“When the signs in the skies are shown to you and witness the clash, the noise and the shaking in the ground know that I have come to waken you up.”


In this message, Jesus tells us abut the Warning and its role in turning us to God. Most of us have relatives and friends whom we know as “good” people. Jesus explains to us how they honour Him despite their lack of faith. We pine and grieve for their souls and pray many prayers and shed may tears for them. Jesus acknowledges this, and tells us of His Plan!

The Father's Love

If you believe in the existence of Satan then know that everything that is unjust and evil in the world is caused by him

5 August 2012 @ 5:40pm; Message 0510

My dearly beloved daughter, I am calling out to everyone, young and old, who is unsure about their faith in God.

I appeal to those amongst you, who do believe in Me, but who do not speak with Me, or avail of the Sacraments, or who do not attend their churches, to honour Me.

I love you. I will never desert you and you are going to be given a special Gift shortly.

You will experience what it is like when you will come before me on the Day of Judgement. Then you will forget your doubts.

Many of you, despite your lack of faith, honour Me in so many ways but you do not realise this.

You, in your daily lives, feel love, concern and sympathy for others. You feel an urge to fight injustice and are repelled when you witness wicked acts, committed by others over those less fortunate than themselves. You show love for others and look after those who need your help. You hate to take advantage of others and are sensitive to the needs of those who suffer in this life.

You feel love for your family. You laugh and rejoice when you are with friends and feel a tremendous love and friendship for those close to your heart.

When you marry you feel an overwhelming love for your spouse. Then, when you have children, the love you feel surpasses anything you could ever have imagined.

You cry tears of remorse if and when you hurt someone. You forgive others when they offend you, insult you or cause you harm.

Where do you think this love and these emotions come from? Don’t you know they can only come from God?

Love is difficult to explain. Difficult to analyse and it can never be proved by science for it is a Gift from God.

Hatred , on the other hand, comes from the dark side.

Satan, to many people, may not seem real but he exists.

Many of you do not believe in evil or the existence of evil spirits for they are careful not to reveal themselves.

If you believe in the existence of Satan then know that everything that is unjust and evil in the world is caused by him. He is the king of lies and he has the power to blind you to the truth of your  existence. Because of your blindness My Mercy is now going to cover the world to prove to you that I exist.

Be prepared for this day for it will happen soon.

the-warning-imageWhen the signs in the skies are shown to you and witness the clash, the noise and the shaking in the ground know that I have come to waken you up.

When this happens I beg you to turn to Me then for I want to fill you with My Love so I can bring love and joy into your hearts.

When My Mercy comes upon you will you feel peace at last.

I love you and I will never forsake you.

I await your response when this great day comes.

Your Jesus

JtM Crusade Prayer Meeting on Thurs. 20th Dec. 2018


Prayer Theme:  Protection during the Warning and against the Antichrist

Prayers are Groups A & G: (See https://remnantdisciplesjtm.com/crusade-prayer-group-format/ for details).


Bible: Matt. 26: 47-56

BoT: 29 Dee. 2012

BoT: 30 June 2014

Bible Reading

 Matt. 26: 47-56

The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus. 47 While he was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived, accompanied by a large crowd, with swords and clubs, who had come from the chief priests and the elders of the people. 58 His betrayer had arranged a sign with them, saying, “The man I shall kiss is the one; arrest him.” 49 Immediately he went over to Jesus and said, “Hail, Rabbi!”  and he kissed him. 50 Jesus answered him, “Friend, do what you have come for.” Then stepping forward they laid hands on Jesus and arrested him. 51 And behold, one of those who accompanied Jesus put his hand to his sword, drew it, and struck the high priest’s servant, cutting off his ear. 52 Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its sheath, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword. 53 Do you think that I cannot call upon my Father and he will not provide me at this moment with more than twelve legions of angels? 54 But then how would the scriptures be fulfilled which say that it must come to pass in this way?” 55 At that hour Jesus said to the crowds, “Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to seize me? Day after day I sat teaching in the temple area, yet you did not arrest me. 5 But all this has come to pass that the writings of the prophets may be fulfilled.” Then all the disciples left him and fled.

Readings from the Book of Truth

Never fear Me for I come in peace

December 29, 2012 @ 7:36pm

My dearly beloved daughter, again, I say to all of you, dear disciples of Mine, not to be fearful. While events to come may be distressing for you to witness, remember these, My Holy Words, given to you now.

My Love for humanity is so great that I forgive easily, any sin, no matter how offensive, once true remorse is shown by the sinner. Never fear Me if you truly love Me because I protect you at all times. Yes, you will suffer in My Name, when you walk behind Me. But this is something, which you must accept. It is such a small price to pay for the Glory, which lies ahead of you.

Those who, however, walk in front of Me in the mistaken belief that they do not need the Presence of God in their lives need to be fearful. These sinners, who will never show remorse, for they believe that they are in control of their own destiny, will fall into the abyss. This, the trap laid down for them by the evil one, can be likened to a ticking clock. For every minute they continue to forsake Me, their time is shortened. Their time to redeem themselves in My Eyes is short.

Know that the two armies for the battle of souls have now lined up in order to prepare for the war. Time is moving on so please be prepared at all times.

Never fear Me, for I come in peace. Be fearful, however, of the beast who will be seen to come in peace, but who comes to destroy you. He, the evil one, and his followers on earth are those you should be fearful of. Not Me.

Your Jesus

You can only uphold the Truth, for I Am the Truth. Deny the Truth and you deny Me

June 30, 2014 @ 11:50pm

My dearly beloved daughter, you, My dear followers, must know that the gates of Hell will never prevail against My Church, although much of My Church on Earth will be crushed, as foretold. But, the Truth can never die. My Word will never die out nor will My Teachings be forgotten by those who are in true union with Me. 

Only those who remain true to My Word can say they are part of My Church on Earth. Those who applaud any form of tampering of the Holy Gospels or adaptation of My Teachings will no longer be able to claim that they serve Me. Should a holy servant of Mine dare to proclaim an alternative doctrine to the one given to man by My apostles and the prophets, before My Time, they will be immediately expelled. 

I warn all those who embrace anything, which is deemed to be sacred – but which is formed by human hands and creation – and who accept this as Mine, that I will cast you out, for you will no longer be able to call yourselves My servants. And should you lead souls into error, your punishment will begin in your time and will continue long after you depart from this life. 

My Anger is unknown to you, because you have yet to witness it. But know this. You who will betray Me already know who you are, for your faith has already weakened. Many of you have already fallen and your weakness will be your downfall. You will betray Me; deny Me and embrace My enemies, for you will be so caught up in the new religion – the secular humanism, which will come as a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing to devour you – that I will be forgotten. Your ambition and desire to please those enemies of Mine, who will rise to great heights, within the echelons of My Church – will blind you to the Truth. This will be the cause of your demise and all those whom you will pull into grave error.

It is when My Church turns My Teachings upside down; inside out and back to front, that you will know that the time has come for the antichrist to take centre stage. Those who worship the beast will sign their own death warrant and will hand over their free will, a Sacred Gift from God, to My enemies. Once you swear an oath to this new false doctrine, you will be guilty of crucifying Me and your punishment will be severe. 

Why, you may ask, would you be punished for your obedience to your elders? The answer is simple. When you swore an oath to serve Me, you agreed to uphold the Truth. When you break this oath, because of your obedience to those enemies of Mine to come, then it is not I, Jesus Christ, you will serve.

You can only uphold the Truth, for I Am the Truth. Deny the Truth and you deny Me. When you deny Me, as a servant of God, you will no longer be fit to instruct God’s children towards their Eternal Salvation.

Your Jesus

JtM Crusade Prayer Meeting on Thurs. 12 July, 2018


Prayer Theme: Protection

Prayers are Groups A & C: (See https://remnantdisciples.wordpress.com/crusade-prayer-group-format/ for details).


Bible: Matthew 28: 11-15

BoT 5 Sept. 2014

BoT:  8 June, 2011

Bible Reading

Matthew 28: 11-15

The Report of the Guard 11 While they were going, some of the guard went into the city and told the chief priests all that had happened.12 They assembled with the elders and took counsel; then they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers, 13 telling them, “You are to say, ‘His disciples came by night and stole him while we were asleep.’ 14 And if this gets to the ears of the governor, we will satisfy [him] and keep you out of trouble.” 15 The soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story has circulated among the Jews to the present [day]

Readings from the Book of Truth

Do not cut yourself off from Me. If you do, there will be great weeping

September 5, 2014 @ 8:45pm

My dearly beloved daughter, let it be known that death has no power over those of Mine, whose faith has sustained them right up to their last breath. These souls have no fear of physical death because they know that Eternal Life begins at that time.  I await such souls with open arms and they run like little children towards the Light of My Love. I embrace them and take them into My Kingdom, awaiting each and every such soul in the presence of the Hierarchy of Angels and all the saints – then great rejoicing takes place.

I reunite them with their families and there is much joy, love and excitement. No more tears. No memories of the sufferings, which they endured on earth, remain. All worries, sadness and despair are wiped away and forgotten, in an instant. Death opens the door for those who die in a state of Grace as new life begins. For every soul who is welcomed into My Kingdom, there are different levels, and each one is accorded their reward, based on the Glory, which they have given to God.

For souls who die in a state of sin, know that I Am All Merciful and, after their purification, they will be welcomed into My Kingdom. Always pray for such souls because they cannot pray for themselves at that stage.  Your prayers will be heard and I will await these souls with open and loving arms. It is important for every child of God to understand one important thing about life after death. You must ask Me, Your Jesus, to forgive you; your failings; your weaknesses and your iniquities, before you die, for it is then that My Mercy is at its greatest. If you do not believe in God, you reject Eternal Life. Without love for God, love cannot be yours after death.  I Am Love and without Me, you will feel nothing but pain. Separation from God is to be feared. If you feel confused about My Existence, then you must simply ask Me to show you a sign of My Love, and I will respond.

Do not cut yourself off from Me. If you do, there will be great weeping and you can never be consoled, for I will be unable to help you. My Kingdom will give you Eternal Life but you must ask Me for My Help by reciting this prayer.

Crusade Prayer (165) For the Gift of Eternal Life

Jesus help me to believe in Your Existence.

Give me a sign so that my heart can respond to You.

Fill my empty soul with the Grace that I need to open my mind and my heart to Your Love.

Have Mercy on me, and cleanse my soul from every wrongdoing, that I have committed in my life.

Forgive me for rejecting You, but please fill me with the love that I need, to be made worthy of Eternal Life.

Help me to know You, to see Your Presence in other people and fill me with the Grace to recognise the Sign of God

in every beautiful Gift which You have given the human race.

Help me to understand Your Ways and save me from the separation and the pain of darkness that I feel in my soul. Amen.

Do not allow human pride, intellectual analysis or opinion to sway you from the Truth.  As a child of God you are very precious to Me. Do not let Me lose you. Come. I Am Here. I Am Real. Let Me fill your soul with My Presence.  Once that happens you will find it difficult to ignore Me.

I love you all. I bless you. I await your response.

Your Jesus

Prepare your family to witness My Cross in the Sky

8 June 2011 @ 4:45pm

My dearly beloved daughter, I must share with you the feelings I Am enduring now. The first is one of happiness, because I Am to bring so much Mercy to My children during the Illumination of Conscience, which is close. And then there are My Tears of great sadness, for those oblivious to this event and who are unprepared.

My children will need to tell as many of their friends and family of this Great Event in order to save their souls. No matter if they smile and ridicule your claims, for afterwards, they will thank you. Tell them the Truth. Ask them to open their minds.

They should be made aware of what they will witness, because when they see My Cross in the sky they will be prepared. That is all they need to understand. Then they will accept the discomfort they will endure when their past lives are played out before their eyes. Tell them to review their life and remind them of the harm that they may have inflicted on their fellow brothers and sisters.

Spread My Word after the Warning
My children, as soon as The Warning happens and when conversion takes place move quickly to spread My Most Holy Word. There is an urgency to this because this will be a crucial period. That is when, through the work of My beloved followers everywhere, that My children will stay on the right path. It will be the time when prayer and conversion can dilute the impact of the havoc, which will come about through the reign of both the antichrist and the false prophet.

Accept the Truth now for what it is. Do not fear the Truth. Embrace it; for when you do, you will be set free and your confidence in Me will enable you to defend My Word properly. Fear will hold you back, My precious children. Courage will win souls. Your battle, on My behalf, will ease My suffering and bring eternal life to so many more souls who desperately need your help.

My Love for you, children, is all-encompassing and never waivers in its intensity. My Cross is heavy, but when you take it up with love in your hearts, your load will be light. You My beloved followers, sacred servants and lay people, are My future army to help defeat Satan. Pray now for the strength to deal with the challenges to your faith.

Lead by example and the Gift I Am bestowing on each of you who pledges his or her allegiance to Me will create instant conversion when you speak My Most Holy Word.

Remember, I Am with you all the time now. Many of you who have been close to Me for some time will now experience a stronger sense of the Holy Spirit and the power of discernment, which will astonish you. Accept this as one of the greatest Gifts being given to man today. I have not bestowed a multitude of such graces since My apostles were given the precious Gifts through The Holy Spirit.

You, My followers, including My sacred servants, are My True Church. I will, with the help of God the Eternal Father, lead you so you can march with all My children towards the New Paradise, which awaits you all.

Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ