It’s Time to Stand up for His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI


Finally, after all this time – years of suffering and seeing the Church being torn apart –  we can see a light. We were always thankful that (just) a few bishops seemed to try and stand up for Truth – but talking about it, and signing petitions wasn’t enough. Cardinal Burke, Bp. Schneider, Cardinals Muller and Brandmuller, also Cardinals Caffara and Meisner (the latter 2 who may have  died of  a broken heart), Cardinal Sarah, and last, but not least, Archbishop Vigano, who I must say seems to have had the most courage.

We are immensely thankful for Bro. Alexis Bugnolo who acted and decided to investigate Pope Benedict’s resignation. At first, after Bergoglio was elected to the throne of Peter, there were a few assertions made- the “Grammar mistake“, the fact that on the day of the election there was one too many voting elections ( contrary to Canon Law, it was said); the St Gallen Mafia plotting for years beforehand (and Cardinal Danneels finally admitting it in a book), secret meetings in Rome for purposes of vote canvassing, suggestions of being forced to resign, and even blackmail, but they never came to anything. No-one really seemed to care, or was afraid to challenge the election.

As a result of Bro. Bugnolo’s relentless investigation, he came up with lots of evidence written and applied to Canon Law. And now we have 2 Bishops who have spoken up for Pope Benedict – Bp. Gracida and Bp. Lenga. Bro. Bugnolo tells us that there are at least 4 priests naming Pope Benedict in the Canon of the Mass.

There are hundreds of Jesus to Mankind  prayer groups around the world -and that means supporting Pope Benedict as the true pope. So thousands of people when attending Mass, have been saying his name in the Canon from the beginning. (That is, since Nov. 2010 in our case, but depending on when people joined) All of the thousands of members of our prayer groups would be also praying for the intentions of Pope Benedict after every Rosary.

Locally, I know of one priest who has said (privately) that all the pieces of the jigsaw are finally coming together. He said that he never really believed that Pope Benedict resigned.

There are most probably hundreds of good priests who are secret supporters of Pope Benedict. But they lack courage, and they are in fear  – fear of their Bishop, and fear of what other priests might think.

I was so overjoyed to read the” From Rome” post.

“Feb. 28, 2020: A group of Catholics, today, has issued a call to convene an international investigation into Vatican Corruption by all the Bishops of the Catholic Church on account of the manifest grave disorder in the organs of the Apostolic See.  …   The Press Release invites both legal scholars and Catholic Bishops to participate. All interested parties are to contact the chairman of the committee.

Read all about it here:

I hope many, many people sign up, but I know that there are still bishops and priests who are sceptical or just plain “blind”. This is our job now – to share our information. Hand out copies of articles to other parishioners and to priests. They need to know the truth. We need to build up an ARMY of resistance and Action. Remember, Ven. Abp. Fulton Sheen spoke about the important role of the  laity.

Priests may fear for their  “priestly ministry”, but we have no excuse. We can change parishes and “go shopping” and they cannot deny us the Sacraments.


My friend Tony, sent me this reflection yesterday, Feb. 27th at 11.20am Sydney time.  He says it all very well.

Hi Everyone,

Surely the idea or possibility of an uncanonically elected Pope……following a Pope pressured to resign by the St Gallen Mafia Club…. led by the infamous heretic Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini….is a more plausible explanation of a manifest, serial heretic, blasphemer and Vatican Garden idol worshipper…… being on the Chair of Peter….. than the idea that a validly elected Pope could operate like that.

Anyone who believes that a valid Pope can behave as Bergoglio has done for almost 7 years now, has a greatly diminished (flawed) understanding of the very essence of what a Pope is.

It has always been my (Traditional Catholic) understanding that a Pope is the ‘Rock’…..the defender….teacher….and custodian…. of the True Faith…..protected by God Himself from reeling off a never ending stream of heresies, blasphemies to the Catholic faithful all over the planet.

Bergoglio is definitely not the ‘Rock’. 

And if anyone reading this cannot see that… are not looking…..and need to ask yourself why am I avoiding looking too closely at what he is saying and doing???

I know many, many pre-Bergoglio traditional Catholics (now Bergoglio Liberals) who avoid like the plague ….all the available information on Bergoglio’s performance.

Therefore the need for a full and comprehensive investigation on how this parlous state of affairs came about is screamingly obvious. 

Why not check out all possible ways this may have come about???

Why are so many so resistant to investigating all possibilities???

Was he a heretic before he was supposedly elected???  There is strong evidence for the affirmative.

Was there pressure on Benedict (still alive and healthy in mind and body) to resign….. when on an historical basis Popes simply don’t resign….they stay until they drop….look at the example Pope John Paul II gave….. Was Canon332:2 breached???   There is a strong case for that!!!

Was the canvassing for votes at the 2013 (supposed) conclave actually done by a number of Cardinals???    There is a strong case for that also!!! Both Cardinal Daneels & Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor’s former  Director for Public Affairs, Austin Ivereigh have said this indeed happened!!!

Now that it has become clear that Jorge Mario Bergoglio….compared to the Popes of history is dysfunctional in the extreme….behaving like the worst of all the antipopes…..WHY NOT CHECK IT ALL OUT???


Reason No 1. Many of the Hierarchy are themselves heretics and with Bergoglio all the way.

Reason No 2. Many of those hierarchy who see clearly the errors of Bergoglio do not have the will to take this on……the (worldly) consequences would be great!!!

Then we of course have the brave ones….Bishop Gracida….Archbishop Lenga….Archbishop Vigano…..and others…..but not many…..because our Church has been thoroughly liberalised (hereticised ) over the last 50 years since Vatican II.

God bless,



“From Rome” just released another post:

“Call for International Inquest into Vatican Corruption”

Read it at:


Also, don’t forget to read:





Published by

Remnant Disciple

Traditional Catholic; member of Jesus' Remnant Army; leader of a Jesus to Mankind Prayer group since 2010. Prayer group leader for about 25 years.