Corona virus evil endgame: From the U.N. and a virus to the Church


Is it a Real Epidemic?

The U.N. agenda, the Corona virus, fear, the Sacraments and the Mass.; economic backlash and downturn; a cashless society etc. One thing leads to another. And it has all been prophesied.

On March 9, Bro. Alexis Bugnolo wrote:

  • “Lord, to whom shall we go? Now that the faithful of all of Italy have been denied the Sacraments by the Bergoglian Bishops, no one can receive Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament! …

Now is fulfilled the prophecy of Akita.

Our Lady warned us that there would come a time when all we would have would be Her Rosary and the sign of Her Son, the Sign of the Cross. It has happened.  …”

(See:  )

  • John Bosco said:But you Italy, land of blessings, who plunged you into desolation? It is not your enemies but your friends…”      
  • Anne Catherine Emmerich: Whole Catholic communities were being oppressed, harassed, confined, and deprived of their freedom. I saw many churches close down, …”  

“…   great miseries everywhere, wars and bloodshed…”  Well, the corona virus has definitely brought lots of miseries, and I’m sure they’re not done yet.’

‘… she said that if only one priest could offer the bloodless sacrifice as worthily and with the same dispositions as the Apostles, he could avert all the disasters (that are to come).’   Bro Bugnolo states that  “The shock which has descended upon all Catholics in Italy, from the decision of the Bishops to suspend all public services yesterday afternoon, until April 3 (and it is feared that it will not end then) has made everyone realize that we are indeed in apocalyptic times. That worse things might happen would be no surprise. Without the Mass, the forces of darkness will prevail for their hour of darkness;

The Corona virus, fear and economic downturn                          

It has been absolutely crazy. It started off with raiding the stores for masks, and toilet paper. Retailers and factories (especially in China) were closed creating more fear of obtaining supplies. The shares have tumbled to an all-time low. Friends today spoke of how thousands of dollars were lost from their Superannuation funds. This can easily lead to recession.

We can see the pattern: corona virus spreads to everything we touch including money, Therefore cashless society – then New One World Currency and eventually the  Mark of the Beast.

The Book of Truth warns us:

“The New One World Currency, …is designed to control you. Then once that happens they will try to deprive you of food. …Prepare now, My children,… Without control of your money, you will find it hard to defend your right to property, food and health, … start shouting your opposition now. Stop your leaders in their tracks. Don’t let them bully you. If enough of you are alert to this evil, monstrous plan, then you can warn others. Plan your food supplies now” (8th July, 2011)

One lesson we have definitely learned from the Corona Virus is to be prepared. Start stockpiling necessary supplies. It is inevitable. The Bible tells us so and all the signs are there.

How is a “pandemic” created? Is it really a pandemic?

Judy Wilyman (9 March 2020) “Newsletter 247 How the World Health Organisation Created a ‘Pandemic’ of a Disease” writes about the history of the “Swine Flu’ and the meaning of “pandemic” that has been accepted, as well as the vaccine industry. This article will open your eyes.

She says :

“So a pandemic in 2020 can be called simply on the detection of the virus in the person – no serious symptoms required –  and this gives the elite, with vested interests in these policies, the power to control populations”.

The WHO prepared themselves for this ‘pandemic’ for decades by putting political structures in place and Bill Gates, a significant contributer to the WHO’s political decisions on vaccines through the GAVI alliance, was able to predict this ‘pandemic’, even to its place of origin in China before anyone had heard of the ‘novel coronaviris – COVID-19′ that suddenly emerged in January 2020. “

She also speaks about “sleeping contracts”. 

She has a PhD, as well as
Bachelor of Science, University of NSW
Diploma of Education (Science), University of Wollongong
Master of Science (Population Health), Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Wollongong.
PhD in A critical analysis of the Australian government’s rationale for its vaccination policy’  (the science, politics and ethics of Australia’s vaccination policies) , UOW School of Humanities and Social Inquiry.
Website Vaccination Decisions 

Read about it all here:

The Book of Truth also warns us against a global vaccination campaign that will create disease and kill. Does that sound far-fetched? We have to be suspect of everything. Nothing is as it seems.

 Then there will be the introduction of a global vaccination, which will kill you, if you accept it.

This is a time when only prayer, and much of it, can soften the impact of this terrible wickedness, created by an elite group of people in power.

They are working in every part of your governments; and those who work, side by side with them every day, know what they are doing.

So cunning are they, that they will present every wicked deed, as being a great thing, a great service to humanity. They will do everything they can to desecrate everything to do with God.” (13th Oct. 2012)

And also

My dearly beloved daughter, the plans of the Masonic groups to take over the world currencies are getting close to completion.

Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world to cause suffering on a scale never seen before.

Avoid any such sudden global vaccination announced for it will kill you.

Their evil schemes would shock all those innocent souls who have no idea how powerful they are.

Driven by a lust for power, wealth and a desire to be godlike in all they do, they believe they are invincible.

They control banks, governments and are responsible for causing terror in the Middle East.

They control much of the world’s media and the truth of their wickedness is hidden behind so called humanitarian organisations. …” (17th June 2012)

  All Book of tRuth messages can be found according  at:


Tomorrow’s post:

The Corona virus evil endgame: Without Faith you will Fear