“Those who cultivate their land will have plenty of food …” (Proverbs 28:19)


As many of you may have gathered over the last 6 months or so, our posts have been rather irregular. We are all overwhelmed at times with all sorts of issues, trials and persecutions. For a few years now, JtM prayer groups meet via technology- in regions, countries and globally. This was a great blessing, especially in times of the C* trial. But our group has been here from the beginning in Nov. 2010, and although we can join in JtM prayer groups every day – there is nothing like a personal, on the ground meeting. So today, we managed to get a spare hour with a few of us to do our own little prayer group via the internet with our own personal prayer group members. Out Lord always surprises us.

At the end, when we picked our readings (with a prayer to the Holy Spirit beforehand as always), we found an amazing thing. the first sentence in the Bible Reading was about planting food. Remnant Child of Mary remarked that she had just that morning planted something, because she had not done so in a while; I remarked that yesterday I had thought of this same thing, and went to look for the seeds I had bought and wondered whether this season was the one to plant them in; another said she had been working in her garden all morning. Each of us had a connection.

It seems that Jesus was giving our little group a personal welcome – He was waiting for us and granted us  a reminder that we need to work on planting food – lots of it. The Book of Truth has lots of warnings and advice about how we should prepare. In the Book of Truth Reading selected, there were more instructions – this time from our blessed Mother. There was advice about how to prepare for the world War. They are accompanied with reassurances for us, so that we do not fear. What a loving God we have!


JtM Prayer Group on Mon. 5th June, 2023

Prayer Theme: Salvation of souls (Groups A and B)
Bible Reading: Proverbs 28: 19-28
Book of Truth: 16th May, 2012

Bible Reading

Proverbs 28: 19-28

19 Those who cultivate their land will have plenty of food,

but those who engage in idle pursuits will have plenty of want.

20 The trustworthy will be richly blessed;

but whoever hastens to be rich will not go unpunished.

21To show partiality is never good:

for even a morsel of bread one may do wrong.

22 Misers hurry toward wealth,

not knowing that want is coming toward them.

23 Whoever rebukes another wins more favor

than one who flatters with the tongue.

24 Whoever defrauds father or mother and says, “It is no sin,”

is a partner to a brigand.

25 The greedy person stirs up strife,

but the one who trusts in the LORD will prosper.

26 Those who trust in themselves are fools,

but those who walk in wisdom are safe.

27 Those who give to the poor have no lack,

but those who avert their eyes, many curses.

28 When the wicked prevail, people hide;

but at their fall the just abound.

Reading from the Book of Truth

Mother of Salvation: My visionaries in the world will be instructed to pray in order to avert the dangers associated with a World War

16 May 2012 @ 09:00am; Message 0427
My child, please try to remain strong in this Work for my Son. It is important that all those who believe in the Truth of the Holy Word, being given to the world at this time, remain calm.

Your duty is to respond to my beloved Son’s instructions. Prayer, and trust in my Son, will bring about your salvation.

The Gift of the Seal of the Living God will be your biggest protection at a time of war or strife. By pledging allegiance to God the Father, through the acceptance of this free Gift, you will remain free.

Never forget the power of prayer and how it can dilute the impact of such events.

Sadly, many of these events must come to pass for they have been prophesised.

Children, I call on all those who revere me, your Blessed Mother, to understand that this is a calling from Heaven.

All my visionaries in the world will be instructed to pray, in order to avert the dangers associated with a World War.

You must persevere in your suffering and offer it as a gift to God the Father.

My daily Rosary is important at this time no matter what Christian Church you belong to.

You must recite it, because it offers protection to those nations who say it daily, and in great numbers.

Pray, pray, pray for Europe at this time and turn to my Son and ask Him for the strength, courage and perseverance required to retain your trust in God.

Your beloved Mother

Queen of Heaven and Earth

Mother of Salvation

Published by

Remnant Disciple

Traditional Catholic; member of Jesus' Remnant Army; leader of a Jesus to Mankind Prayer group since 2010. Prayer group leader for about 25 years.