrest. They were planned by the West.

These wars have been ignited, deliberately, in order to control, and many of these nations are painted as demonic, with lies spread about their political leaders.

Children, these wars have been cunningly set up, all at once, the objective being to remove leader after leader.”  (10 March 2012)

Globalism – One World Church:

“…The effect of this war will be that My Catholic Church on Earth will be sucked into a one world church, in the name of unification.

This unification, or false peace, will become a reality after the antichrist appears to create a false peace and a so-called end to the war. (16 May 2012)

There is a plan being organised by the antichrist to control and conquer these nations who have rich resources. (10 March 2012)

Once they control these countries they will become very powerful. (10 March 2012)

Solution to world peace and security

“…This peaceful pact will involve the Western world, until China and Russia become involved with world matters.

They will pose a threat to the ‘Beast with the Ten Horns’, Europe, and will overcome them to introduce communism.

The ‘Red Dragon’, China, already gains a strong foothold in the world because of their control of the world’s finances.

The Red Dragon and “The Bear” which is Russia do not love God.

They are being led by the antichrist, who is from the East, and who hides behind closed doors. …”  (16 May, 2012)

Genocide and plans of evil men

“My dear child, you must ask everyone to ask for God’s Mercy in all those matters, which involve the destruction of humanity.I refer to the wicked plans involving wars; plans to introduce a global vaccine – which you were warned about in the message of  26 November 2010  –  genocide and the murder of Christians, as well as other people of different religions, by the hands of evil men.

When a soul is infested by Satan, it is capable of the most intense hatred for God’s children. When groups of men work together, in complete subjugation to the evil one, their wickedness is manifested in every act so as to cause death and destruction to those over whom they control.” (18 Sept. 2014)

Diabolical persecutions

“My dearly beloved daughter the rage of Satan has never been so intense as he inflicts suffering of every kind upon God’s children, in every corner of the world. The greater the disruption the greater is his presence and influence. But he is powerless on his own and it is only through the influence, which he asserts upon those who are open to him, that he can cause such diabolical persecutions. The more souls he captures the worse the persecution is and the more he torments. When people who are loyal to Me allow him to create confusion and despair in their hearts, the venom which spills forth is the worst kind. It is then that they turn on each other, fight and divide until they destroy one another.

Always be wary of the divisions you witness in the world, whether it be in politics, religion or amongst My followers, for it will always be rooted in the haven of the beast, whose reign over humanity has come to an end. He will, however, not stop for one second in his plan to destroy all allegiance to Me, Jesus Christ.”  (13 Aug. 2014)


All the Book of Truth messages can be found at:


JtM Crusade Prayer Meeting on Thurs. 2nd July, 2020


Prayer Theme: Core  prayers plus Special Graces (Groups A and D)

Bible Reading: Ezekiel 32: 3-8

Book of Truth: 28 Nov. 2014

The readings today tells us what to expect: The Old Testament tells us how God will deal with His enemies; The Book of Truth Reading, tells us of the suffering we must endure as we watch evil being unveiled.

Bible Reading

Ezekiel 32:3-8

Thus says the Lord GOD: I will cast my net over you by assembling many armies, and I will hoist you up in my mesh.

4 I will hurl you onto the land, cast you into an open field. I will make all the birds of the sky roost upon you, The beasts of the whole earth gorge themselves on you.

5 I will strew your flesh on the mountains, and fill the valleys with your corpse.

6 I will drench the land, pouring out your blood on the mountain; filling up the ravines with you.

7 When I extinguish you, I will cover the heavens and darken all its stars.The sun I will cover with clouds;the moon will not give light.

8 All the shining lights in the heavens I will darken over you; I will spread darkness over your land— oracle of the Lord GOD.

Reading from the Book of Truth

New names will be given to titles, which are associated with Me.

28 November 2014 @ 11:50pm

My dearly beloved daughter, the world is being prepared for My Second Coming, and there are two separate entities involved in paving the way for this day.

Just as I, Jesus Christ, prepare you through My Intervention so, too, does satan prepare his army.Much planning has been undertaken for many years by My enemies who know the Truth but who have chosen to destroy My Plan of Salvation. Many have fallen including the elect and are devoted, instead, to the occult.

My enemies have created many elaborate plans,which include genocide of the innocents, without their knowledge. While many wicked acts are being orchestrated against the human race, because of greed and a desire to control, the most ambitious act will be seen when they finally seize control of My House.

Plans are underway to bring, to its knees, My Holy House. Preparations have been made for the beast to take up his position. To ensure that he will be welcomed by the world, a detailed plan, which will touch every aspect of global politics and religions, has been put in place. But, before the beast is crowned and takes his seat on his throne in My Church, there will take place, in secret, many acts of desecration on the altars of My Church. Black masses will become rampant thereby giving great powers to satan and his hierarchy. They will devour all that is holy and will go to extraordinary lengths to destroy Christianity, in what will be the greatest deceit in the history of My Church on earth. They will do this by pretending to embrace Christianity. Nothing will be as it seemsand only those who are blessed with the Gift of Discernment, will see what is really happening.

Every sin will be adjudged to be acceptable. I, Jesus Christ, will be cursed but My Name will be used to condone the acceptance of mortal sin. The devil, through his faithful cohorts, will turn everything that comes from Me back to front. New names will be given to titles, which are associated with Me, and those who represent Me. Their former titles will be replaced with new ones, which the world will be told represent a new, innovative and caring approach to equality.

The sins of man will be elevated before My Eyes and placed before My Altars, as a gesture of defiance. Know that those who claim to come from Me are liars, if they do not uphold My Holy Word and if they refuse to proclaim the Truth. They are impostors. I am to be mocked, not only through mere words, actions and changes in Holy Doctrine, but by carefully staged rituals, which will take place on My Altars.

The day will come when My Father will intervene and stop this final desecration. Attempts by My enemies, to inject life into their new pagan ceremonies, will be futile.They will present sophisticated and entertaining events of ‘worship to God’, but no good can come from it because the flame of the Holy spirit will be missing. Instead, all that will be seen will be the smouldering fumes of a fire that could not be lit. This is the smoke of satan and it will choke God’s children.

Your Jesus

Corona Virus: What is the real agenda?


Previous Posts:

On 1st Feb, 2020 and 2nd Feb., we posted articles on the Corona virus and its connection with prophecy and the end times. We focussed on whether this would be the cause or the precursor of the “global vaccination”  as foretold in the Book of Truth.

Read the previous articles here:  posted Feb. 2

 FP/PF and the UN’s Sustainable Goals:

We know that Pope Francis signed the 28 Sustainable Goals of the UN. These “goals are strategies with which to ensure that the earth continues to “sustain” us- that we do not deplete the earth of it’s resources. To people of Faith, we know that this could never be – We have a loving God who created the earth to sustain the creatures He also created.

We know that this agenda is one of control of the world by the elite:  creating a “one-world government” and a “one-world religion”. The Alta Vendita attested to this (back in the 1800’s )- they were just waiting for a pope to be elected “according to their needs”. Their enemy is the Catholic Church. The demolition of the church, the removal of its true Shepherd has begun in earnest. “Amoris Laetitia” has affected the Sacraments of Marriage, Penance and even Holy Orders. “Laudato Si” has been the vehicle by which paganism was introduced into the Church and by which Holy Orders will be further destroyed (married priests and perhaps even women priests). This pope’s goals are communistic – he himself boasted of a “new humanism” and a “new evangelisation”. We are awaiting what the “new Mass” (which they have been planning for a while now) will be like. Will it be the “abomination of desolation” which Daniel the prophet spoke of?

His other encyclicals have also provided the groundwork for his plans to be easily put into place.

UN Sustainable Goal – Depopulation

One of the 28 Sustainable Goals, which PF/FP signed is for depopulation supporting policies of contraception, abortion, euthanasia. At any other time in History, everyone would be up in arms against a pope who supported such diabolical goals against God’s people. These laws are already in place in governments around the world. Recognition of divorce and remarriage by the Church, and recognition of same-sex couples as well as all the other “rights” such as transgenderism, has destroyed the family as the centre of society. It will be an easy thing to combine as one, the “new one-world government” and the “new one-world religion.” After all, we have a pope who immerses himself in politics.

Now, besides the laws listed above, how else do you get rid of a large proportion of the world’s population?

How about disease? In our previous articles on the Coronavirus, we mentioned a “Bio-lab” located in Wuhan. What a co-incidence that the virus started here.

New information:

We wrote previously about the “bio lab” located in Wuhan, China. There has also been evidence that the Coronavirus was man-made. Really? Well it wouldn’t be the first time.  An eminent scientist, who, according to his credentials knows what he is talking about, has claimed that it is a “bioweapon” and that the UN knows about it. The article (see ) states:

The Wuhan BSL-4 lab is also a specially designated World Health Organization (WHO) research  lab and Dr. Boyle contends that the WHO knows full well what is occurring.”

Dr. Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Act has given a detailed statement admitting that the 2019 Wuhan Coronavirus is an offensive Biological Warfare Weapon and that the World Health Organization (WHO) already knows about it.”

(Read the whole article with Dr Boyle’s claims, studies and other investigations at the link mentioned.)

Now, you might say that a vaccine will help. But it usually takes years to develop a vaccine – right? Well I guess we will see. In our last article, we shared information that a vaccine had actually been patented back in 2015. This scientist states that it is a “bio-weapon”. If this is true, it would be compatible with the UN’s 28 Sustainable Goals agenda. Perhaps it is and perhaps it isn’t. Perhaps the vaccine will be worse.


In the Book of Truth, Jesus tells us of a “world-wide vaccination” that will kill us. Will this Coronavirus instil so much fear into people that they will eagerly accept a vaccine? A vaccine that will create disease”?

“My dearly beloved daughter the plans of the Masonic groups to take over the world currencies are getting close to completion. Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world to cause suffering on a scale never seen before. Avoid any such sudden global vaccination announced for it will kill you. –( June 17th, 2012 )

“They will introduce a form of genocide, through compulsory vaccinations, against your children with or without your permission. This vaccination will be a poison and will be presented under a global healthcare plan”. (9 Nov. 2012:

 As you can see in the prophecies above, Jesus warns us against the vaccine– rather than the disease!

Precedent for general vaccination

There is a precedent about forcing people to vaccinate. Jesus tells us in the Book of Truth that we have allowed our governments to make the laws which in the end,  will be used against us.  A measles epidemic began about Oct. 2019 and was raging in December in a number of Pacific Islands. They blamed the epidemic on the large number of unvaccinated children.

One of the islands was Samoa.The Ministry of Health in each affected country is coordinating response efforts with support from WHO and partners. “On 20 November 2019, Samoan authorities launched a mass vaccination campaign ...” People were forbidden to leave their houses, while Medical workers came round to each house to vaccinate everyone in the house. The epidemic was blamed on “antivaccers”. Social media (posted on 28 Dec. 2019) tells us that:

“In Samoa, a mandatory mass vaccination campaign is happening right now with the order not to publicly question vaccine safety and one activist was arrested for giving vitamins A & C to children.

Perhaps it was a test case. Notice the WHO was involved.  It was forced vaccination.

All of us (older people) lived through a time when all children got measles, and chicken pox and mumps. They were just “childhood illnesses.”. They were never considered life-threatening. They were not nice diseases, but parents didn’t fear, because it was normal.

Another side-effect:

It’s interesting how both the secular and religious world are so intertwined right now.  The Pope has signed a UN declaration of “Sustainable goals”. The secular world institutes laws against ‘discrimination’ – the Church recognizes divorce, homosexual couples are blessed and pagan rituals are inserted into catholic ceremonies, rituals and Sacraments-even the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!!

Well now we have an outbreak of a “new” strain of coronavirus that is spreading rapidly. The Bishop of our diocese has ordered that there be no sign of Peace, and no Communion under both kinds the Precious Blood is only for the priest. (Although, personally, I must admit that the latter two are as it should be.) It also seems that most parishes have taken away the holy water, which is an important Sacramental. As well as this, many priests are also refusing to give Communion on the tongue.

Our rights are being abrogated fast. The threat in Australia is not yet big, and is contained, but the fear grows out of proportion. Sadly, this is another attack on the Eucharist. The evil one is clever and cunning!

See the following articles:

Catholics scrap Mass rituals over virus fears”  (Daily Telegraph)
and the “Catholic Outlook” for Diocese of Parramatta:

“… , and after consulting Bishop Vincent the following directives apply in the celebration of Mass in the Diocese of Parramatta from 1 February 2020.

        • In those parishes and communities in the Diocese of Parramatta where Holy Communion is distributed in Both Kinds, this practice will cease. Communion of the Precious Blood will be for the celebrant only.
        • For the time being priests/deacons are not to invite parishioners to exchange the Greeting of Peace.
        • All ministers of Holy Communion (both Ordinary and Extraordinary) are to use hand sanitisers before the distribution of Holy Communion commences.…”

The Church is under attack in more ways than one!

What does all this mean?

It will all be labelled “conspiracy theory” and some of this might well be.

But it would be at our peril that we ignore the potential danger presented by “global vaccination” or “compulsory vaccination”, in the light of these prophecies.

Today, the world is not as it is portrayed.

The main stream Media and world governments are no longer transparent or dependable.

Many of our Church leaders have betrayed us.

All I am saying is we have to pray for discernment and protection!

We have to watch, listen and be attentive.

Don’t be caught unawares.

We have been warned!


Corona Virus: Evil Endgame (Part 2)


The Prophecies

The Coronavirus information is all very fishy; causing fear and I’m sure meant to cause chaos. And we know where fear and chaos come from.

Now we have a virus, with people dying and supposedly spreading at an unprecedented rate. It has been called a pandemic. Will this lead to a world-wide vaccination? It seems very likely. The news have stated that they are working on a vaccine (although it has already been patented 5 years ago. (see yesterday’s post)

The Lord loves His children and, as in the Old Testament, sends prophets to warn us. These prophets are always hated and mistreated because the Truth is a threat to  people who want to go on sinning, mistrusting and/or living life in a lustful, greedy fashion. The messages in the Book of Truth warned years in advance of the threat to Pope Benedict – that he would be”ousted”; It warned about homosexual marriage, about transgender; about changes to Doctrine; about Cardinal Pell, about  the Paganism that would be introduced into Jesus’ Church… and many more. (read about them in our “Prophecies Fulfilled” section). No wonder they hate this book and condemned it from the outset! No wonder the lies about MDM.

In the Book of Truth, we were warned many times about a world-wide vaccination, which would kill and cause suffering and disease. The first such message was way back in Nov. 2010. We were told many times about this danger.We don’t know if this is it, but it could be. The point is, if we are to be protected, we must first recognize the danger.

Consider now then, these prophecies from the Book of Truth. In these messages Jesus tells us the purpose of the vaccine and its effects. Forewarned is forearmed. Don’t let lies stop you from reading these messages. Discern as God instructs. The Book of Truth was foretold by Daniel.

Remember one of the Sustainable goals of the UN is “depopulation. And Pope Francis, in signing all of these goals, shows his diabolical plans..

Following are some excerpts from messages in the Book of Truth (years ago)  about a worldwide vaccination. This hasn’t happened yet, but it makes you think:

    • Global Plan to deplete world population and overthrow world leaders

“… Warning on Global Vaccinations: First of all, pray in groups. Pray for these people who are ardent supporters of Satan. Prayer will help to avert some of these disasters. Watch out for the atrocities they will try to inflict through vaccination. Trust no sudden global initiative to vaccinate, which may seem compassionate in its intention. Be on your guard. Country by country, these groups are colluding to control as many people as possible .”   (26 Nov. 2010)

    • My dearly beloved daughter the plans of the Masonic groups to take over the world currencies are getting close to completion. Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world to cause suffering on a scale never seen before. Avoid any such sudden global vaccination announced for it will kill you.( June 17th, 2012 )
    • They will introduce a form of genocide, through compulsory vaccinations, against your children with or without your permission. This vaccination will be a poison and will be presented under a global healthcare plan. (9 Nov. 2012:
    • The introduction of a global vaccine, targeting infants and young children, will be one of the most wicked forms of genocide ever witnessed since the deaths of the Jews under Hitler. This evil plan will be possible because many of your governments forced their people to accept changes in their laws giving their governments power to enforce laws against your innocent children. –(November 10th, 2012)


Whether this Corona Virus is the cause of the “world-wide vaccination” or whether it is a precursor or test, we will have to wait and see. 

Besides all the warnings and details listed by God in the messages, he has provided His promise of the “Seal of the Living God.”

The Seal is foretold in Revelation 7:2-3


Read about how He has given His Seal of Love to us- for our physical and spiritual protection. The conditions to accept it and the Prayer to say out of gratitude (daily), can be found on our website here:


But in the meantime – be warned and stay alert!

God loves His children. He is warning us.

We must listen to Him.

But first we must believe.

Ask yourself if you have honestly discerned these messages. If there is the chance this could be coming from God, we must. Or we risk ignoring His End-Times prophet – at a most critical time in History.

The Corona Virus: Evil Endgame (part1)


Things you may not know

There  are many awful things happening today. This outbreak of the Corona Virus was sudden and unexpected. It seems to be raging through the population in China. Reminds me of the bushfires we have here in this country.

Is it a “Sign of the Times”?

There are many questions. How did it start? Is it a man-made virus?

Why was there a vaccine patented back in 2015? There are a whole lot of things that need explaining. I have some bits and pieces of info that may explain some questions, but which raise a whole lot of others.

At first I thought would be just like the others– ebola,  the bird flu, swine flu… These were all treated like a dreadful epidemic, but they all petered out.

Then I heard that it was a type of flu. Well, ok we have had bad flus before – the one that killed thousands of people after WWI for example.

My daughter said it could be the prophecy(!!!) (Details later.)

But I wasn’t yet convinced.

When the WHO – (part of the UN)- labelled it as an epidemic – I took notice. Except for China, it didn’t seem that bad anywhere else…A few cases in Quarantine, but people die from the flu too – the aged and the young. Why did the UN get involved so quickly?

I remembered that the UN had 28 Sustainable goals, signed by Pope Francis and one of them was depopulation. It seemed far-fetched. But the pagan ceremony at the Vatican with the Pachamama idols also seemed far-fetched. Who would believe it?

Then I was sent an interesting piece of information:


This states that there was a patent for the vaccine in 2015. It does seem strange that this literally happened and spread almost overnight. There has been no sign of it before. Or is it a scare tactic, forcing us to take the vaccine. I noticed the news last night was saying that it usually takes years to develop a vaccine , but this time they will do it in about a month. The truth is more like it was already developed.

2.     Also consider that aBiolab for “Most Dangerous Pathogens on Earth” opened in Wuhan Before Outbreak” See the article here:

It makes you think: was it man-made? And for what purpose?

  1. The following was sent to me on 31 Jan from a person who is anti-vaccine generally:

“Look what’s included in the list of non-influenza infections that you are at risk of acquiring after receiving an inactivated flu vaccine…’rhinovirus, coxsackie/echovirus, CORONAVIRUS, human metapneumovirus, parainfluenza, respiratory synctial virus (RSV).”

Trivalent Inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) recipients had an increased risk of virologically-confirmed non-influenza infections…TIV recipients may lack temporary non-specific immunity that protected against other respiratory viruses.”

It just goes to show that we don’t really know what is in all these vaccines, and whether it is worth the risk.


  1. Then a crusader friend sent this piece of information:

masonic / satanic hegelian dialectic: 

virus (thesis) + fake vaccine( antithesis) => genocide

This correlates with Prophecies from the Book of Truth!!!

(see these  in part2)


  1. Another friend sent this: Very interesting

Corona Virus = 666 Mark of Beast! 

Corona is a Bio Weapon – Manufactured!

The Luciferian Illuminati always use numbers

C + O + R + O + N + A = 6 Letters

03 + 15 + 18 + 15 + 14 + 01 = 66 + 6 letters = 666

Calculation from the Alphabet!

C=03, O=15, R=18, O=15, N=14, A=1 (Total 66) + (6 Letters) = 666

This is not a coincidence!!!


  1. CHINA – Wuhan

Dean of Medical Faculty at Hong Kong University, Gabriel Leung, says as of last Saturday there were almost 44,000 cases of Corona Virus. Their model says it will double every 6.2 days on mainland China peaking maybe early May at 150,000 cases per day! He is Lead Researcher for his team.  Major cities on mainland China infected. His team is calling this a Pandemic.  Hong Kong maybe sending all Wuhan Chinese back to mainland. They think all, and drastic measures need to be taken.


  1. And also an email conversation between Remnant Child of Mary and a fellow (Tt) Crusader:

(Tt Crusader):
I’m thinking this Chinese virus may be the one alluded to in the mdm messages, the global epidemic? What do you think?


When I saw it on the news yes I did think that. However I thought that with swine flu and Ebola which didn’t quite take off like they expected.
The name is suspicious too; is it named after a beer? Are they that bold and mocking?

I know the answer anyway. Let’s warn people

(Tt) Before it was a beer, ‘corona’ means ‘crown’ in Latin. look at this – it’s NOT a coincidence


(RCofMary) Wow!! That’s no coincidence! You are onto something big.

Why did they call it the ‘crown‘ virus then?

(Tt) 3 thoughts:

        1. Crown (top of head)
        2. Crown as in Mother of all viruses”
        3. Or crown because Satan is re-enacting the crowning with thorns by taking away as many lives as possible to mock God’s precious creation; thereby crowning Him with thorns all over again. He is saying “look at the humans you made more precious than the angels and called sons and daughters


And crown for their king the Antichrist! 

(Tt) Yes that’s what I THOUGHT and 1 more just now…

Crown as in king” of all viruses? Major  biological warfare weapon?


There have not been that many cases of deaths. They will hype up fear now. They started with schools – every school has received a newsletter about it from the public health dept and been told of two week exclusions. They are using schools to scare parents. (This is happening now in this country)


Tomorrow The Corona Virus: Evil Endgame (Part 2) – The Prophecies

JtM Crusade Prayer Meeting – Thursday 28th June 2018


Prayer Theme: Special Graces

Prayers are Groups A & D: (See for details).


  1. Bible: Psalm 92
  2. BoT: 10 Nov 2012
  3. Bot: 25 Sept. 2013

Bible Reading:

Psalm 92:

2. It is good to give thanks to the LORD,to sing praise to your name, Most High,

 3 To proclaim your love at daybreak, your faithfulness in the night,

4 With the ten-stringed harp, with melody upon the lyre.

5. For you make me jubilant, LORD, by your deeds;at the works of your hands I shout for joy.

6. How great are your works, LORD! How profound your designs!

7. A senseless person cannot know this; a fool cannot comprehend.

8. Though the wicked flourish like grass and all sinners thrive,

They are destined for eternal destruction;

9. but you, LORD, are forever on high. 10 Indeed your enemies, LORD,

indeed your enemies shall perish; all sinners shall be scattered.

11. You have given me the strength of a wild ox; you have poured rich oil upon me.

12. My eyes look with glee on my wicked enemies; my ears shall hear what happens to my wicked foes.

13. The just shall flourish like the palm tree, shall grow like a cedar of Lebanon.

14. Planted in the house of the LORD, they shall flourish in the courts of our God.

15. They shall bear fruit even in old age, they will stay fresh and green,

16. To proclaim: “The LORD is just; my rock, in whom there is no wrong.”

Reading from the Book of Truth

Global Vaccination: One of the most wicked forms of genocides ever witnessed since the deaths of the Jews under Hitler

November 10, 2012 @ 11:45pm

My dearly beloved daughter, how the Truth can shock you. Although you accept My Holy Word, it is only when the prophecies I reveal to you materialise, that you understand the seriousness of this Mission to save humanity.

The introduction of a global vaccine, targeting infants and young children, will be one of the most wicked forms of genocide ever witnessed since the deaths of the Jews under Hitler.

This evil plan will be possible because many of your governments forced their people to accept changes in their laws giving their governments power to enforce laws against your innocent children.

Remember that the only thing that has stopped My Father from bringing the world to an end is because of the love of those loyal servants amongst you.

My Father has, because of His Love for every child and every Creation of His, held His Hand. Now the time has come for Him to finally dissolve the times, so that the world He created out of Love and according to His Divine Will can continue in peace.

He will now destroy those who perpetrate this wickedness upon His children. He will no longer stand for this evil and now His Hand will fall in punishment.

His Anger will now manifest in a world, which will be startled as to the magnitude of punishment, which will befall the earth.

Those among you, responsible for inflicting terrible suffering on your fellow countrymen and fellow citizens, know this.

You will be struck down finally with the scourge of illness and then you, and those who pay homage to the one world group, will be wiped out before the Battle of Armageddon begins.

You will not be tolerated by My Father and He will not allow you to infest His children any longer. Woe to you and those among you who anger Him at this time.

The time for My Father to show you whose Power will be sustained forever will now be proven to you. Your theories about your creation, which are flawed, will be shown to you for what they are, at last. The Truth, as promised to you in the Book of Truth, foretold to the prophet Daniel, will be shown finally.

So many people are oblivious to the Truth of God. Many well-meaning souls seek nothing in their lives other than titillation. Many waste the time they have been accorded in their lives on earth, as they do not know the Truth of God’s Existence.

Now the Truth is being presented. The time of reckoning has come about.

My Father will make the world alert finally to the Truth. Those who ignore the Truth will deny themselves access to My New Kingdom on earth.

Instead of living an eternal glorious life, full of wonder, joy, love and prosperity, they will be cast away to rot in the depths of Hell.

I urge all of God’s children to heed this warning.

It may be harsh. Many who say: “this does not come from God for He is Merciful” heed this.

The time has come to divide the chaff from the wheat. That day is very near. Whichever choice is made by man will be the final choice.

Free will will always be honoured by My Father up to the final day. The Day of Judgement.

Your Jesus


Mother of Salvation: Only a few will be brave enough to openly proclaim the Word of God during the Crucifixion of my Son’s Church on Earth

25th September 2013 @ 12:15pm

My child, the Crucifixion of my Son’s Church on Earth has well and truly commenced and all the signs have begun to be seen. Just as my Son was nailed to the Cross, only one of His apostles stayed with Him to the end and so too, will few of His disciples on Earth, dare to  be seen to defend His Mystical Body on Earth, as it is plundered, persecuted and then annihilated.

Very few of those who swore allegiance to my Son watched His scourging or walked alongside Him on the climb to Mount Calvary. I only had four loyal disciples – my cousin Mary; Martha; Mary Magdalene and Johnto hold me up and help me in my agony as I had to witness my Son’s terrible torture. Many will follow my Son’s instructions, through these holy Messages for the world, but only a few will be brave enough to openly proclaim the Word of God during the Crucifixion of my Son’s Church on Earth.

My sorrow at this time is great as all that was foretold by me during the apparitions at La Salette and Fatima  are now unfolding before you all, but many of you are blind. Those of you who dedicated hours before me at my most holy shrines must come and ask me, your Mother, to open your eyes to the Truth. You must ask me to consecrate your hearts and souls to my Son, otherwise you too will deny Him.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation



JtM Crusade Prayer Meeting Wed. 6th Dec. 2017


Prayer Theme: The Warning and protection against the antichrist

Reading from the Book of Truth

Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world.

17 June 2012 @ 8:15pm

My dearly beloved daughter, the plans of the Masonic groups to take over the world currencies are getting close to completion.

Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world to cause suffering on a scale never seen before.

Avoid any such sudden global vaccination announced for it will kill you.

Their evil schemes would shock all those innocent souls who have no idea how powerful they are.

Driven by a lust for power, wealth and a desire to be godlike in all they do, they believe they are invincible.

They control banks, governments and are responsible for causing terror in the Middle East.

They control much of the world’s media and the truth of their wickedness is hidden behind so called humanitarian organisations.

Sadly very few of God’s children know of their plans.

Know that the hand of My Father will fall so suddenly and swiftly on those nations who protect such evil leaders.

They will be struck with tsunamis and earthquakes of such a magnitude that they will be wiped out.

Those who believe that they are so powerful will see fire falling from the skies just before My Second Coming.

The seas will become lakes of fire and they will find it hard to hide from the hand of punishment poured out upon those wicked souls who will refuse My Cup.

Defiant up to the end they will fight My Eternal Father and the power of the Heavens.

Siding with the antichrist, from the groups from which he evolves, they will realise the error of their ways when it is too late for them.

Many of these groups, including leaders of banks, governments, heads of large businesses all of them interlinked, and working together to make paupers out of ordinary people, will convert after The Warning. So this is good.

The time for me to separate those souls who love me from those who side with the evil one is not far away.

Be warned. There will only be so much time in which to convert. The souls most in need of My Mercy belong to these wicked groups who have no respect for the laws of God.

You must pray that they will see the Truth.

You must pray that they stop inflicting hardships through the terrible laws they mean to bring about.

You must pray to stop the genocide they plan, worse than what Hitler did in World War II.

This group, the largest in number since their formation in the middle ages, are Satan’s army.  They will be led by the antichrist. They have been planning to bring about their control of banks for decades.

They have been planning the introduction of the Mark of the Beast, a chip which every man and woman will be forced to have implanted in their bodies to access food, for fifteen years.* (this refers to the PAST 15 years in which this has been planned)

Now that the time has come for them to unveil their New World Currency know that prayer, and much of it, can help mitigate much of their plan. Here is a prayer to avert One World Control.

Crusade Prayer (61) Avert One World Control

O Dear Heavenly Father, in memory of the Crucifixion of your Beloved Son Jesus Christ, I beg you to protect us, Your children, from the Crucifixion being planned to destroy your children by the Antichrist and his followers. Give us the graces we need to refuse the mark of the beast and Bestow upon us the help we need to fight the evil in the world spread by those who follow the way of Satan. We beseech you, Dear Father, to protect all of your children In these terrible times and make us strong enough to stand us And proclaim your Holy Word at all times. Amen

My daughter, I am saddened to have to reveal these things. My followers need to understand what is happening.

Those who do not believe in these messages will be in no doubt, when the antichrist presents himself  as I have foretold.

You must unite in groups around the world in prayer,

The more of My followers who do this the stronger will the presence be of the Holy Spirit and the weaker then will be the army of Satan.

Try not to be fearful for such a persecution can be faced fearlessly.

Once you prepare well by following My instructions and keeping in daily prayer the time will be swift.

Trust in Me always.

Remember I died for your sins. It is only fitting that you allow Me to lead you in this time towards the New Kingdom on Earth.

Only I, Jesus Christ, can lead you. Remember that without Me you are nothing.

Your Jesus