Globalists and their Tactics: Part 2


  • War with Russia and China
    Book of Truth: 16th May, 2012
    “ Second Seal: World War 3
    My dearest beloved, I must inform you that a Third World War is about to unfold in the world. My tears flow this morning, as you can see.* The Second Seal is about to unfold as foretold to John the Evangelist in the Book of Revelation. It will start in Europe. Your banking system will be the cause …

When it commences, much will be over saving the economy, and catastrophe will affect Greece, with much fallout in France. The Middle East will also be involved with Israel and Iran at war and Syria will play a serious part in the downfall of Egypt.

… The effect of this war will be that My Catholic Church on Earth will be sucked into a one world church, in the name of unification. This unification, or false peace, will become a reality after the antichrist appears to create a false peace and a so-called end to the war. This peaceful pact will involve the Western world, until China and Russia become involved with world matters. They will pose a threat to the ‘Beast with the Ten Horns’, Europe, and will overcome them to introduce communism. The Red Dragon’, China, already gains a strong foothold in the world because of their control of the world’s finances. The Red Dragon and “The Bear” which is Russia do not love God. They are being led by the antichrist, who is from the East, and who hides behind closed doors.

When these prophesies unfold the whole world will believe in these Messages. There will be no doubts then….” ( )

  • Wars
    Book of Truth: 26th Nov. 2010
    “ …Plan to orchestrate a war
    There is a vicious plan underway by world powers to orchestrate a war – the intention being to reduce the world’s population. Pray, pray, now, to help deflect the level of damage these evil people want to cause on Earth. Their allegiance to the deceiver, means that through the satanic powers they receive under his influence, they are determined to carry out this task at all costs.

St. John Bosco: War, plague, hunger are the scourges with which human pride and malice will be struck…”

“But my hand will strike the flock and the pastors: famine, plague and war will cause mothers to shed tears over the blood of their sons and their husbands dead in enemy lands.”

La Salette: There will be a series of wars until the last war which will then be fought by the kings of the anti-Christ, all of whom will have one and the same plan and will be the only rulers of the world…All civil governments will have one and the same plan: abolish and do away with every religious principal to make way for materialism, atheism, spiritualism and vice of all kinds”

Fatima: “The world will be afflicted with wars, famine, the martyrdom of the good, persecution of the Church and the Holy Father, the annihilation of nations, and apostasy from the one true Faith. “

Fr. Gobbi: “Moreover, your days are marked by continual rumors of wars which are multiplying and are reaping, each day, innumerable victims. Conflicts and dissensions within countries are increasing; revolts and struggles between various peoples are propagating; bloody wars are continuing to extend themselves, notwithstanding all the efforts which are being made to attain peace”.

  • Marxist Jesuits:
    It has already been established that Bergoglio, through his words and actions –(on Doctrine, justice, humanism, his connection with Liberation Theology…) is a Marxist. He is also a Jesuit and a Freemason. He was elected as a result of the tactics of the St Gallen group.

Book of Truth: 12 April, 2012
“… They, My daughter, are being sent to prepare God’s children to accept the next pope, who comes after My beloved Vicar ,Pope Benedict. This pope may be elected by members within the Catholic Church, but he will be the false prophet. His electors are wolves in sheep’s clothing and are members of the secret Masonic and evil group led by Satan. This is how Satan will try to destroy My Church. Sadly, he will, this false prophet, attract a large following. Those who oppose him will be persecuted. Run children, while you can. Denounce the lies, which will be presented by those who attempt to convince you of the authenticity of the false prophet. …”  ( )

Book of Truth: 8 March 2013
“…The cunning imposter, who has lain in waiting in the wings, patiently, will soon declare his reign over My poor unsuspecting sacred servants….  His loyalty is to the beast and how he will laugh and sneer at My sacred servants who will support him. … He has been sent to dismantle My Church and tear it up into little pieces before he will spit it out from his vile mouth. The false prophet – he who poses as the leader of My Church – is ready to wear the robes, which were not made for him. He will desecrate My Holy Eucharist and will divide My Church in half and then by half again. …”

Fr. Gobbi:  “There is a subtle and diabolical tactic, woven in secrecy by Masonry, which is used today against the Holy Father in order to bring ridicule upon his person and his work and to neutralize his Magisterium.”

Anne Catherine Emmerich: “Once more I saw that the Church of Peter was undermined by a plan evolved by the secret sect, while storms were damaging it.”

“The Little Black Man in Rome, whom I see so often, has many working for him without their clearly knowing for what end. He has his agents in the New Black Church also… Religion is there so skillfully undermined and stifled that there are scarcely 100 faithful priests. I cannot say how it is, but I see fog and darkness increasing”

Pope Leo XIII:. “In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered.”

Ven. Archbishop Fulton Sheen (1950) “The False Prophet will have a religion without a cross. A religion without a world to come. A religion to destroy religions. There will be a counterfeit church. Christ’s Church [the Catholic Church] will be one. And the False Prophet will create the other. …”

Globalists and their Tactics: Part 1


Brannon Howse: Globalists admit Covid-19 is their instrument to achieve Global government

April 22, 2020 From Rome Editor

A summary of principal points in this documentary:

  • World Economic Forum displays their entire plan for world domination on their website, which is filled with documents explaining how they are doing it.
  • The Tavistock Institute which studied mind control in prisoners of war by means of implanting new beliefs after deliberate induced fear.
  • The best friend of the founder of WHO is the founder of the Tavistock Institute
  • Tavistock Institute pledge itself to achieve goals of world health control.
  • Pandemic is a cover for martial law controls to achieve one world government.
  • Pandemic Hype has been used to recondition many to become willing tools of promoting one world government and control of their neighbors.
  • Pandemic is generally a psyop.
  • Expect coming war with Russia and China as another trick to convince masses to give up the rest of their rights and buckle down in unquestioning obedience to world government, which will be proposed as the ONLY solution to world peace and security.
  • Role of Marxist-Jesuits to bring down the Catholic Church and turn it into a tool of globalism.
  • Rockefeller Foundation has funded Tavistock Institute programs.
  • George Brock Chisholm the founder of WHO said the cause of all perversion is morality, and the goal of Psychotherapy is the elimination of the concept of good and wrong.
  • Career channeling is their tool to manipulate the careers of those individuals who agree and disagree with their agenda.
  • Electronic controls at borders and checkpoint will ultimately be used to identify and detain those who have intentions to oppose globalism.
  • Opposition to globalism will be classified as a mental illness.
  • AmeriCorps will be instrument to weaponize youth for globalism and promote them as leaders of the new society.
  • Public education will be used to mold and track the values of students for the rest of their lives.
  • Shows that the World Economic Forum has the goal of controlling world religions (Catholic Church) and instrumentalizing them for their goals.

The list above documents the globalists and some of the strategies they are using to achieve their aim of world government. The pandemic is very obvious to many of us as a tool for world domination. The statistics and ‘deaths’ don’t seem to add up. or don’t seem to qualify as a basis for the extreme measures put into place. Martial law has been introduced into Victoria  (a state in Australia)  to go door to door to check on people; as well as borders being shut down between states. The vaccines being developed are evidence of a desire for world health control. Opposition to Globalism being used as a ‘mental illness’ – already a case in the ACT (Canberra). The fact that the World Economic Forum is involved is no surprise as we have seen the economies all over the world collapsing, with businesses failing and people out of work. Even the bible (Book of Revelation) links the economy with this new World Order. The key factor in all this has been “fear”.

However, as well as all these things coming true right before our eyes, there is much in prophecy to warn us.

  • World domination,        world economic forum  
    Ven. Archbishop Fulton Sheen (1950)
    “…The false church will be worldly, ecumenical, and global. It will be a loose federation of churches. And religions forming some type of global association. A world parliament of churches. It will be emptied of all divine content and will be the mystical body of the Antichrist.”

Book of Truth: 24th Sept. 2013
“…Never before has the wickedness against God been so co-ordinated by the human race as it is today. Never before has mortal man been capable of inflicting so much suffering, through the seizure of power in order to control, as it has at this moment of time in history. The great persecution against God’s children, created by Satan with the willing support of evil, power hungry men and women, in positions of great power, is unfolding before your eyes. Yet, many of you cannot see because you have been fooled….” (

  • Mental health

“Mr (Simeon) Cassar, of no fixed abode, is the first person to be charged under the Public Health Act with failing to comply with COVID-19 health directions in the ACT.. Canberra Times reported Mr Cassar was refused bail on Friday after a magistrate found that releasing him could still endanger the community, despite the 41-year-old having tested negative for COVID-19 since his arrest.

Magistrate James Lawton refused bail. He said while Mr Cassar was charged with a fine-only offence, there was still a likelihood ahead of further COVID-19 tests that Mr Cassar would endanger the safety or welfare of anyone if released at this stage… “ACT Policing had serious concerns about the significant health risks this particular individual posed to our community by not complying with the health directions.”

Simeon is a well known and loved Aussie activist and has been described by friends as dedicated, passionate, and on a mission to expose government corruption. Simeon is currently being held against his will in the mental health ward of a Canberra Hospital.

He wrote that he is being force sedated 4 times a day and ‘not even allowed to have anything not even my watch, a tv or cigarette they even denied my mum visiting me today when she came.’ Simeon’s mother Anna has flown down from Qld with the intention to take him home with her.

It’s said that he initially thought he was put in isolation because he was under quarantine for Covid 19 and that part of the hospital was empty. The paperwork he was issued stated involuntary detention not exceeding 3 days under section 85(1) of the mental health act 2015. He has now been issued an order extending his detainment up to an additional 11 days!”

  • Electronic controls– detain those who are opposed to globalism (article re China and surveillance)

An article in LifeSiteNews on July 16, 2020  “Expert explains how China uses smartphones to spy on Christians in their homes” –  explained how digital technology controls are used by the Communist Chinese govt. to spy on Christians in their homes.

“As processors, sensors, and cameras have proliferated, the extent of religious life that the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] can surveil has expanded dramatically.”

“Video and audio surveillance of public mosques, churches, and temples has exploded,” he pointed out. “Rather than simply shut down a religious school or house of worship, authorities can monitor all activity and individuals within those facilities and sanction undesired behavior or individuals with greater specificity.”

Digital technologies also help the government to target underground religious organizations and networks, he continued. “From video feeds to GPS tracking, authorities have greater ability to detect religious groups that meet and operate covertly.”

“In Xinjiang, for instance, smartphone location data, vehicle location data, checkpoint logs, facial recognition technology, and video feeds from buses, streets, and drones, can be used to identify when individuals in the same religious network meet together covertly, potentially even in real-time.”

… “The smartphone in particular has revolutionized state surveillance of religious belief,” he said. “Not only are Chinese authorities able to monitor messages on WeChat and other applications, but they can also require individuals to install logging software that tracks all video, audio, and text stored on the phone or accessed online.” .,..

See the entire article here:

New beliefs after implanting fear
Book of Truth: 19th July, 2012
“…They will ruthlessly stamp out Christian Laws.
      They will then create laws to ban all religions, especially Christianity.
They will impose penalties on those who do not respond to their demands….”

  • World health control
    Book of Truth: 18th Sept. 2014
    “ My dear child, you must ask everyone to ask for God’s Mercy in all those matters, which involve the destruction of humanity. I refer to the wicked plans involving wars; plans to introduce a global vaccine – which you were warned about in the message of  26 November 2010   genocide and the murder of Christians, as well as other people of different religions, by the hands of evil men.”

Book of Truth: 10th Nov. 2012
“The introduction of a global vaccine, targeting infants and young children, will be one of the most wicked forms of genocide ever witnessed since the deaths of the Jews under Hitler. This evil plan will be possible because many of your governments forced their people to accept changes in their laws giving their governments power to enforce laws against your innocent children.”

Book of Truth: 26th Nov. 2010
“Warning on Global Vaccinations
First of all, pray in groups. Pray for these people who are ardent supporters of Satan. Prayer will help to avert some of these disasters. Watch out for the atrocities they will try to inflict through vaccination. Trust no sudden global initiative to vaccinate, which may seem compassionate in its intention. Be on your guard. Country by country, these groups are colluding to control as many people as possible.

Fear not, because I will protect My followers who pray to Me. Pray, too, for those brave souls among you who have decided to spread the Truth. Many of these people are being laughed at, but they are speaking, for the most part, the Truth.”







St John Bosco: Prophecies for the Church and the Pope in the End Times


It seems to me that the first prophecy (below) is about Pope Benedict XVI. Is the reference “cut the ties” to his supposed “resignation”?

St. John Bosco, in prophecy, warned that the time would come when the Devil would sow discord among those closest to the Holy Father and what the Holy Father must do:

“Now Heaven’s voice is addressed to the Shepherd of shepherds. You are now in conference with your advisors. The enemy of the good does not stand idle one moment. He studies and practices all his arts against you. He will sow discord among your consultors; he will raise up enemies amongst my children. The powers of the world will belch forth fire, and they would that the words be suffocated in the throats of the custodians of my law. That will not happen, they will do no harm but to themselves. You must hurry. If you cannot untie the knots, cut them. If you find yourself hard pressed, do not give up but continue until the head of the hydra of error is cut off. This stroke will make the world and Hell beneath it tremble, but the world will be safe and all the good will rejoice. Keep your consultors always with you, even if only two. Wherever you go, continue and bring to an end the work entrusted to you. The days fly by, your years will reach the destined number; but the great Queen will ever be your help, as in times past, so in the future She will always be the exceeding great fortress of the Church. [Here St. Bosco refers to the Immaculata].

He continues: This paragraph seems to speak of the effects of Bergoglio’s reign. The “bread of faith” is not being fed to us, and indeed, it is being “smashed to pieces”.

“Ah, but you, Italy, land of blessings! Who has steeped you in desolation! Blame not your enemies, but rather your friends. Can you not hear your children asking for the bread of faith and finding only those who smash it to pieces? What shall I do? I shall strike the shepherds, I shall disperse the flock, until those sitting on the throne of Moses search for good pastures and the flock listens attentively and is fed.

Warning about chastisements:

Of the flock and over the shepherds My hand will weigh heavy. Famine, pestilence, and war will be such that mothers will have to cry on account of the blood of their sons and of their martyrs dead in a hostile country.

And to you, Rome, what will happen! Ungrateful Rome, effeminate Rome, proud Rome! You have reached such a height that you search no further. You admire nothing else in your Sovereign except luxury, forgetting that you and your glory stands upon Golgotha. Now he is old, defenseless, and despoiled; and yet at his word, the word of one who was in bondage, the whole world trembles. (I wonder it this last sentence also refers to Benedict? His book on celibacy cleverly undermining Bergoglio before he could announce the final synod document, certainly shook some people up.!)

And finally, a warning to Rome:

Rome! To you I will come four times.

The first time, I shall strike your lands and the inhabitants thereof.

The second time, I shall bring the massacre and the slaughter even to your very walls. And will you not yet open your eyes?

I shall come a third time and I shall beat down to the ground your defenses and the defenders, and at the command of the Father, the reign of terror, of dreadful fear, and of desolation shall enter into your city.

But My wise men have now fled and My law is even now trampled underfoot. Therefore I will make a fourth visit. Woe to you if My law shall still be considered as empty words. There will be deceit and falsehood among both the learned and the ignorant. Your blood and that of your children will wash away your stains upon God’s law. War, pestilence and famine are the rods to scourge men’s pride and wickedness. O wealthy men, where is your glory now, your estates, your palaces? They are the rubble on the highways and byways.

And a scolding question for priests:

And your priests, why have you not run tocry between the vestibule and the Altar,’ begging God to end these scourges? Why have you not, with the shield of faith, gone upon the housetops, into the homes, along the highways and byways, into every accessible corner to carry the seed of My word? Know you that this is the terrible two-edged sword that cuts down My enemies and breaks the Anger of God and of men?”

Effeminate Rome.  What an indictment. But this prophecy points to our own time.

Excerpt from:

The following prophecy is one that we are most familiar with:

“The flagship commander — the Roman Pontiff — standing at the helm, strains every muscle to steer his ship between the two columns, from whose summits hang many anchors and strong hooks linked to chains. The entire enemy fleet closes in to intercept and sink the flagship at all costs. They bombard it with everything they have: books and pamphlets, incendiary bombs, firearms, cannons. The battle rages ever more furious. Beaked prows ram the flagship again and again, but to no avail, as unscathed and undaunted, it keeps on its course. At times, a formidable ram splinters a gaping hole in its hull, but immediately, a breeze from the two columns instantly seals the gash.

“Meanwhile, enemy cannons blow up; firearms and beaks fall to pieces; ships crack up and sink to the bottom. In blind fury, the enemy takes to hand-to-hand combat, cursing and blaspheming. Suddenly the Pope falls, seriously wounded. He is instantly helped up, but struck a second time, dies. A shout of victory rises from the enemy, and wild rejoicing sweeps their ships. But no sooner is the Pope dead than another takes his place. The captains of the auxiliary ships elected him so quickly that the news of the Pope’s death coincides with that of his successor’s election. The enemy’s self-assurance wanes.

Breaking through all resistance, the new Pope steers his ship safely between the two columns; first, to the one surmounted by the Host, and then the other, topped by the statue of the Virgin. At this point, something unexpected happens. The enemy ships panic and disperse, colliding with and scuttling each other.

“Some auxiliary ships, which had gallantly fought alongside their flagship, are the first to tie up at the two columns. Many others, which had fearfully kept far away from the fight, stand still, cautiously waiting until; the wrecked enemy ships vanish under the waves. Then they too head for the two columns, tie up at the swinging hooks and ride safe and tranquil beside their flagship. A great calm now covers the sea.”

St. John Bosco reiterated his prediction in 1862:

“There will be an Ecumenical Council in the next century, after which there will be chaos in the Church. Tranquility will not return until the Pope succeeds in anchoring the boat of Peter between the twin pillars of Eucharistic Devotion and Devotion to Our Lady. This will come about one year before the end of the century.”

(NB: this prophecy was exactly 100 years till when Vatican II started)


The Woman of Revelation and the Prophetic Messages of the End Times.


Dynamic Catholic theologian Dr. Kelly Bowring discusses the prophetic messages from God and from Heaven concerning the final battle of the apocalypse now unfolding, including the Warning, the Miracle, and the divine Chastisement, in this video episode 4 (of a 13-part series) on the theme of the Woman of Revelation and the Prophetess of the end times.
This video will change your life forever!

For more, go to

If you go to, you can click on a full transcript of this video.

Below are listed just a few selected highlights in the video.

It is worthwhile to listen to it all, when you have some time to spare.

Dr Bowring has woven all the prophecies from the Gospels and our Lady’s apparitions up to these times.


At 23 secs. Dr Bowring speaks about Matthew 24 and the signs of the end time.

… at 4.41 – Fr GobbiMother of Salvation

…at 4.55 – The Woman clothed with the sun and the red dragon

…at 5.19 – The miracle after the Warning

…at 5.30 – The miracle of the sun at Fatima, a sign for us

…at 6.13 – Pope St John Paul II’s visit to Us and his prophecy

… at 7.09 – St Paul and his prophecies

…at 45 mins – St John Bosco – extra information researched by Dr Bowring

…at 50 mins – Fulton Sheen and the False prophet and antichrist

…at 1hr.06 – Russia will march on Italy

…at 1hr.28  Glorious reign of Christ.


Thank you Dr Bowring for  all your work in helping to enlighten the world regarding events  in these end times for the Salvation of souls !!