The Destruction of the Church – according to St Faustina’s and other 20th century prophecies.


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As well as the Warning and the Divine Mercy, St. Faustina prophesied about the rot in the Church.We can easily identify the Church today in the words of St Faustina and the other saints/prophets of the 20th century.

Read below:

St Faustina – Diary 445

Then Jesus said to me, Look and see the human race in its present condition.
In an instant, I saw horrible things: the executioners left Jesus, and other people started scourging Him; they seized the scourges and struck the Lord mercilessly.
These were priests, religious men and women, and high dignitaries of the Church,
 which surprised me greatly. There were lay people of all ages and walks of life. 
All vented their malice on the innocent Jesus. Seeing this, my heart fell as if 
into a mortal agony. And while the executioners had been scourging Him, 
Jesus had been silent and looking into the distance; but when those other souls
I mentioned scourged Him, Jesus closed His eyes, and a soft but most painful moan 
escaped from His Heart. And Jesus gave me to know in detail the gravity of the 
malice of these ungrateful souls: 
You see, this is a torture greater than My death.
Then my lips too fell silent, and I began to experience the agony of death …

St. Faustina’s Diary #823:

December 17, [1936]. I have offered this day for priests. I have suffered more today than ever before, both interiorly and exteriorly. I did not know it was possible to suffer so much in one day. I tried to make a Holy Hour, in the course of which my spirit had a taste of the bitterness of the Garden of Gethsemane. I am fighting alone, supported by His arm, against all the difficulties that face me like unassailable walls. But I trust in the power of his name and I fear nothing.”

Notice the topic of suffering – priests. Notice the date – 17 December 1936. That date is the birthday of Jorge Bergoglio, who now calls himself Francis.

Ven. Archbishop Fulton Sheen (1950)

    • The mystical body on earth today will have its Judas Iscariot and he will be the false prophet. Satan will recruit him from among our bishops.”
    • “We are living in the days of the Apocalypse–the last days of our era…. The two great forces of the Mystical Body of Christ and the Mystical Body of Antichrist are beginning to draw up the battle lines for the catastrophic contest.(Flynn T & L. The Thunder of Justice. Maxkol Communications, Sterling, VA, 1993, p. 20)

He also said:

    • The False Prophet will have a religion without a cross. A religion without a world to come. A religion to destroy religions. There will be a counterfeit church. Christ’s Church [the Catholic Church] will be one. And the False Prophet will create the other. The false church will be worldly, ecumenical, and global. It will be a loose federation of churches. And religions forming some type of global association. A world parliament of churches. It will be emptied of all divine content and will be the mystical body of the Antichrist.

Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi

Message #406, June 13 1989

This masonic infiltration, in the interior of the Church, was already foretold to you by Me at Fatima, when I announced to you that Satan would enter in even to the summit of the Church.”  

These signs are clearly indicated in the gospels, in the letters of Sts. Peter and Paul, and they are becoming a reality during these years.

The first sign is the spread of errors, which lead to the loss of faith and to apostasy. These errors are being propagated by false teachers, by renowned theologians who are no longer teaching the truths of the gospel, but pernicious heresies based on errors and on human reasoning. It is because of the teaching of these errors that the true faith is being lost and that the great apostasy is spreading everywhere.”

Message # 383, May 22, 1988, Feast of the Pentecost

“First of all, a great apostasy is spreading in every part of the Church, through the lack of faith which is flooding even among its very pastors. Satan has succeeded in spreading everywhere the great apostasy, by means of his subtle work of seduction, which has brought many to be alienated from the truth of the Gospel to follow the fables of the new theological theories and to take delight in evil and in sin, sought after as an actual good”

This great apostasy is spreading more and more, even through the interior of the Catholic Church. Errors are being taught and spread about, while the fundamental truths of the faith, which the authentic Magisterium of the Church has always taught and energetically defended against any heretical deviation whatsoever, are being denied with impunity.

St. John Paul IIPope JP II

“We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through. I do not think that wide circles of American society or wide circles of the Christian community realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel.
We must be prepared to undergo great trials in the not-too-distant future; trials that will require us to be ready to give up even our lives, and a total gift of self to Christ and for Christ. Through your prayers and mine, it is possible to alleviate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it. . . .How many times has the renewal of the Church been brought about in blood! It will not be different this time.”

Pope Pius XII 1950’sapostasy-modernism-ven-pope-pius-xii1

“I am worried by the Blessed Virgin’s messages to Lucy of Fatima. This persistence of Mary about the dangers which menace the Church is a Divine warning against the suicide of altering the Faith, in Her liturgy, Her theology and Her soul. … I hear all around me innovators who wish to dismantle the Sacred Chapel, destroy the universal flame of the true Faith of the Church, reject Her ornaments and make Her feel remorse for Her historical past.”

A day will come when the civilized world will deny its God, when the Church will doubt as Peter doubted. She will be tempted to believe that man has become God. In our churches, Christians will search in vain for the red lamp where God awaits them. Like Mary Magdalene, weeping before the empty tomb, they will ask, ‘Where have they taken Him?’

Our Lady Of Akita: 1973  (Church)Akita

The third message on October 13, 1973, (the actual anniversary of the final visions and miracle of Fatima) is as follows: 

.”.. . Each day, recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests.

The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, and bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their Confreres. The Church and altars will be vandalized. The Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.

The demon will rage especially against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will no longer be pardon for them.”

Fr. Ratzinger in 1969: Fr Joseph Rtzinger

“The Church will become small and will have to start afresh …”

From Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Back in 1969 theologian Joseph Ratzinger made some comments about our Catholic future. They were included in his Faith and the Future published by Ignatius Press in 2009.

The church will become small and will have to start afresh more or less from the beginning.

She will no longer be able to inhabit many of the edifices she built in prosperity. As the number of her adherents diminishes . . . she will lose many of her social privileges. . . As a small society, [the Church] will make much bigger demands on the initiative of her individual members …

It will be hard-going for the Church, for the process of crystallization and clarification will cost her much valuable energy. It will make her poor and cause her to become the Church of the meek . . . The process will be long and wearisome as was the road from the false progressivism on the eve of the French Revolution — when a bishop might be thought smart if he made fun of dogmas and even insinuated that the existence of God was by no means certain . . . But when the trial of this sifting is past, a great power will flow from a more spiritualized and simplified Church. Men in a totally planned world will find themselves unspeakably lonely. If they have completely lost sight of God, they will feel the whole horror of their poverty. Then they will discover the little flock of believers as something wholly new. They will discover it as a hope that is meant for them, an answer for which they have always been searching in secret.

And so it seems certain to me that the Church is facing very hard times. The real crisis has scarcely begun. We will have to count on terrific upheavals. But I am equally certain about what will remain at the end: not the Church of the political cult, which is dead already, but the Church of faith. She may well no longer be the dominant social power to the extent that she was until recently; but she will enjoy a fresh blossoming and be seen as man’s home, where he will find life and hope beyond death.

The Book of Truth:

It is not possible to find key prophecies in the Book of Truth – there are 5 volumes.

I thought perhaps just a few examples of titles of messages would portray the picture:

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The Woman of Revelation and the Prophetic Messages of the End Times.


Dynamic Catholic theologian Dr. Kelly Bowring discusses the prophetic messages from God and from Heaven concerning the final battle of the apocalypse now unfolding, including the Warning, the Miracle, and the divine Chastisement, in this video episode 4 (of a 13-part series) on the theme of the Woman of Revelation and the Prophetess of the end times.
This video will change your life forever!

For more, go to

If you go to, you can click on a full transcript of this video.

Below are listed just a few selected highlights in the video.

It is worthwhile to listen to it all, when you have some time to spare.

Dr Bowring has woven all the prophecies from the Gospels and our Lady’s apparitions up to these times.


At 23 secs. Dr Bowring speaks about Matthew 24 and the signs of the end time.

… at 4.41 – Fr GobbiMother of Salvation

…at 4.55 – The Woman clothed with the sun and the red dragon

…at 5.19 – The miracle after the Warning

…at 5.30 – The miracle of the sun at Fatima, a sign for us

…at 6.13 – Pope St John Paul II’s visit to Us and his prophecy

… at 7.09 – St Paul and his prophecies

…at 45 mins – St John Bosco – extra information researched by Dr Bowring

…at 50 mins – Fulton Sheen and the False prophet and antichrist

…at 1hr.06 – Russia will march on Italy

…at 1hr.28  Glorious reign of Christ.


Thank you Dr Bowring for  all your work in helping to enlighten the world regarding events  in these end times for the Salvation of souls !!


JtM Crusade prayer Meeting on Friday 8th February, 2019


Prayer Theme:  Protection

Prayers are Groups A & C: (See for details).

Reading from Book of Truth

Much will be revealed to God’s children, before the Great Day of the Lord

January 3, 2014 @ 9:45pm

My dearly beloved daughter, when the prophets of old were called upon by God to proclaim the Truth, they were not – any of them – overly enthusiastic with the Chalice of the True Word of God given to them. It was so overwhelming for each of them – most of whom were not learned in the Words of Scripture – much of what was given to them did not make sense to them. Yet the Power of the Holy Spirit drew them and this enabled them to speak the Word of God, exactly as it was given to them. Many cowered in fear. Some walked away. Those who walked away came back. When God sends a prophet, it means that something of great significance is planned by Him. Prophets, messengers from God, only reveal to the world that which is necessary for the salvation of souls.

My daughter, let it be known that this Mission will be the one when the Voice of God will be felt, as if it were like thunder, which will be felt in every part of the Earth. Much will be revealed to God’s children before the Great Day of the Lord dawns. It is necessary that this happens, for were He not to warn humanity, then He would not fulfill His Promise made to the prophets – Moses, Daniel and John. When God makes a Promise it is always fulfilled.

Never fear a true prophet, for they speak the Words put into their mouths by God for your sake.

To hear the Word of God spoken today can cause fear. It can be overwhelming and cause a certain amount of anxiety. Yet, without the Word being revived, made to breathe again and live amongst you, you would find the gap – the distance between you and God – too wide. The gap closes now, as My Words, brought to you by My Father, will bring you comfort – more joy than sorrow, more courage than fear and more solace than weeping.

Listen carefully to this, My daughter. You must never try to push Me away when all I want to do is wrap all of you within My Sacred Arms and draw you into My Heart. My Word can be somber, My prophecies difficult to hear and the wicked deeds of man upsetting to witness, but never forget that all these things will pass. They will be forgotten. They will be of little consequence. For the world, the life ahead of you, will bring with it great joy and laughter, as the Love of God will be felt in every place, every home, every soul and every heart.

This is the final part of My Plan to salvage the Earth and every living creature. It will present many difficulties and trials. Man’s cruelty will be the most distressing of all to withstand and the rejection of Me, Jesus Christ, the final straw in the Eyes of My Father. Yet this final confrontation will not take long before man will be relieved of the terrible hatred, which exists in the world.

The Power of Heaven is not to be underestimated, because My Father’s Intervention will be too powerful for His enemies to withstand. So be at peace. Accept God’s Intervention – His Great Act of Love, given to you by the Word, which comes from the mouth of His prophets. All these things are to protect you, bring you closer to Me and create a New Beginning where there will be no end.

Your Jesus


JTM Crusade Prayer Group Meeting Thursday 7th January, 2016

Prayer theme: Special Graces

Readings are chosen after 1.5 to 2 hours of prayers by volunteers in the prayer group, after praying a prayer to the Holy Spirit.

Come to Me all of you who feel unworthy. I am waiting for you.

21 June 2012

My dearly beloved daughter my followers must understand that like any good parent I will always want what is best for them.
I will never give them everything they ask for unless it is according to my most holy will.
I will never let them wander off the path of truth without coaxing them back to me.
I will always try to protect them from all harm.
I will also chastise them for any wrongdoing.
I will, and can, become angry when they do evil onto others.
I will also forgive them when they do wrong if they are truly sorry for the error of their ways.

I am patient. I am not easily shocked and never, nor could I, hold a grudge.
This is why even those who have wandered off lost and who feel empty inside should ask me to hold them, love them and bring them the Divine love that will bring them true peace. So many people are lost and have forgotten me. Many, because of the sinful lives they have led, are reluctant to turn to me. They feel awkward, don’t know how to pray and believe, wrongly, that it is too late for them. How wrong they are.

They must never forget that I offered up My Life on Earth for each one of you. I don’t give up on souls that easily. I love all those who, through their actions, deeds and thoughts, break My Father’s laws.
You are precious to me. I love you just as I love all of God’s children.
Never believe you are loved less because you sin. Sin, while abhorrent to me, is the stain with which you were born. It is almost impossible for any soul on Earth not to sin.

Never feel I could never help you or welcome you into my arms.
You will stand first in line to enter my New Paradise on Earth, which will last 1,000 years when you turn to me. All I asked is that you speak with me in these words

Crusade Prayer (62) for lost and helpless sinners
O Jesus help me for I am a sinner lost, helpless and in darkness
I am weak and lack the courage to seek you out
Give me the strength to call you now so that I can break away from the darkness within my soul
Bring me into your light dear Jesus, forgive me
Help me to become whole again and lead me to your
Love, peace and eternal life.
I trust you completely and I ask you to take me in mind, body and soul as I surrender to your Divine Mercy.

Come to me all of you who feel unworthy. I am waiting for you.
All it takes is to hold out your hand and reach me.
I listen. I see. I weep. I love you. I will never give up until you are in my arms and my Divine Mercy floods your soul.

Soon you will finally see the truth of my Great Mercy
Your doubts will fall away like an outer shell to reveal your soul which will be filled with the light and you will come running towards me.
I await that day with great hope and joy.
Only when every poor lost soul knows that only I, Jesus Christ, can save them will My Heart be healed.
Remember I may condemn the sin but I love every sinner no matter what they have done. Never be afraid to come to me, to talk to me, for I love you too much to reject you when you show true remorse.
Your beloved Jesus

The Prophecies of La Salette, Fatima and Garabandal Now Unfold

19th February, 2011

My dearly beloved daughter, you are trying hard to obey My instructions to sanctify your soul and this is greatly pleasing to Me. Please give Me one full hour of your day in silence with Me and let Me draw you closer to My Sacred Heart. You will feel much stronger when you do this. Start from today to spend this time in My Company so that I can enlighten your heart and ease your load.

Today I wish to unveil to you, My wish for mankind to start evaluating their lives in preparation for The Warning. My daughter those of you who fail to prepare, need prayer and much of it. The Warning, the Great Gift, will now be presented to the world. All will be given the opportunity to savour the joy when they will finally realise the Truth, the Truth of My Existence. Pray for everyone, My child, that they will have the courage to seek My Forgiveness.

At last, My daughter, My children everywhere are beginning to open their eyes. They are now realising that the world is changing. The world as they once knew it has shifted into a new phase. This new phase will lead to a number of stages before they, My children, will finally be ready for the New Paradise.

The parasites of the deceiver will fight stubbornly to the bitter end, unfortunately. Pray for those poor, delusional souls now, that a spark of light will flood their hearts when they come into contact with My devout followers. You, My followers, are being given the graces to help convert all those souls, lost in the wilderness and a confused state, caused in their souls by Satan.

Prophecies – La Salette, Fatima and Garabandal, now unfold

All of the prophecies given to the blessed visionaries at La Salette, Fatima and Garabandal, will now unfold for all to see. For all the thousands of believers who know and accept these prophecies, know that now, I your Saviour, call on you all to pray for the souls of all mankind. Open your hearts once more to these new Messages – the last prophesies of their kind to be bestowed on all of My children, before I come back to Judge.
Call on all Ministers of the Churches

I call to My sacred servants of all denominations who honour My Eternal Father, to listen now. Do not allow the deceiver, through his false prophet, to deceive you into believing the lie that will be perpetrated in his name, shortly. This will be a very difficult time for those of you who love Me, because you will be very confused.

The false prophet and the antichrist

Just watch with clear eyes, the false prophet, who will attempt to lead My Church, for he does not come from the House of My Eternal Father. He will seem like he does. But this will be false. Watch too, for the friendship he will display with the antichrist, for they will be two of the most deceitful followers of Satan – dressed in sheep’s clothing. They will have powers, which will seem like the miracles of old, but these powers will be satanic.

You must keep in grace at all times in order to defend your Faith. Pray for My holy servants, who, lukewarm in their faith, will be drawn into the arms of the deceiver. He will appeal to them because he will offer excitement, passion, so-called love, which will be ego-driven, and his charismatic appearance will be difficult to resist. Go down this path, My sacred servants, and you will be lost to Me forever.

You may ask: Why should these events present such difficulties? You will then wonder why I allow these things to happen. Surely Jesus, in His Mercy, would not present such obstacles? Well, I must permit them, because it will be through these challenges that the final battle between My Eternal Father and the evil one can take place. Without a final confrontation, he, Satan, cannot be thrown, finally, into the abyss of Eternal Hell.

Be alert to this deceit. Do not allow your souls to be lost in this way. Pray, pray, pray for the graces of discernment so that you may see this false prophet for what he truly is.A demon sent to distract you, from the depths of Hell. Be thankful that you are his targets. Because of your allegiance to Me, you will be put to the ultimate test, the test of your faith. Never again will you have to face such a test.

So be prepared. Turn to Me all of you, My sacred servants, now, before it is too late.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

Once the Holy Spirit engulfs a soul, it will rise, draw immediately towards the Will of My Father and respond in total abandonment

30 October 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, when my Holy Spirit descends upon a person, a number of things happen. The first is a feeling of bewilderment and disbelief. The second is the sense of being overwhelmed by something so powerful that it renders the person completely dependent upon the holy will of God.

Gone will be the belief in one’s own superior human intellect, for intellect has no longer any meaningful role to play.
Instead, the soul will be infused with knowledge, an insight and an understanding that is beyond their own frail human interpretation.
Once the Holy Spirit engulfs a soul, it will rise, draw immediately towards the will of My Father and respond in total abandonment.

Once the initial fear has subsided, a deep peace will be felt and the person’s fear of being seen to proclaim the word of God will disappear.
They will not care what people’s views are for out of their mouths will pour the truth. The soul’s personality, whether they are outgoing, timid or shy, will take a back seat and will become secondary to the way in which they proclaim the word of God.

All souls, who receive the gift of the Holy Spirit – without any exception – will surrender their own free will to the will of My Father.
For souls who have truly been blessed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, their role will be to spread the word of God and for this, they will suffer.
The sheath of God’s love, however, covers such souls as they march forth, without fear and with courage to proclaim the truth.

Those who proclaim the truth of My Teachings, in these times of paganism and when My Church will fall away from the true faith, will be given extra strength to ensure that my voice is heard. That strength will come from God, my beloved Father.

It will be by the power of the strength of God that many of Satan’s army will convert, while the remainder will be destroyed.
The Holy Spirit, like swords of burning flames, will cut through the hearts of all those who listen and who accept the truth.
Your Jesus

Bible (Douay Rheims)

Ecclesiastes 1: 4-11

[4] One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth standeth for ever. [5] The sun riseth, and goeth down, and returneth to his place: and there rising again, [6] Maketh his round by the south, and turneth again to the north: the spirit goeth forward surveying all places round about, and returneth to his circuits.

[7] All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea doth not overflow: unto the place from whence the rivers come, they return, to flow again.

[8] All things are hard: man cannot explain them by word. The eye is not filled with seeing, neither is the ear filled with hearing.
[9] What is it that hath been? the same thing that shall be.
What is it that hath been done? the same that shall be done.
[10] Nothing under the sun is new, neither is any man able to say: Behold this is new: for it hath already gone before in the ages that were before us.

[11] There is no remembrance of former things: nor indeed of those things which hereafter are to come, shall there be any remembrance with them that shall be in the latter end.

John 5: 39-47

Search the scriptures, for you think in them to have life everlasting; and the same are they that give testimony of me. [40] And you will not come to me that you may have life.

[39] Search the scriptures: Scrutamini. It is not a command for all to read the scriptures; but a reproach to the Pharisees, that reading the scriptures as they did, and thinking to find everlasting life in them, they would not receive him to whom all those scriptures gave testimony, and through whom alone they could have that true life.

[41] I receive glory not from men. [42] But I know you, that you have not the love of God in you.
[43] I am come in the name of my Father, and you receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive.

[44] How can you believe, who receive glory one from another: and the glory which is from God alone, you do not seek?
[45] Think not that I will accuse you to the Father. There is one that accuseth you, Moses, in whom you trust.
[46] For if you did believe Moses, you would perhaps believe me also; for he wrote of me. [47] But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?

Comment: The reading from Ecclesiastes seems to be describing what life will be like in the New kingdom.