The Corona Virus: Evil Endgame (part1)


Things you may not know

There  are many awful things happening today. This outbreak of the Corona Virus was sudden and unexpected. It seems to be raging through the population in China. Reminds me of the bushfires we have here in this country.

Is it a “Sign of the Times”?

There are many questions. How did it start? Is it a man-made virus?

Why was there a vaccine patented back in 2015? There are a whole lot of things that need explaining. I have some bits and pieces of info that may explain some questions, but which raise a whole lot of others.

At first I thought would be just like the others– ebola,  the bird flu, swine flu… These were all treated like a dreadful epidemic, but they all petered out.

Then I heard that it was a type of flu. Well, ok we have had bad flus before – the one that killed thousands of people after WWI for example.

My daughter said it could be the prophecy(!!!) (Details later.)

But I wasn’t yet convinced.

When the WHO – (part of the UN)- labelled it as an epidemic – I took notice. Except for China, it didn’t seem that bad anywhere else…A few cases in Quarantine, but people die from the flu too – the aged and the young. Why did the UN get involved so quickly?

I remembered that the UN had 28 Sustainable goals, signed by Pope Francis and one of them was depopulation. It seemed far-fetched. But the pagan ceremony at the Vatican with the Pachamama idols also seemed far-fetched. Who would believe it?

Then I was sent an interesting piece of information:


This states that there was a patent for the vaccine in 2015. It does seem strange that this literally happened and spread almost overnight. There has been no sign of it before. Or is it a scare tactic, forcing us to take the vaccine. I noticed the news last night was saying that it usually takes years to develop a vaccine , but this time they will do it in about a month. The truth is more like it was already developed.

2.     Also consider that aBiolab for “Most Dangerous Pathogens on Earth” opened in Wuhan Before Outbreak” See the article here:

It makes you think: was it man-made? And for what purpose?

  1. The following was sent to me on 31 Jan from a person who is anti-vaccine generally:

“Look what’s included in the list of non-influenza infections that you are at risk of acquiring after receiving an inactivated flu vaccine…’rhinovirus, coxsackie/echovirus, CORONAVIRUS, human metapneumovirus, parainfluenza, respiratory synctial virus (RSV).”

Trivalent Inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) recipients had an increased risk of virologically-confirmed non-influenza infections…TIV recipients may lack temporary non-specific immunity that protected against other respiratory viruses.”

It just goes to show that we don’t really know what is in all these vaccines, and whether it is worth the risk.


  1. Then a crusader friend sent this piece of information:

masonic / satanic hegelian dialectic: 

virus (thesis) + fake vaccine( antithesis) => genocide

This correlates with Prophecies from the Book of Truth!!!

(see these  in part2)


  1. Another friend sent this: Very interesting

Corona Virus = 666 Mark of Beast! 

Corona is a Bio Weapon – Manufactured!

The Luciferian Illuminati always use numbers

C + O + R + O + N + A = 6 Letters

03 + 15 + 18 + 15 + 14 + 01 = 66 + 6 letters = 666

Calculation from the Alphabet!

C=03, O=15, R=18, O=15, N=14, A=1 (Total 66) + (6 Letters) = 666

This is not a coincidence!!!


  1. CHINA – Wuhan

Dean of Medical Faculty at Hong Kong University, Gabriel Leung, says as of last Saturday there were almost 44,000 cases of Corona Virus. Their model says it will double every 6.2 days on mainland China peaking maybe early May at 150,000 cases per day! He is Lead Researcher for his team.  Major cities on mainland China infected. His team is calling this a Pandemic.  Hong Kong maybe sending all Wuhan Chinese back to mainland. They think all, and drastic measures need to be taken.


  1. And also an email conversation between Remnant Child of Mary and a fellow (Tt) Crusader:

(Tt Crusader):
I’m thinking this Chinese virus may be the one alluded to in the mdm messages, the global epidemic? What do you think?


When I saw it on the news yes I did think that. However I thought that with swine flu and Ebola which didn’t quite take off like they expected.
The name is suspicious too; is it named after a beer? Are they that bold and mocking?

I know the answer anyway. Let’s warn people

(Tt) Before it was a beer, ‘corona’ means ‘crown’ in Latin. look at this – it’s NOT a coincidence


(RCofMary) Wow!! That’s no coincidence! You are onto something big.

Why did they call it the ‘crown‘ virus then?

(Tt) 3 thoughts:

        1. Crown (top of head)
        2. Crown as in Mother of all viruses”
        3. Or crown because Satan is re-enacting the crowning with thorns by taking away as many lives as possible to mock God’s precious creation; thereby crowning Him with thorns all over again. He is saying “look at the humans you made more precious than the angels and called sons and daughters


And crown for their king the Antichrist! 

(Tt) Yes that’s what I THOUGHT and 1 more just now…

Crown as in king” of all viruses? Major  biological warfare weapon?


There have not been that many cases of deaths. They will hype up fear now. They started with schools – every school has received a newsletter about it from the public health dept and been told of two week exclusions. They are using schools to scare parents. (This is happening now in this country)


Tomorrow The Corona Virus: Evil Endgame (Part 2) – The Prophecies