The Woman of Revelation and the Prophetic Messages of the End Times.


Dynamic Catholic theologian Dr. Kelly Bowring discusses the prophetic messages from God and from Heaven concerning the final battle of the apocalypse now unfolding, including the Warning, the Miracle, and the divine Chastisement, in this video episode 4 (of a 13-part series) on the theme of the Woman of Revelation and the Prophetess of the end times.
This video will change your life forever!

For more, go to

If you go to, you can click on a full transcript of this video.

Below are listed just a few selected highlights in the video.

It is worthwhile to listen to it all, when you have some time to spare.

Dr Bowring has woven all the prophecies from the Gospels and our Lady’s apparitions up to these times.


At 23 secs. Dr Bowring speaks about Matthew 24 and the signs of the end time.

… at 4.41 – Fr GobbiMother of Salvation

…at 4.55 – The Woman clothed with the sun and the red dragon

…at 5.19 – The miracle after the Warning

…at 5.30 – The miracle of the sun at Fatima, a sign for us

…at 6.13 – Pope St John Paul II’s visit to Us and his prophecy

… at 7.09 – St Paul and his prophecies

…at 45 mins – St John Bosco – extra information researched by Dr Bowring

…at 50 mins – Fulton Sheen and the False prophet and antichrist

…at 1hr.06 – Russia will march on Italy

…at 1hr.28  Glorious reign of Christ.


Thank you Dr Bowring for  all your work in helping to enlighten the world regarding events  in these end times for the Salvation of souls !!


Feast of the Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart

Heart of Jesus, Burning with love for me, Inflame my heart with love for you.

“Behold this Heart, which has so loved men, But is so little loved in return.”  (Jesus to St Margaret Mary Alacoque)

“My greatest happiness is to be before the Blessed Sacrament, where my heart is, as it were, in Its centre.” – St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

“Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament has His hands full of graces, and He is ready to bestow them on anyone who asks for them.”St. Peter of Alcantara

“The Birth of Jesus at Bethlehem is not an event which can be consigned to the past. The whole of human history in fact stands in reference to Him: our own time and the future of the world are illumined by His Presence. He is ‘the living one’ (Rev 1:18) ‘Who is, Who was and Who is to come’ (Rev 1:4).” St John Paul II