‘ … Keep to your daily Mass and receiving the Most Holy Eucharist, no matter what lies ahead…’


Jesus to Mankind Crusade Prayer Meeting on Wed. 9th March 2022

Prayer Theme: Salvation of Souls   (Groups A&B)

Bible:  Sirach 50: 25-29

Book of Truth: 4 Sept. 2011

Thoughts: The bible reading today seems to allude to the nations in conflict at this moment. Goliath was a Philistines o obviously enemies of God’s people. The writer refers to these and others as “foolish”. The reading goes on to tell us that we must follow “Wisdom” (“instruction and understanding”). for he who does so, ‘will be strong for all things  for the light of the Lord is his path’.

In the message from the Book of Truth, the advice given to the chosen prophet, applies to us all. We are all suffering, in this time in one way or another. We all,at times, lack courage, and give up. The answer is – is to run to our Blessed Mother.

Reading from the Bible

Sirach 50: 25-29


25 With two nations my soul is vexed,
    and the third is no nation:
26 Those who live on Mount Se′ir, and the Philistines,
    and the foolish people that dwell in Shechem.

27 Instruction in understanding and knowledge
    I have written in this book,
Jesus the son of Sirach, son of Elea′zar, of Jerusalem,
    who out of his heart poured forth wisdom.
28 Blessed is he who concerns himself with these things,
 and he who lays them to heart will become wise.
29 For if he does them, he will be strong for all things,
for the light of the Lord is his path.

Reading from the Book of Truth


Virgin Mary Message: Abandonment as a victim soul

4 September 2011 @ 9:50pm; Message 0182

(This Message was received after the visionary recited the Holy Rosary and after an apparition where the Blessed Mother appeared for a period lasting 20 minutes, in a private prayer room.)

I come in the Name of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ. I am the Holy Mother of God.

My child, you are suffering for my Son and the last week has not been easy as you battle the force of evil in order to remain loyal to my precious Son. I come to you tonight to try to explain what is happening. As a victim soul you will experience periods of abandonment when thoughts of my Son are banished from your mind. Then as you try to devote time to pray, you will find you cannot do this. After this you will be confused and then the loneliness for my Son’s Presence, will cause you anguish.

Do not fret, because hard as this is, it is a form of suffering, which you must experience as a victim soul.

Please pray for courage and for the graces to accept this new form of suffering, which will confuse you. Keep to your daily Mass and receiving the Most Holy Eucharist, no matter what lies ahead. You will be goaded by the deceiver to turn your back on this Work. You will soon, once again, begin to allow the doubts to invade your soul.

Ask all to pray for you now. For your gift to my Son is continuing to save souls everywhere. Never forget this no matter how difficult your suffering is.

My child, I will always communicate with you when you lose your sense of direction, for I am your beloved Mother. I will always be here to protect you and guide you towards my Son, so that His wishes are adhered to. Go in love and peace.

Your beloved Mother
Queen of Peace