“This is the group, foretold of long ago, who will try to destroy humanity.”


lightening bolt Vatican

Thunder and lightning will descend upon the Temple of the Lord

3 January 2015 @ 8:20pm; Message 1303

My dearly beloved daughter, when God gave the world the Truth, through the prophets, it was an act of mercy on His part. So many had forgotten about God, adored false gods – which come from the hierarchy of satan – that they began to believe in their own invincibility. Were it not for God’s intervention many people would have suffered a terrible punishment.

What God told the prophets, since the beginning, happened. The warnings He gave to humanity resulted in those, who heeded them, being saved while those who ignored them were cast away.

All that has been foretold will come to pass, and those who oppose God in His attempts to bring peace and salvation to His children will have to account for their defiance. Because the Truth has been twisted and the Word of God ignored, people will continue to turn their backs on the Holy Word of God. Their descent into darkness will result in a punishment by God, the Most High.

It pains My Eternal Father to see the depths to which man has fallen in the pursuit of anything that brings him pleasure. But, the day when the Holy Sacrifice ends, and the hour that the imposters desecrate My Altar, will be the final thorn by which they will pierce My Side. At the appointed time, thunder and lightning will descend upon the Temple of the Lord and it will come crashing down. Woe to the man who participates in this sacrilege for he will be cut off from every reprieve and he will fall into the abyss like a stone. No one will defend the man who desecrates My Altar then, for once the Hand of God descends like a heavy axe, they will realise the Truth.


Many may have fallen away from God but, for the most part, many will still call out to Him seeking solace in His Arms. But, there will exist a core – a band of beasts – whose outward appearance disguises the wickedness, which lies within, who will urge, seduce and draw towards them the souls whose hardened hearts have made them the perfect cohorts in the plot to desecrate My Body. This is the group, foretold of long ago, who will try to destroy humanity. Their power will be limited, however, though it may seem great. My Father will only permit so much opposition against Me, His only begotten Son, for so long.

Jesus with open arms

The good of heart will rally and come to Me. It is through the sins of pride and arrogance that the greatest division will be created amongst men and, unless they discard their weaknesses, they will find it impossible to accept My Mercy.

The Truth must be upheld for if you accept anything but the Truth – the Word of God – you will end up with nothing.

Your Jesus

Daniel and St John- What the church teaches about these times.

“The Resurrection of the Church” 

by Mark Mallett 

Posted on April 4, 2021

“THERE is a mysterious passage in the book of Daniel that is unfolding in our time. It further reveals what God is planning at this hour as the world continues its descent into darkness…


After seeing in visions the rise of a “beast” or Antichrist, who would come toward the end of the world, the prophet is then told:

Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end. Many shall purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined… (Daniel 12:9-10)

Over the past century, the Holy Spirit has been revealing to the Church the fullness of the plan of Redemption through Our Lady, several mystics, and a recovery of the authentic meaning of the teachings of the Early Church Fathers on the Book of Revelation. Indeed, the Apocalypse is a direct echo of Daniel’s visions, and therefore, the “unsealing” of its contents presupposes a fuller understanding of its meaning in keeping with the “Public Revelation” of the Church—Sacred Tradition.

…even if [Public] Revelation is already complete, it has not been made completely explicit; it remains for Christian faith gradually to grasp its full significance over the course of the centuries. Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 66

As a sidenote, in the locutions to the late Fr. Stefano Gobbi whose writings bear two Imprimaturs, Our Lady allegedly confirms that the “Book” of Revelation has now been unsealed:

Mine is an apocalyptic message, because you are in the heart of that which has been announced to you in the last and so very important book of Sacred Scripture. I entrust to the angels of light of my Immaculate Heart the task of bringing you to an understanding of these events, now that I have opened the sealed Book for you. To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons, n. 520, i,j.


The prophet Hosea writes:

He will revive us after two days; on the third day he will raise us up, to live in his presence. (Hosea 6:2)

Again, recall the words of Pope Benedict XVI to journalists on his flight to Portugal in 2010, that there is  “the need for a passion of the Church.” He warned that many of us have fallen asleep at this hour, much like the Apostles in Gethsemane:

…‘the sleepiness’ is ours, of those of us who do not want to see the full force of evil and do not want to enter into his Passion.” —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Catholic News Agency, Vatican City, Apr 20, 2011, General Audience


…[the Church] will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 677

That being the case, the Church will also follow her Lord for “two days” in the tomb, and rise on the “third day.” Let me explain this through the teachings of the Early Church Fathers…”

Mark goes on to explain that a day is like a thousand years.He explains that the 2000 years since Christ is the first two days in the tomb. The third day will be the Resurrection of the Church ( i.e. the period of peace which will be granted to us and this will be 1000 years.)
He speaks of “the day of the Lord” and quotes the saints:

“Behold, the Day of the Lord shall be a thousand years. —Letter of Barnabas, The Fathers of the Church, Ch. 15

Now… we understand that a period of one thousand years is indicated in symbolic language. —St. Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho, Ch. 81, The Fathers of the Church, Christian Heritage: .,..”

The entire article is well worth reading. It has quotes from Scripture, the Church Fathers, Saints, and Popes. Read the article in its entirety below:
Bookj of TRuth 5 volumes
In the Book of Daniel, we read how the prophecy was “sealed” until the time of the end”. The Book of Truth tells us more about this time, helping us to understand what is happening in these times we are in.
Many, many prophecies in this book have already come true.