Heaven is more and more urgently sending us the vital pieces of the prophetic puzzle.


By Crusader ChrisAfter Dr Taylor Marshall’s recent talk on ancient Catholic prophecies (May 22), and after a talk with my friend Tony in Melbourne, I feel compelled to write something in response as this talk has caused a certain degree of confusion among Remnant Believers

While maintaining every respect for this astute theologian and for the vast treasure trove of prophetic information from canonised saints and mystics of the past, it needs to be said that, in this generation, God is speaking directly to His people through chosen instruments. Their testimonies throw a completely different perspective on our rapidly approaching future.

There is no debating that Taylor Marshall, along with Michael Voris and Michael J Matt, are educated and qualified men in their field, but they all seem to have firmly rejected the current sources of revelation by authentic Catholic seers. Because they are not heeding what Heaven is more and more urgently sending us, they lack the vital pieces of the prophetic puzzle and, as a consequence, are “feeling their way” in the dark.

In the last decade, Jesus has been telling us that mere human intelligence cannot decipher the mysterious symbolism of the last Book of the Bible where Saint John described his visions which depict the times we are actually living through. Not even the greatest intellect can begin to unravel the Apocalypse’s sequence of events or the multitudinous layers of intrigue and complexity. That’s why Jesus wishes to guide us through this difficult passage. But we need to be open to His Voice, to listen, to pray and discern.

Jesus is reported saying, “Do you think I would leave you orphans in these dark and dangerous times” during this the most critical juncture of human history? How could a loving God abandon His children to the Great Deception which is unfolding?

Now, what I am about to say next… please understand this is offered in all humility, because I am aware it is only through God’s grace that this knowledge has been provided. No, don’t worry! I haven’t been having locutions!! But there are many of us in 2020, Catholics in particular, who know and comprehend exactly where the world and Church are “at”, while possessing insight to where everything is headed.

We have never been surprised about any of the actions or outrages of Jorge Bergoglio in the last seven years. He has performed according to our every expectation, just as Jesus and Mary have warned us he would! As early as 2011 we learnt that Benedict’s papacy was in jeopardy, and on 11 February, 2012, it was revealed that the Lord’s “beloved Vicar” would soon be coerced to stand down. Precisely 12 months later, to the very day, 11 February 2013, Benedict announced his decision. Only God can be that amazingly accurate! This was further proof of the authentic source of the information we were being given, in case any of us had doubts.

A few hours after Benedict offered his resignation lightning struck the dome of St Peter’s. It was seen as an ominous sign from Heaven.

During 2012 we were told that a man would ascend the Chair of St Peter who was not chosen by the Holy Spirit to lead the Church. In recent years it has been publicly admitted that the St Gallen Mafia” conspired to elect Bergoglio in 2005 and then 2013 to further the aims of modernism and consummate the objectives of Masonry. To manipulate votes in this way actually renders the election invalid according to Saint Pope John Paul II’s 1996 apostolic document, Universi Dominici Gregis, which modified the rules in Canon Law for electing of a pontiff in Conclaves.

The nature of this new pope was described in detail, in advance, how he would be hailed as “a breath of fresh air” yet would cause widespread destruction to the Mystical Body of Christ. So yes, while Taylor Marshall and others have, since 13 March 2013, reeled at the gradual developments, the aberrations and heresies, nothing has been of surprise neither to me, nor to any of the leaders and co-ordinators that assembled for the seminar in Mexico City last March, nor to the New Zealanders who have gathered for similar seminars here in Auckland over the past few years.

The path that Francis is taking was spelt out to us beforehand!

Of special significance are the words of Jesus back on 24 May, 2014: “Once paganism grips My Church, this will mark the final chapter. Once the First Commandment is broken by My Church on earth – the final bastion of My Father over His children – the world will witness the worse chastisements since the Flood.” Sure enough, we saw the beginning of this pagan influence with the idolatrous “Pachamama” act of abomination in October last year; the following month the outbreak of the Corona virus threw the world into a state of fear and panic. The ongoing consequences will be compounded by calamity after calamity through the Great Tribulation ahead.

Very soon Francis will embrace all faiths, pagan and otherwise, and draw them into a “renewed” church where its new members will no longer need to be proselytised, let alone repentant. The signing, February 4 last year, of the “Human Fraternity” document  with the Grand Imam in Abu Dhabi was the onset of this process of religious integration, which will gather rapid momentum.

Add to this the Global Education Pact of the “new humanism” coming up in October, funded by the UN and its agencies, the IMF, the Gates Foundation, the Islamic Development Bank and others. This is another step closer to the false one-world inclusive church to be founded in the name of much-needed unity in a divided world. Before long the only religion to be tolerated in our brave new world of global governance will be the worship of Gaia, more acceptably named “Mother Earth”.  This was stated on the UN’s website back in 2009.

We are about to have our faith “shaken”– predicted by several seers in recent months — by momentous announcements within the corridors of the Church. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano is in full grasp of the current situation. Only days ago, on 29 May, he wrote: “It is obvious that Bergoglio, along with all who are behind him and support him, aspires to preside over this infernal parody of the Church of Christ.”

All the present-day seers are in agreement and complement each other in saying that the anti-Christ is waiting at the threshold, right now, poised to make his entrance in this decisive decade of the 2020s. Already he is directing events from behind the scenes. World leaders have met him. While it may be comforting to think his appearance is thirty or forty years away, that is not the case, so we need to be prepared, psychologically and spiritually. The Christian Church is about to be decimated. The persecution will be intense, churches closed and burnt down, the name of Christ eradicated from our midst. Catholicism is on the verge of being totally consumed by the counterfeit “church”, the result of 100 years of infiltration and gradual metamorphosis since 1965. The persecution will be fierce, even from fellow Catholics! This is mentioned in the now-famous prophecy of St Francis.

 When an outright war on Israel comes from Iran and its terrorist allies, this conflict will spill over into surrounding nations, threatening world super-power involvement, and this will precipitate the arrival of the anti-Christ in Jerusalem. The so-called “man of peace” will provide a solution to the Middle East issues. He will be hailed a genius and become adored by the world. Bishop Fulton Sheen correctly painted him as a great humanitarian, full of compassion and smiles, rather than a Stalin or Hitler. If he came clothed in red tights, with pitchfork and horns, who would fall at his feet and follow him?

At the moment of greatest turmoil, amidst the horror of an unwanted world war, God will intervene with His Last Act of Mercy. The Great Warning will convert millions upon millions after their encounter with the Risen Christ. The response to this Illumination of Conscience (or what has also been called the Second Pentecost) will determine the severity of the chastisements as we embark on God’s time of Justice, the cleansing of the earth and our time of purification.The three days of darkness will precede Christ’s Return in Glory.

We have been told, again and again, that the Parousia is very close. While Holy Scripture insists that nobody knows the day or hour except the Father, the Lord Himself reproached the people of own His time for failing to recognise the signs of the times at His first Coming. As for our generation, we have been inundated with heavenly messages and signs!

The 21st Century’s first canonised saint, Saint Faustina, was asked in 1936 to “prepare the world for the Second Coming of Him who will come, not as a merciful Saviour, but as a just Judge”. At Garabandal Our Blessed Mother told Conchita at the passing of Pope Paul VI, “Only three popes until the end of time.” Fatima’s Sister Lucia warned us we are living through Chapter 13 of the Apocalypse, and Father Stefano Gobbi from 1972 to 1997 was repeatedly told by Our Lady that the Second Coming was imminent. Our world is in a worse state than in the age of Noah at the Deluge with the excesses of sin today making even Sodom and Gomorrah pale in comparison – and we are living in an era of Grace!

According to Divine sources there are fewer than twenty genuine prophets in the world at the moment given permission to impart the Word of God. “You will know them by My true Voice which will strike the hearts and souls of God’s children in a way which is impossible to ignore”. Evidently there are many other seers and mystics as well with different missions and callings.

The greatest amount of heavenly-sent information, however, is compiled in five volumes of the Book of Truth comprising 1,320 messages given from 2010 to 2015. The Eternal Father has said that, in a world of lies and misinformation, the Book of Truth is “a gift from God”. Sadly, the messenger has been under intense attack and the messages largely ignored. The opposition to Maria Divine Mercy, especially on the internet, has frequently been vicious, by parties who have never even bothered to consider or study the words dictated to her and within the Church by modernist bishops who have lost any sense of the supernatural.

Has it ever occurred to anyone, with the amount of persecution this Irish woman has suffered, that maybe Satan and Hell are greatly intimidated by what has been revealed through her? Her life has been threatened by Masons and that’s one of the reasons Jesus concluded the messages in 2015 and gave her an anonymous name, to protect her identity and her family. It appears that the devil hates this whole Mission given to Maria Divine Mercy!

What is contained in the Book of Truth is a vast unmasking of Freemasonry’s hidden plans, unveiling every facet of what is to come. The Bilderbergs and globalist elites may convene in secret with media denied access, but God knows and sees all that goes on behind closed doors.

The Book of Truth is scriptural. It can be found in Daniel 10:21 when the archangel Gabriel opened this Divine Book and showed the prophet Daniel extensive visions of the end-times. Daniel was so shocked and overwhelmed by what he saw that he fell into a state of anguish for days. He was speechless and shaking, “no strength remained in me and no breath left in me.” In Chapter 12 Gabriel told Daniel that the Book would be sealed until the “time of the end (when) many shall be running back and forth and evil shall increase.”

These same visions were given to Saint John the Evangelist which he recorded in the Book of Revelations. Jesus has told us that only He Himself can unveil the meaning of what is written there, and as Scripture verifies, “Jesus alone is worthy to unseal the Seven Seals” mentioned there. The first of these Seals, which He has opened, is the apostasy we are witnessing today: the rejection of God and of Truth, the worldwide dismissal of the teachings of the Church by even its prelates.

Before long Bibles will become scarce; they may not even be in existence at the time of the Warning. After the Warning, however, we have been told, many people will be clamouring for the Book of Truth.

You see, there is much more to this Book than prophetic statements. The principle theme of the 1,320 messages compiled in these five volumes is God’s primary concern, the “salvation of souls”. Sublime expressions of His passion for souls fill the pages: an ardent, tender-hearted love and longing for every single human person, even His enemies. Jesus calls this His “Final Mission for Souls” and reminds us of many of the lost teachings of the Church, along with intimate insights to His life on earth. He tells us that the Book of Truth is decidedly not a replacement for Scripture, nor an adding to His Father’s Holy Book, but simply amplification or opening up of hidden meanings there.

Because of the state of the Church at the moment, He warns, these messages will never be approved. There’s a parallel to the Lord’s First Coming when He was rejected by the priests and religious elders of His own time.

Some prophecies in the Book of Truth have already been fulfilled; others have been mitigated by prayer. In 2010 the coming totalitarian government by global powers was outlined, how democracy would disappear, that churches would be sold for monetary gain, Bibles banished, priests martyred, with absolute control of our money and food with population depletion and global vaccines which are to be avoided. There is much instruction of how to deal with all the difficulties we will face, including 170 prayers and 6 litanies especially prescribed in Heaven for these times, to be prayed alongside the Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. For protection there is the “Seal of the Living God” and the Medal of Salvation from our Blessed Mother, with many promises attached to both Sacramentals.

I could go on forever, but I’ll wind this up.

Returning to the original issue of Doctor Taylor Marshall’s presentation of ancient prophecies, it is possible that these “long range forecasts” are slightly inaccurate; I am told that even canonised saints and mystics can get it wrong. Either that or God has decided to bring these distant events forward in time. Scripture does specify, though, that after a period of peace in which the devil is bound, Satan will be released again, and Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser foretells in his writings that “the son of perdition arises again”.

Time will tell.

Something we can be sure of is this: after the unfolding evil and the trials ahead, followed by the judgement of nations chastised for the bloodshed of innocents, we will enter a period of peace as promised at Fatima. It has been heralded as the Age of Mary and the Age of the Holy Spirit, also the Eucharistic Age when Christ’s Church will function without the impediment and influence of the devil and his demons. Saints Peter and Paul will elect an eminent new Pope when they return with Jesus and all the saints on the Great Day of the Lord, and the monarchy which the Masons have systematically abolished along with Christ’s kingship will be re-established. Heaven and earth will merge in a New Creation.

“Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor the human heart conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him “(1 Corinthians 2:9)