The Destruction of the Church – according to St Faustina’s and other 20th century prophecies.


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As well as the Warning and the Divine Mercy, St. Faustina prophesied about the rot in the Church.We can easily identify the Church today in the words of St Faustina and the other saints/prophets of the 20th century.

Read below:

St Faustina – Diary 445

Then Jesus said to me, Look and see the human race in its present condition.
In an instant, I saw horrible things: the executioners left Jesus, and other people started scourging Him; they seized the scourges and struck the Lord mercilessly.
These were priests, religious men and women, and high dignitaries of the Church,
 which surprised me greatly. There were lay people of all ages and walks of life. 
All vented their malice on the innocent Jesus. Seeing this, my heart fell as if 
into a mortal agony. And while the executioners had been scourging Him, 
Jesus had been silent and looking into the distance; but when those other souls
I mentioned scourged Him, Jesus closed His eyes, and a soft but most painful moan 
escaped from His Heart. And Jesus gave me to know in detail the gravity of the 
malice of these ungrateful souls: 
You see, this is a torture greater than My death.
Then my lips too fell silent, and I began to experience the agony of death …

St. Faustina’s Diary #823:

December 17, [1936]. I have offered this day for priests. I have suffered more today than ever before, both interiorly and exteriorly. I did not know it was possible to suffer so much in one day. I tried to make a Holy Hour, in the course of which my spirit had a taste of the bitterness of the Garden of Gethsemane. I am fighting alone, supported by His arm, against all the difficulties that face me like unassailable walls. But I trust in the power of his name and I fear nothing.”

Notice the topic of suffering – priests. Notice the date – 17 December 1936. That date is the birthday of Jorge Bergoglio, who now calls himself Francis.

Ven. Archbishop Fulton Sheen (1950)

    • The mystical body on earth today will have its Judas Iscariot and he will be the false prophet. Satan will recruit him from among our bishops.”
    • “We are living in the days of the Apocalypse–the last days of our era…. The two great forces of the Mystical Body of Christ and the Mystical Body of Antichrist are beginning to draw up the battle lines for the catastrophic contest.(Flynn T & L. The Thunder of Justice. Maxkol Communications, Sterling, VA, 1993, p. 20)

He also said:

    • The False Prophet will have a religion without a cross. A religion without a world to come. A religion to destroy religions. There will be a counterfeit church. Christ’s Church [the Catholic Church] will be one. And the False Prophet will create the other. The false church will be worldly, ecumenical, and global. It will be a loose federation of churches. And religions forming some type of global association. A world parliament of churches. It will be emptied of all divine content and will be the mystical body of the Antichrist.

Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi

Message #406, June 13 1989

This masonic infiltration, in the interior of the Church, was already foretold to you by Me at Fatima, when I announced to you that Satan would enter in even to the summit of the Church.”  

These signs are clearly indicated in the gospels, in the letters of Sts. Peter and Paul, and they are becoming a reality during these years.

The first sign is the spread of errors, which lead to the loss of faith and to apostasy. These errors are being propagated by false teachers, by renowned theologians who are no longer teaching the truths of the gospel, but pernicious heresies based on errors and on human reasoning. It is because of the teaching of these errors that the true faith is being lost and that the great apostasy is spreading everywhere.”

Message # 383, May 22, 1988, Feast of the Pentecost

“First of all, a great apostasy is spreading in every part of the Church, through the lack of faith which is flooding even among its very pastors. Satan has succeeded in spreading everywhere the great apostasy, by means of his subtle work of seduction, which has brought many to be alienated from the truth of the Gospel to follow the fables of the new theological theories and to take delight in evil and in sin, sought after as an actual good”

This great apostasy is spreading more and more, even through the interior of the Catholic Church. Errors are being taught and spread about, while the fundamental truths of the faith, which the authentic Magisterium of the Church has always taught and energetically defended against any heretical deviation whatsoever, are being denied with impunity.

St. John Paul IIPope JP II

“We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through. I do not think that wide circles of American society or wide circles of the Christian community realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel.
We must be prepared to undergo great trials in the not-too-distant future; trials that will require us to be ready to give up even our lives, and a total gift of self to Christ and for Christ. Through your prayers and mine, it is possible to alleviate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it. . . .How many times has the renewal of the Church been brought about in blood! It will not be different this time.”

Pope Pius XII 1950’sapostasy-modernism-ven-pope-pius-xii1

“I am worried by the Blessed Virgin’s messages to Lucy of Fatima. This persistence of Mary about the dangers which menace the Church is a Divine warning against the suicide of altering the Faith, in Her liturgy, Her theology and Her soul. … I hear all around me innovators who wish to dismantle the Sacred Chapel, destroy the universal flame of the true Faith of the Church, reject Her ornaments and make Her feel remorse for Her historical past.”

A day will come when the civilized world will deny its God, when the Church will doubt as Peter doubted. She will be tempted to believe that man has become God. In our churches, Christians will search in vain for the red lamp where God awaits them. Like Mary Magdalene, weeping before the empty tomb, they will ask, ‘Where have they taken Him?’

Our Lady Of Akita: 1973  (Church)Akita

The third message on October 13, 1973, (the actual anniversary of the final visions and miracle of Fatima) is as follows: 

.”.. . Each day, recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests.

The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, and bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their Confreres. The Church and altars will be vandalized. The Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.

The demon will rage especially against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will no longer be pardon for them.”

Fr. Ratzinger in 1969: Fr Joseph Rtzinger

“The Church will become small and will have to start afresh …”

From Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Back in 1969 theologian Joseph Ratzinger made some comments about our Catholic future. They were included in his Faith and the Future published by Ignatius Press in 2009.

The church will become small and will have to start afresh more or less from the beginning.

She will no longer be able to inhabit many of the edifices she built in prosperity. As the number of her adherents diminishes . . . she will lose many of her social privileges. . . As a small society, [the Church] will make much bigger demands on the initiative of her individual members …

It will be hard-going for the Church, for the process of crystallization and clarification will cost her much valuable energy. It will make her poor and cause her to become the Church of the meek . . . The process will be long and wearisome as was the road from the false progressivism on the eve of the French Revolution — when a bishop might be thought smart if he made fun of dogmas and even insinuated that the existence of God was by no means certain . . . But when the trial of this sifting is past, a great power will flow from a more spiritualized and simplified Church. Men in a totally planned world will find themselves unspeakably lonely. If they have completely lost sight of God, they will feel the whole horror of their poverty. Then they will discover the little flock of believers as something wholly new. They will discover it as a hope that is meant for them, an answer for which they have always been searching in secret.

And so it seems certain to me that the Church is facing very hard times. The real crisis has scarcely begun. We will have to count on terrific upheavals. But I am equally certain about what will remain at the end: not the Church of the political cult, which is dead already, but the Church of faith. She may well no longer be the dominant social power to the extent that she was until recently; but she will enjoy a fresh blossoming and be seen as man’s home, where he will find life and hope beyond death.

The Book of Truth:

It is not possible to find key prophecies in the Book of Truth – there are 5 volumes.

I thought perhaps just a few examples of titles of messages would portray the picture:

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Holding the Line – Prayers for clergy (Part 2)


See the previous 2 posts  on “Holding the Line”

We might think that this is the most difficult period for Christianity since the time of Christ , but the pressure on our priests and all Christian Clergy in immense. They have much more to answer for. Read more of what Jesus’ has to tell them (below) in these messages, and the simple prayers He has given to them (especially) for guidance and protection and in order to uphold the Truth:

proclaim the TRuth

To priests: The day you will be asked to deny My Divinity is not far away

  • 15 July 2013 @ 5:52pm; Message 0843

My dearly beloved daughter, I must reach out to My priests, who are now beginning to realise that I Am speaking to the world, through these Messages, at this time.

You must be careful. You must adhere to the rules of My Church on Earth, once they remain as they have been and are not changed. Do not feel disheartened, for you have been enriched with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. When you are asked to deny Me, it will be done in a subtle, but deadly way. You will be asked to embrace the doctrine of all religions outside of Christianity. You will be told that this is for the good of all and that this new, all-inclusive approach, is a means to an end – where humanity can finally be united, through peaceful means.

All other religions, creeds, faiths and doctrines, which honour My Father, but which do not acknowledge Me, Jesus Christ, will be taken under the wing of the antipope. You, through the power of the beast – as is his way – will be coaxed to embrace your fellow brothers and sisters. All faiths, which honour God, you will be told, are united as one in the Eyes of God. When you object, you will be scolded. When you explain that the only way to God, My beloved Father, is through Jesus Christ, this is what you will be told:

“You do not understand that God loves all His children, therefore, by not showing love and compassion for His Church by embracing them – including their faiths – you are a hypocrite.”

Now, know this. When you accept that all religions must be embraced as one – that you have to move to one side to show respect to those creeds, which do not acknowledge the Son of Man – then you will be guilty of a terrible sin. You will then be denying Me.

To those who may be led into this deceit, know that other signs will emerge, which point to one thing – My Divinity will no longer be proclaimed.

Your churches will see new crosses emerge where the head of the beast will be embedded within them; your altars will be changed and will mock Me. Every time you see new and unusual symbols in My Church, look carefully because the beast is arrogant and he flaunts his wickedness by displaying signs which honour him.

Those amongst you, who are not alert to this deceit, will find yourselves sucked into practices which do not honour Me. They will disguise the true intent, which will be to pay homage to Satan and his wicked spirits.

The signs have begun. The actions I speak of are still to come, but the day you will be asked to deny My Divinity is not far away. You must keep your eyes open for those who say they come in My Name, but who instead honour the beast, for they have already spread their wings. They rule within your midst, but so many of you cannot see the abomination, yet. But, if you love Me, I will grant you the Graces to see the Truth, for I will never forsake you. The time is close and you must prepare yourselves, for the darkness will descend soon. Those of you who are blessed with the Light of God will suffer at the hands of My enemies.

Remember these Words, recite them and I will reveal the Truth to you, through the Gift of the Holy Spirit.

Crusade Prayer (114) For Priests to receive the Gift of Truth

My Lord, open my eyes.  Allow me to see the enemy and close my heart to deceit. I surrender all to You, dear Jesus. I trust in Your Mercy.  Amen.

Your Jesus


Mother of Salvation: My Son’s Church will become the seat of the antichrist

  • October 29, 2013 @ 7:30pm; Message 0952

My sweet child, the Heavens all join, in union with my Son, to come to the aid of those holy priests, who will find themselves in the middle of a great battle. So many of these precious souls will have to endure terrible pain and suffering when they will have to witness the heresies, which will spring from within the Church. They will be confused, frightened and many will feel that they have nowhere to turn. This is when they must turn to me, ask me to Consecrate them to my Son, so that He can pour over them every drop of His Precious Blood. When covered with this Gift, they will know what to do. They must know that I have warned my children, all down through the centuries, of this wicked apostasy, which is being planned by the evil one. 

My Son’s Church will become the seat of the antichrist and now that the Truth has been revealed, many will feel frightened and will suffer the pain of my Son’s Scourging. My Son’s Church will be persecuted, destroyed, desecrated – until eventually, it will house the throne upon which will sit the antichrist. It will be from here that he, the antichrist, will declare that he is the Christ and that the world will be saved through him.

By accepting lies, you deny the Truth. By ignoring the Truth, you will believe in a fabricated web of deceit, spun by the evil one and this will entrap you. Once entrapped, you will be tempted to follow the crowds, in every nation, who will pay great respect to the antichrist. Please, children, recite this Crusade Prayer to fight the heresy, which will cover my Son’s Church on Earth.

Crusade Prayer (125) To defend the Most Holy Word of God

O Mother of Salvation, help me, a humble servant of God, to defend His Most Holy Word in times of torment. Consecrate me, dear Mother, to your Son, so that He can cover me with His Precious Blood. Grant me, through the Intercession of your Son, Jesus Christ, the grace, the strength and the will to remain true to the Teachings of Christ in the times of Tribulation, which will devour His Most Holy Church on Earth. Amen.

Go to my Son, dear servants of Christ. You belong to Him. He will help you during the persecution. He will never desert you in your time of need.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation


Mother of Salvation: When my Son’s priests will face terrible anguish and miscarriages of justice, they must call on me

  • 6 February 2014 @ 4:15pm; Message 1038

My child, when the time comes, when my Son’s priests will face terrible anguish and miscarriages of justice, they must call on me. I have been given the Grace to be able to give them the courage they will need to continue to serve my Son. I refer, in particular, to priests in the Catholic Church, for they will suffer more than any other servants of God.

When the day comes and when they are called to swear an oath, which will deny the Divinity of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, they must never doubt the real intentions of those who demand this of them. When they are asked to renounce the meaning of the Holy Eucharist and accept a new interpretation, they will know then that the hour has come. That will be the day when the rot will set in and the crumbling of the walls will be witnessed under the roofs of churches everywhere. 

I desire that all priests, who will have to face these sorrowful trials, recite this:

Crusade Prayer (135) To defend the Truth

O beloved Mother of Salvation, help me in my moment of need. Pray that I am blessed with the Gifts poured down upon my unworthy soul, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, to defend the Truth at all times. Sustain me in every incident, where I am asked to deny the Truth, the Word of God, the Holy Sacraments and the Most Holy Eucharist. Help me to use the Graces I receive to stand firm against the wickedness of Satan and all those poor souls he uses to defile your Son, Jesus Christ. 

Help me in my hour of need. For the sake of souls, give me the courage to provide the Sacraments to each child of God, when I may be forbidden by the enemies of God to do so. Amen.

When these times commence, you must be prepared to continue to carry on the Work of God and carry His Cross with resilience and dignity, for the sake of your own souls and those of all God’s children.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation


I give you now, the final Crusade Prayer

  • 8 October 2014 @ 9:10pm; Message 1232

My dearly beloved daughter, My Heart is so broken at this time. The traitors have pierced My Side and the earth is now being flooded with an outpouring of My Grief, which is so intense, that I cannot be comforted.

I ask now, who among My sacred servants will be strong enough to uphold the Truth?

I give you, the final Crusade Prayer. It is for priests. I ask that My sacred servants recite it daily.

Crusade Prayer (170) To uphold the Holy Word of God.

O Dear Lord, my beloved Jesus Christ, Hold me. Protect me. Keep me in the Light of Your Face, as my persecution intensifies, when my only sin is to uphold the Truth, the Holy Word of God.

Help me to find the courage to serve you faithfully at all times. Give me Your Courage and Your Strength, as I fight to defend Your Teachings against fierce opposition. Never desert me, Jesus, in my time of need and provide me with everything I need to continue to serve You, through the provision of the Holy Sacraments and Your Precious Body and Blood, through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Bless me Jesus. Walk with me. Rest in me. Stay with me. Amen.

Your Jesus

Holding the Line – Prayers for clergy (Part 1)


storm clouds

Jesus has a special place for the clergy in His Mission of Salvation. The clergy, who are faithful, will lead the Remnant army in the persecution and tribulations that are still to come. Jesus calls them His “sacred servants” – what a beautiful endearing name He has for them! As shepherds of His flock, they will (just like Jesus and his chosen 12), be persecuted, and tormented.  In addition to this, they will bear the weight of looking after the spiritual needs of their sheep, in these very difficult times. Some will be unprepared, some will lack courage and will fall (like stars from heaven)! Jesus encourages His “sacred servants” because they have a special place in His Heart for them, as He does for all of his creatures. He needs them to fight for Him. We, too, must be prepared to protect our shepherds, and to give them refuge when needed, so that they do not feel that they have to give in.

Below are the Crusade Prayers WRITTEN JUST FOR THEM. I have also attached the associated message directed towards them. In the messages, Jesus lovingly explains, pleads, encourages and even scolds them.

Call to Clergy: Prepare My flock for My long awaited Second Coming on Earth

  • 27 January 2012 @ 11:50pm; Message 0319

My dearly beloved daughter, never forget that when you work for Me you will be persecuted, for mankind will not like to hear the Truth, as I reveal it to you, in these, the end times. My Holy Word has been quashed for so long, but this will no longer be the case. My Voice will be heard all over the world. My Love will be revealed in all My Glory and man will be able, finally, to free himself from the shackles of evil, placed around his ankles, by Satan. As the Truth will penetrate the souls of My children, and bring them the freedom, which they have been awaiting for such a long time, it will, unfortunately, cause division.

My beloved sacred servants, priests and all religious clergy, within the Holy Catholic Church, know that I love all of you.

So many of you have given up your lives for Me, with generosity of heart. You will need to lean on Me now. You must pray for guidance to remain strong in your faith and for discernment at all times.

Never take your eyes off Me, for one moment. I need you to prepare My flock, in order to welcome Me, during My long awaited Second Coming on Earth. You will need to persevere and not allow your love for Me to be dissuaded, no matter how much pressure you are put under.

You are my true disciples and I must urge you to take up your weapons to save My Church. This very Church, founded on the Rock, by My beloved disciple, Peter, will never fail. The enemy may believe it to be destroyed, but that would be a foolish assumption. No one will, or can, destroy My Church. Out of the ashes it will rise to proclaim My Glory, as I come back to salvage My Kingdom on Earth. You must never desert Me, your beloved Saviour, ever. For without Me, there is no Light. Without Light, there is no future.

My daughter, I give the world this Crusade of Prayer, for the Catholic Clergy to recite.

Crusade of Prayer (22) Catholic Church to uphold the Teachings of the Church

O my beloved Jesus, keep me strong and the flame of my love for You alight, every moment of my day. Never allow this flame of love for You to flicker or die. Never allow me to weaken in the presence of temptation. Give me the Graces needed to honour my vocation, my devotion, my loyalty and to uphold the Teachings of the orthodox Catholic Church. I offer you my allegiance, at all times. I pledge my commitment to fight in Your Army, so that the Catholic Church can rise again in glory, to welcome You, dear Jesus, when You come again. Amen.

Your beloved Saviour

Jesus Christ

King of all Mankind


To My sacred servants I say this. Do not make the mistake of your forebears who rejected Me when I came the first time

  • 24 April 2012 @ 7:45pm; Message 0405

(…)  To My sacred servants, I say this. Do not make the mistake of your forebears, who rejected Me when I came the first time. Take heed and listen to My Calling, for I need you to help Me prepare the souls of My flock, before the Great Miracle takes place.

Did you think that I would not send My prophets to warn you? Did you think I would just herald My return without preparing you and allow souls to perish? For those of you who denounce My Second Coming and yet claim to understand My Promise to humanity, shame on you.

Your lack of humility means you cannot be cleansed with the Holy Spirit. You must call on Me for this Gift of discernment or walk away from Me.

You have let Me down. You make Me weep with frustration, for you are My servants, given the responsibility for the salvation of souls, which is your ministry.

Now that I call to you from the Heavens. I beg you to respond to My Call.

I have many chosen souls who work with Me, to bring Me the souls, for whom I thirst. It is your duty to rise from your slumber and be alert to My Call. Only those of you who truly love Me will recognise My Voice.

Like a mother, an infant will recognise his own and so you, My beloved servants, must call out to Me as an infant, to seek reassurance that it is I, your beloved Jesus, who beckons you to take My Hand. I will lead you through a jungle of thorns over which you will have to step in order to reach the Gates of My New Paradise.

Did I not tell you that I would come again to Judge the living and the dead?

Well, I will come soon and I need you to help Me bring all of God’s children together as one. Very few now recognise Me because of the veil of deceit, which has fallen over the whole world. Many do not believe in God the Father. Few accept that I, Jesus Christ, His only Son died to save them. Yet they are willing to believe in and idolise, false gods, which do not exist. How I weep with a terrible sadness when I witness young people laugh when My Name is mentioned and when they sneer at others who publicly admit that I Exist.

How I suffer the Pain of My Crucifixion when I see those, who claim to be Christians, refuse to proclaim My Teachings publicly for fear of ridicule.

The world has been deceived, by the king of lies. Only I can now bring hope and save God’s children from the terrible destiny, which is being planned to inflict terror across every nation, by those armies of global, powerful groups, including those under the control of the false prophet and the antichrist.

All My warnings, given to My end time prophet Maria Divine Mercy, will come to pass.

Until this happens, never forget that your allegiance is to Me, your Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Without My Love and direction, you will find it impossible to steer the ship, that is My Holy Church on Earth.

Wake up. Do not reject God’s prophets. Many now claim to come in My Name, as the Scriptures foretold, but do not offer the spiritual food, which can only come from Me. Many are coming forth now so that My main public Voice to the world contained in these Messages, in these the end times, will be dismissed.

Prayer is your route back into My Arms.

Pray, pray, pray for the Graces to open your eyes, so that you can recognise Me before it is too late. I need your help, your love and your loyalty. Remember, it was because of Me that you took your sacred vows. Now that I call out to you, do not reject Me.

Embrace Me and allow Me to guide you, so that you can lead My Remnant Church and salvage souls.

I give you My special blessing and await you to respond to My Call as follows, in this Crusade Prayer (49) Pledge of loyalty for Christian Clergy

O Jesus, I am Your humble servant. I pledge my love and loyalty to You. I beg You to give me a sign of Your calling. Help me to open my eyes and witness Your promise. Bless me with the Grace of the Holy Spirit, so that, I will not be deceived by those who claim to come in Your Name, but who do not speak the Truth. Show me the Truth. Allow me to feel Your Love so that I can fulfil Your Most Holy Will. I ask You, with a humble heart, to show me the way, in which I can help you to save the souls of humanity. Amen.

Do not ignore My Call. Do not reject Me when I come once more.

This time I come not only to save mankind once more, but to fulfil the Divine Will of My beloved Father, God the Most High.

Go in peace.

Your beloved Jesus


They intend to oust Pope Benedict XVI from the Seat of Peter using devious means

  • 26 May 2012 @ 4:00pm; Message 0438

(…) Today I ask of My followers, My dearest daughter, to pray hard for My beloved Vicar Pope Benedict XVI . He, My Holy Servant is under terrible persecution behind closed doors in the Holy See.

I have told you before that the Masonic Groups who have a vice like grip inside The Vatican want My Beloved Pope out. And they intend to oust him from the Seat of Peter using devious means. He will, as I have told you in the past, have to flee for he will have little choice. This time is short. You must pray hard that he can stay as long as possible for as soon as he leaves, the impostor, the False Prophet, will take his place.

How My tears flow for My Beloved Church on earth at this time. All those sacred servants of mine, who accept My Holy Word, as it is given to you at this time, hear Me now.

You must remain faithful to the Holy Mass and uphold the daily Sacrifices. For very soon you will be forced to swallow a lie. The daily Sacrifices, in honour of My Crucifixion and the change of the wine into My Blood and the Bread into My Body, will be changed, twisted and I will be vilified through new laws introduced by the False Prophet.

You must never accept anything that is not the Truth. You must never accept heresy from within the walls of My Holy See. If you do then you will remove yourself from Me. Many of you will have to offer the Holy Mass in secret and you will need all the courage you can get by praying to Me and asking Me to make you strong.

The changes will begin in the Holy Eucharist itself. You will soon be told that Holy Communion, My True Presence is, in fact, something else. You will be told it means different things. But this is a terrible lie. The Holy Eucharist is My Body and Blood given to you to allow Me to fill you with My Holy Spirit, to give you the nourishment that you need for your souls.

When the time comes and you, My Sacred Servants, are presented with the new modern interpretation then you will know that the contamination has already started.

This is when you will need to prepare. Gather together and defend the Truth of My Crucifixion. Do not accept the lies, the changes in the Holy Mass and the Holy Eucharist. For if you do then My Presence will be lost to all of God’s children.

Follow Me. This is the greatest challenge you will ever have to face but I will give you the Graces to discern the truth from the sacrilegious fiction you will be asked to accept in My Holy Name.

You must ask for My Help now through this Crusade Prayer (56). It is for Priests seeking Protection for the Holy Eucharist

O dear Father, in the name of your Precious Son,
Who sacrificed Himself on the Cross for the whole of mankind
Help me to stay true to the Truth
Cover me with the Precious Blood of Your Son and give me the
Graces to continue to serve You in faith, trust and honour for the rest of my ministry

Never let me stray from true meaning of the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass or the presentation of The Holy Eucharist to Your children. Give me the strength to represent You and feed Your flock the way
in which they must be fed with the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of
Your Son, Jesus Christ, The Saviour of Mankind.  Amen.

Please know that I walk with each of you, My Beloved Sacred Servants, every day. I hold you up. Lean on Me and I will keep you close to My Sacred Heart in these times of terrible torment within the Catholic Church.

Your Beloved Jesus

The time is near for the persecution of My Beloved Vicar, Pope Benedict XVI to reach its pinnacle.

16 July 2012 @ 3:15pm; Message 0489

My dearly beloved daughter, it is time to prepare all of God’s priests, bishops and all those who run My Holy Catholic and apostolic Church on earth.

For the time is near for the persecution of My Beloved Vicar, Pope Benedict XVI to reach its pinnacle.

Very soon he will be forced to flee the Vatican. Then the time will come when My Church will divide, one side against the other.

I call on all of My sacred servants to remember your most holy vows. Never forsake your mission. Never forsake Me. Never accept lies in lieu of the Truth. You must ask Me to help you in the difficult times ahead. You must rise, unite and follow Me.

Pray for the strength you will need through this special Crusade Prayer.

Crusade Prayer (66) For clergy: Help me to remain true to Your Most Holy Word

O Dear Jesus, help me to remain true to Your most Holy Word at all times.  Give me the strength to uphold the Truth of your Church in the face of adversity. Fill me with the grace to administer the Holy Sacraments in the way in which You taught us. Help me to feed Your Church with the Bread of Life and remain loyal to You even when I am prohibited from doing so. Free me from the chain of deceit I may face in order to proclaim the true Word of God. Cover all Your sacred servant with your Precious Blood at this time so that we will remain courageous, loyal and steadfast in our allegiance to You, Our Beloved Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Do not be disheartened My beloved sacred servants for the discord has been prophesised and must come about in the final battle for souls. I love you and I will be with you now as you walk with Me the thorny road to Calvary so that Salvation can be achieved once more for all souls.

Your Beloved Jesus


The Truth will free you. Lies will destroy you

  • 23 June 2013 @ 6:37pm; Message 0824

My dearly beloved daughter, how My Heart breaks for the suffering of My poor beloved servants, who now begin to see the confusion, which is being presented within My Church. To them, I say this. Stay and do what you must do to serve Me, under the roof of My Church. Remain firm to My Teachings. Do not accept new and so-called theological explanations, as to Who I Am; what I did for humanity or how I will return to claim all God’s children, who accept My Mercy. Trust only in My Holy Word, given to you through My apostles and in the Most Holy Bible. Anything, which differs from the Holy Sacraments or what you have been told about the need for redemption – do not accept it.

I Am the Truth. You have been given the Truth. Only the Truth can save your souls from damnation. The Truth will free you. Lies will destroy you. I solemnly promise each of you, My precious sacred servants, extraordinary Graces, in order to persevere in the face of persecution, as your faith will be tested to the limits, if you recite this prayer.

Crusade Prayer (110) For Priests to remain true to Your Holy Word

O my dearest Jesus, I beg You to keep me strong and courageous, so that I can defend the Truth in Your Most Holy Name. Give me the Grace I need – I implore – to give testimony to Your Holy Word at all times. Enable me to withstand the pressures to promote untruths, when I know in my heart that they offend You. Help me to remain true to Your Holy Word, until the day I die. Amen.

To My sacred servants, I have one more word of caution to give you.

You must defend the Gift of Reconciliation and recognise that only those who seek remorse for their sins and accept Me, Jesus Christ, as the key to their salvation, will join Me in Paradise.

Your Jesus


“They will now push My Laws to one side and will worship laws of their own making.”


Note that this message was written before Pope Benedict “resigned”. This message speaks about a “schism”: in the Church. We can all see a de-facto one, but it has not yet been formally announced to the world’s media. It speaks of a “new figurehead” in the Church. It speaks of how Jesus’ teachings well be pushed aside; how they well introduce new laws and a new temple  (Chrislam??) – one that will be dedicated too the rule of the False Prophet ( we all know who that is – FP/PF). the worship of a false god – a man-made god; it speaks of believing in lies and in deceitful rulers.Jesus mentions His “true holy Vicar, Pope Benedict” at a time when he had not yet “resigned” (In another message Jesus tells us he was “ousted”.) It speaks of a new one-world religion on our altars.Jesus addresses the priests who will turn against Him and also the blessings promised to those priests who remain loyal. Read this message carefully, and please pray for our priests!


A number of events regarding the Churches, which honour Me in the world, will begin to surface

14 November 2012 @ 8:30pm; Message 0613

My dear mystical spouse, My dearly beloved daughter, your trials have given you a new strength and the passion needed to touch the hearts of many.

This is one of the ways in which I will touch the souls of those who need My Graces. I will do this through your work for Me, so that conversion can spread quickly.

During this time a number of events regarding the Churches, which honour Me, in the world will begin to surface.

The schism in My Catholic Church will soon be made public.

When this is done it will be to the sound of applause for those who have separated the Truth of My Teachings from the Commandments laid down by My Father.

The planning and co-ordination of this grand scheme has taken some time, but soon they will announce the schism before the world’s media.

Many, shouting at the top of their voices present lies, not only against the laws laid down by My Teachings. What they really want is to create a new god. The new figurehead of My Church will be promoted as like any high profile election of political leaders.

They will make you want to believe that the Words of old are deceitful. Then they will tell you not to believe in them. They will change the ways in which they have lived My Teachings and change the way they honour Me.

They will now push My Laws to one side and will worship laws of their own making.

They will change their solemn vows to justify their participation in the building of a new templethe new temple dedicated to the rule of the false prophet.

Then they will no longer be servants of Mine, for they will switch allegiance and honour the false prophet.

Then they will worship a false god, a brand new concept, which will allow for certain laws of God to be abolished and replaced with obscenities before My Eyes.

This is My warning to those priests amongst you who will pull away from the Catholic Church.

When you stop trusting in Me fully, your heads will be turned to believe in lies. When you trust deceitful rulers you will fall into terrible sin.  You will honour the beast, who will defile My Church by plunging the crown of thorns on the Head of My Church, My true Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict.

You will suffer terribly when you serve the beast, for you will be depriving God of His children. Turn back to your true roots. Do not allow My Church to be defiled by the sins planned by people who want to destroy Christianity and other religions, which honour My Father.

You, My sacred servants, who disobey your Holy Orders, cut off your hearts from Me, while these deceivers will steal your souls.

The biggest sin you are about to commit is to honour a false god. Dressed in jewels, he will be charming, subtle and with a seemingly good grasp of the Teachings of My Father’s Book. You will fall under his spell. He will twist My Teachings so they become heresy.

This religion, an alternative to the Truth of God, is worthless. Yet it will have an exterior of charm, love and wonder, and dressed with new gold and precious stones, it will feature as the new one-world religion on all altars.

To those faithful priests, I tell you this. I will bless you with the Graces to understand the Truth at all times.

Such idols, presented to you as the Truth, are but clay. They are made of wooden objects. They are nothing. They do not have any meaning. No graces will be emitted. God, the One True God, will simply not be present in their churches. Only the Living God can be present in My Churches. When God the Father witnesses this final insult, He will exile those who bring alive these pagan practices. Then He will demand an explanation from those who cause the schism in His Holy Church on earth these same servants who arrogantly dismiss the Word of God so casually.

When they face Me, during the Warning, they will know how they have hurt My Father. No person or sacred servant has control because there is only one Master. Only one God. They are introducing a man-made god. He does not exist, yet they will steal My flock from Me. They will be given every grace and shown much patience. If they do not repent, they will be destroyed.

Each of you will be repaid for every soul you have lost to Me.

Your Jesus

“You must be strong, brave and loyal. You must not allow fear, or the beast, to devour your soul.”


JtM Crusade Prayer Meeting Mon. 5th Sept. 2022

Prayer Theme: Special Graces (Groups A and D)
Bible Reading: Zechariah 2
Book of Truth: 24th June, 2012

The readings today are for priests and about priests. They both warn and also console. In Zechariah, Joshua the High Priest stands before God, with his adversary (i.e. the devil), waiting to accuse him. But the angel rebukes the adversary -he tells him that he ( Joshua) has been plucked from the fire. At this very time priests all over are suffering/ fighting/ the “fire”. The angel directs that Joshua’s filthy robes are replaced with clean ones – (he has been through the purification). The “Lord of Hosts” says that “ If you walk in my ways and carry out my charge, you will administer my house and watch over my courts; and I will give you access to those standing here.” He is told that all these things are still to come. The ending ( and God’s promise) tells us that “you will invite one another under your vines and fig trees.”

In the Book of Truth, the first part of the message is an introduction. It speaks of hypocrites, of twisting God’s Word, of “promoting so called tolerance”, and those who use Scripture to deny His Holy Word. Then the rest of the message is addressed to the clergy. Jesus speaks strong words to them. Many of The Remnant have been the object of persecution in this way. Jesus warns these people: “Reject My Word now, or denounce my message for having errors and you will be cast aside. You are not fit to lead my flock.”

This is a strong message, but it is given through God’s Love for His priests. The message is for all of us, but priests are chosen by Christ and for Christ. Jesus reminds them of their duty to help save souls.


Bible Reading

Zechariah 2: Prophetic Vision: Joshua the High Priest

Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, while the adversary stood at his right side to accuse him.
2 And the angel of the LORD said to the adversary, “May the LORD rebuke you, O adversary; may the LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?”
3 Now Joshua was standing before the angel, clad in filthy garments.
4 Then the angel said to those standing before him, “Remove his filthy garments.” And to him he said, “Look, I have taken your guilt from you, and I am clothing you in stately robes.”
5 Then he said, “Let them put a clean turban on his head.” And they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him with the garments while the angel of the LORD was standing by.
6 Then the angel of the LORD charged Joshua:
7 “Thus says the LORD of hosts: If you walk in my ways and carry out my charge, you will administer my house and watch over my courts; and I will give you access to those standing here.”

Supplementary Oracle. 8 Hear, O Joshua, high priest! You and your associates who sit before you! For they are signs of things to come! I will surely bring my servant the Branch.

9 Look at the stone that I have placed before Joshua. On this one stone with seven facets I will engrave its inscription—oracle of the LORD of hosts—and I will take away the guilt of that land in one day.
10 On that day—oracle of the LORD of hosts—you will invite one another under your vines and fig trees.”

Reading from the Book of Truth

When you spread hatred about prophets sent from Heaven you are guilty of a sin which has enormous consequences

24 June 2012 @ 5:30pm; Message 0467

My dearly beloved daughter, how My Heart breaks when I see those who say they are followers of God but who flaunt His LawsThey are hypocrites.

It is they who say they follow My Father’s Commandments yet feel they can condemn others who sin.

First, to take Sacred Scripture as a means to proclaim a lie, by promoting so called tolerance, they offend Me greatly.

These are the people who say that it is wrong to believe in Divine Providence.

These are the people who question the seers sent by Heaven throughout the centuries and then try to disprove them by the use of My Holy Word laid down in Sacred Scripture.

Any man who denies My Word is disloyal to me.

Any man who sets himself apart from his brothers and sisters, as spiritually and intellectually superior, needs to be very careful.

Any man who uses Sacred Scripture to present a twisted version of the Truth will be punished.

Any man who stands up and proclaims the Truth, yet dismisses My Word given to the world in these, the end times, will be cast aside by Me.

You are guilty of spiritual jealousy and for this you will face punishment.

When you spread hatred about the prophets sent from Heaven you are guilty of a sin which has enormous consequences.

Because by doing so, you not only proclaim a lie, you obstruct the Word of God.

I ask that you stop your campaign of torment and calumny now. You will never prevent My Word from being heard.

Why do you keep trying to torment this Mission? Don’t you know by now that the fire of the Holy Spirit could not have  spread in the way that it has were My Messages not from Heaven?

You are being used by the evil one who will stop at nothing to prevent these, My Holy Messages, from being given to the world.

Message for the Clergy:

For those among you who have pledged a vow, as a sacred servant of My Church on Earth, hear Me now.

When you publicly denounce My Messages and prevent Me, your Jesus, in this Mission for saving souls, you commit the greatest sin of all.

You will suffer for this and your Purgatory will be experienced on earth. Every man, woman and child will witness your offence against Heaven.

Your flawed assessment of My prophets will render you spiritually empty and your soul will suffer a torment like no other.

If you are a sacred servant of Mine and you are unsure of My Voice as I speak to you now then you must remain silent. You must pray for discernment before you consider rejecting My Holy Word.

Thousands of My sacred servants will fail to recognise My Word, sent through this prophet for the end times. How this breaks My Heart.

Many will fall under the reign of the antichrist and desert My Church on Earth.

Many of My sacred servants will side with the persecutors of My Church. The seduction has already begun.

You are being prepared by the deceiver to reject Me and your pride prevents you from seeing this.

Many of My sacred servants will not be courageous enough to uphold My Church on earth. Many will side with the False Prophet and reject My flock whose faith will enable them to seek the Truth.

Don’t you know that I am the Church?

Don’t you know that the Church will suffer its own crucifixion just as I did?

It will be tormented. It will seem to have been crucified and many will think it will be dead. But, like My Resurrection it will be raised to life again for you see it cannot be destroyed.

I warn all of My sacred servants who do not recognise the times that you are living in to be alert now as My Church on earth suffers the greatest persecution since the beginning.

You must prepare and open your eyes.

When did you think I would come and warn you? Did you think that it would be some time way into the future? That it would never happen in your lifetime?

The time for My Second Coming is very close.

I will soon divide the good from the wicked after every attempt has been made to convert most of humanity.

It is your duty and responsibility to keep an open mind, heart and soul.

I need  you to respond to My pleas to help Me save as many souls as I can.

Follow Me. This is your calling.

This is why you pledged allegiance to Me, your Jesus.

You did not make your vows on your own terms.  

You must allow me to guide you and help defend My Church on earth.

Much damage has been inflicted on My Church. My Church consists of all those who love me including all of my sacred servants.

You must be strong, brave and loyal. You must not allow fear or the beast to devour your soul.

Listen to My Word before you condemn my prophets.

Never denounce any of my messages without praying for discernment. Even then you must be careful that you do not deny God’s children the gift of the graces I now bestow on those poor souls who are starved of the Truth of My Teachings.

To those who openly reject My Word, given to this prophet, know that you will beg me for forgiveness when the Truth is revealed.

By then, for those who are responsible for turning souls away from My Word, it will be too late.

Those souls lost to me, because of your wicked tongue, will have no eternal life.

Reject My Word now, or denounce my message for having errors and you will be cast aside. You are not fit to lead my flock.

Your Saviour

Jesus Christ

“My followers, you must prepare now for the terrible trials, which you will have to face because of your response to My call..”


All of you, who follow these messages, know that something is up in the world. Many events foretold have been fulfilled. (See our section on “prophecies fulfilled” ). All good Christians, who are true to Christ’s teachings, and who recognize the truth of these times, will be constantly trying to open the eyes of our loved ones; you will be praying for them and for yourselves; you will be praying for our government and Church leaders that their eyes will be opened — we are all part of God’s Remnant Army. All of our prayers are important, and necessary.

In this Mission, thousands of people all over the world pray the “Crusade Prayers” daily. These are special prayers Jesus has given us, that are written in heaven for these times. We are part  of the Remnant Army. The prayers are powerful. The mission given is to pray for the conversion of each and every soul on earth. It is the Mission of Salvation and the most important mission on earth.

If you are not called to say the Crusade prayers, that is okay. God calls all of us in different ways. God listens to, and needs, all our prayers. We are all part of the Remnant!!

Some of us, in various parts of the world,  have experienced first hand intense persecution, including by our much beloved priests. Satan attacks this Mission and the Jesus to Mankind prayer groups formed to do this work. It is obvious when Satan is at work because the attacks are unusual, unexpected, often out of the blue and very pointed.  Jesus actually foretold this persecution, in the message below.

Jesus tells us “My Love, My Blessing, My beloved disciples. You bring Me peace, love and comfort at this time.”

Please pray each day for all suffering Christians, who are only trying to live God’s Word.


Everything will be done to cause disruption to your Prayer Groups

Crusade Prayer Group

17 January 2013 @ 11:17pm; Message 0674

My dearly beloved daughter, the Fire of the Holy Spirit has intensified amongst My Prayer Groups and they will now spread throughout the world, and multiply, one thousand-fold. The grace bestowed upon these Groups will enable them to set up quickly and grow just as I intended them to.

As the Fire of Truth engulfs the Earth, so also will the darkness descend, like a great thick fog.The evil one and his demons will torment as many as they can in order to take them away from Me. I cannot let him do this.

The pain of being separated from these poor souls, who give in willingly to the lies, fed to them by Satan, is very difficult for Me to bear. Nothing, however, can stop the Word of God, although it may not seem like this to many of you.

By My Power, I will spread love through those souls who respond to My call for Prayers. When they surrender their free will to Me, I can do what is necessary to draw them to the Love of God. This Love has been missing from their lives, for some time. They will then recognise the emptiness they had felt inside, before I bring them this comfort. The comfort they have been missing is the calmness of the soul, which can only come from Me.

Come to Me and I will help you to see all that matters. Listen to My Voice, now, as I gather all nations and bring My family together, so that I can prepare you for your new life where death will no longer exist. Neither death of the body or the soul can exist in My New Paradise. Death will be finished. My New Paradise is ready, but it must be filled with every single soul alive in the world today. This is My great desire.

To My followers, you must prepare now for the terrible trials, which you will have to face because of your response to My call. Everything will be done to cause disruption to your Prayer Groups. Many priests, for example, will try to stop them. You will be told not to attend them. You will be told that they are not permitted.  You will be told My Prayers come from the spirit of evil. You will be given every kind of excuse – all of them simply meant to prevent My Work from being done.

I urge you to work together in peace and harmony. Do not allow differences of opinion to halt this Work. This is a time when Satan will try to drive a wedge between you all, so that the Crusade Prayers are not spread globally, as dictated by Me.

The Jesus to Mankind Prayer Groups must be set up everywhere. They will be an integral part of the formation and co-ordination of My Remnant Army on Earth. You must work closely, in love and harmony, and keep in touch with My daughter, Maria. I have instructed her to assist, where possible, in guiding you. I have sent her a group of people who will co-ordinate these groups in different regions in the world. You must each focus on your own region and link with each other.  Maria will be instructed, by Me, as to how I need them to be managed and the format I desire.

I will bless each Prayer Group, when they agree to My Direction. I need members of the clergy involved and Prayer Books to be used. Maria will let you know what is expected soon.

Prepare for this global Mission, like no other. It is the Final Mission to save souls and every step of the way is dictated by Me, Jesus Christ.  So, I ask that you place all your trust in Me. Rejoice, for you are blessed to be given this role in the most important time in the history of the world. For this, you will receive many Gifts from Me, as I need your help to save souls.

Allow Me to give you the Blessing of Protection for the Jesus to Mankind Crusade Prayer Groups in every single location, as they are being set up.

My Love, My Blessing, My beloved disciples. You bring Me peace, love and comfort at this time.

Your beloved Jesus.

Of Jesus’ Final Mission to save souls, of Persecution and Suffering.


Persecution and Suffering are part of this Mission. Prophets who are tolerated do not seem to suffer persecution. It especially is difficult when it comes from God’s Sacred Servants who simply want to protect their flock. The evil one uses those who are close to God to unwittingly attack the Mission and His prophet.

It is the same as in the secular world. The truth is hidden, and denied, and we are attacked – our health, our livelihoods, and our freedoms. And it is done through those we chose to govern us, and our doctors and nurses,who have taken on board the lies fed to them and dressed up as truth.

Please pray first and foremost for our priests, for we need them to give us the Sacraments – to sustain our souls. We need them to lead us through these end times; not to lead us astray, by denying the people whom God has sent to proclaim His Love and Protection and has lovingly sent to warn us of what lies ahead.

Please pray that our priests are humble, and are given the grace of discernment, and that Satan’s cohort does not succeed in manipulating them to persecute God’s children.


God the Father: Fear you, those who stand up and curse My Son

25 August 2013 @ 6:00pm; Message 0888

… . Those who love Me will endure, with patience, the persecution they face and will continue to endure, because this is My Desire.

Those who persecute you, My dear little one, because you continue to proclaim the Holy Word of My Son, must know this. If you demonise My Son, I will punish you. If you demonise His Most Holy Word and then say that you are a child of God, I will cast you into the wilderness. Nothing will prevent My prophet from completing this Mission. Nothing. Try as you will, you will fail, for you will be fighting a war which you will never win. My Almighty Power cannot be touched, tampered with or challenged. Challenge My Divine Intervention to save the world and you will feel My Wrath. You will be destroyed. Fear you, those who stand up and curse My Son. Your pride and your disobedience will be your downfall. I have warned, through the prophets of old, the consequences of ignoring My Voice.

I now move forward to finalise the beginning of the final onslaught upon humanity. I have permitted the final battle to take place. I have given the evil one the last chance to infest those who are drawn to him. I do this so that by the Mercy of My Son, souls will defy the beast. They will do this because of their loyalty to My Son. Those, who do not know Me or My Son, will be given great Graces so that they will accept salvation. All salvation is by the Power of My Mercy. Only those stubborn hardened hearts will remain loyal to the beast. I will pull all the others towards Me. I will ensure that every chance will be given to every soul, so that they can redeem themselves, before My Son, before the final day.

This Final Mission has been created in Heaven since the beginning. All the angels and saints work in union to bring all of My children back to e, their beloved Father. The final journey is now. All who walk with My Son, stay close to Him at this time. You will not be able to endure this painful journey unless you listen to what He tells you. Do not be swayed by those who will work day and night to force you to turn your back. If you allow this to happen you will find it very difficult to pick yourself up again.

You are nothing without My Son. You are nothing without Me. Until you surrender all and follow the Truth, you will never find it.

Attempt to prevent the Truth from being given to the world by Me, your Creator and I will strike you down and your weeping will be of no consolation. I will cast the proud and arrogant, who believe that they know more than Me, into the wilderness. You will not succeed when you defy My Word and deny My Presence when I try to save you.

Ungrateful man, you have little time left. By listening to Me, you can come to Me, but you can only do this when you crawl on your face and fall in humility before My Son. My Mission has reached a very dangerous phase as every effort will be made by those who are My enemies to tear it apart. This may seem to happen, but know that those enemies of Mine have very little time and soon, when My Patience has been expended, they will be no more, for they will never see My Face.

Your Father

God the Most High

P.S. Please pray for us also that we have the courage we need in difficult times.

An urgent message for priests and “other sacred servants” (from Jesus).


There is no doubt that the times are upon us. We all want to be part of the “Remnant Church”. For this to happen, we must remain loyal to Christ and his Teachings. The “false prophet” has showed us over and over again, where his true allegiance lies. He has done this through his words, actions and writings. He has denied, and challenged many of Christ’s Teachings and the Commandments. We have heard him challenge many of God’s commandments. He has been destroying the Church, brick by brick, ever since he “was elected” to the throne of  Peter. We thought that surely the Pachamama event was the climax of his destruction, yet the worst  is yet to come. Daniel’s prophecy of the “Abomination of Desolation” is still to occur.

In the following message tells His priests and sacred servants of His Love for them. He tells them what will occur and the signs to look out for. He states: “… you must not be deceived. If you do not adhere to My Laws, then you will betray Me.

When this message was given to us in March of 2013, just after the False prophet came on the scene, we could not really comprehend it all, but now the signs that Jesus said to look out for, are very visible to those who can see.



A message for priests and all those sacred servants of Mine who have given their lives to My Sacred Service.

17 March 2013 @ 6:50pm; Message 0733

My dearly beloved daughter, this is a Message for priests and all those sacred servants of Mine who have given their lives to My Sacred Service.

My beloved servants, I desire that you obey the Laws of the Church and those to whom you must show obedience in My Holy Name.

You must never desert your duties to the Church and you must continue to serve Me as always.  Please administer all the Sacraments, as before, but with even more diligence. Attend, as always, to your sacred duties. Your duty is to God’s children and you must guide your flock. Remain loyal to My Teachings at all times.

It will not be you, My precious servants, who will desert My Church on earth. It will not be through your doing that Laws within My Church will be changed in order to embrace new doctrines.

You will remain loyal to the services of My Church and conduct your duties until the terrible day. This will be the day when My Holy Mass will be changed beyond recognition. It will be the enemies of God, who have infiltrated My Church on earth, who will push you away from Me.

When they present the new Mass, you will be left with no choice then, for you will know that it will no longer offer the Most Holy Eucharist. It will be then that the Truth will finally be revealed to you, although you will be aware of the signs before then.

The signs will include strange new ways of adjusting prayers; Satan will no longer be denounced and the Sacraments will be tampered with in order to include other denominations.You will become uneasy, yet you will feel an obligation to remain loyal to My Church.

It will be then that the existence of My Church on earth will be your only means of survival if you are to remain loyal to My Teachings. When My Teachings, My Sacraments and My Holy Mass are changed, you must not be deceived. If you do not adhere to My Laws, then you will betray Me.

For other Christian churches, I warn you that this infestation will spread also to your churches. In time, it will become difficult for you to honour My Teachings in the way they were given to the world. All Christians will suffer under the regime of the false prophet and his cohort, the antichrist, whose face will be beamed all over the world soon, as the most influential leader of all time.

Your Jesus

“…I will fill them with a longing for My Love so that they will be powerless to ignore Me….”


Jesus has a hunger for all souls. He will stop at nothing and wishes to salvage them all and bring them into the New Paradise.

I will ensure that millions more hear My Words


20 August 2013 @ 7:20pm;  Message 0882

My dearly beloved daughter, My Love and My Compassion for all sinners has meant that I grant great Mercy on billions of souls. As of today, I will open their eyes to My Messages for humanity. I will ensure that millions more hear My Words, so that I can take many more lost souls into the New Paradise. All such souls, who would never accept these Messages because of their stubbornness, will now see them, for what they are – an Act of Mercy on My part, so that I can salvage their souls.

Priests, who had denounced My Messages and declared them to be the words of the devil will by then realise the terrible mistake they made, by denying souls the opportunity of listening to My Heavenly Voice.

Non-believers, who have struggled to find peace, will now be drawn to My Messages and soon they will seek comfort from Me. I Am waiting for them and as soon as they walk towards Me, I will fill them with a longing for My Love so that they will be powerless to ignore Me.

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Believers in God the Almighty Father, who do not accept Me, His beloved Son, will feel a stirring within their souls. They will cry out for the Truth as they witness the ways in which the world will have changed beyond recognition.

Then, those who love Me and who remain staunch in their faith, but who fail to recognise Me when I Call out to their souls, will be overcome by the final realization, when My Divine Presence will be made known to them. I will rejoice when these, My followers, allow Me to guide them properly on the final journey.

I give the world these Gifts because I love everyone. Await this Gift with love and thanksgiving.

Your Jesus