Letter to the Editor: Closing the Churches is killing priests!

We don’t have a choice but watch this evil endgame play out.

The government has spoken now everyone (like good citizens) do our bit. We stay home, we obey. The church does its bit to interpret the government directives. This week has been very uncertain, as each diocese has issued new directives. Each diocese is a little different. Masses can’t have more than a 100 people; outdoor Masses can have 500 people. Priests are trying their best – most of them. Some parishes have more Masses; some give out tickets to only 100 people – then the doors are shut; Masses outside on the basketball court. Some have just given up and said “No Sunday Mass”. People are searching via social media, which parishes will still give Communion on the tongue. Some dioceses have closed their churches, some are open for weekday Masses but not Sundays.

Some take the easy way out and just say “No Mass Sunday”. Many others have thought of all sorts of ways to supply the needs of the faithful. Priests are sad, the people are sad. It is all quite a big shock. Many of our friends who normally go to N.O. Masses but they can no longer receive on the tongue, and have been doing Spiritual Communions.

We don’t consider our poor priests. To most of them this has been so sudden, and didn’t see it coming. We have to support them. They are our Lifeline. We can’t let them become despondent. We have to all become Warriors for Our Lord and for our Faith.

via Letter to the Editor: Closing the Churches is killing priests!

Letter to the Editor: Closing the Churches is killing priests!

Dear Editor,

I am on the phone with a very prayerful lay woman and she is truly a dear friend in Christ, like a grandmother to me. She has asked me to write you and anyone else I know (on her behalf) about the following, since she is still unfamiliar with email, typing and so forth. It is concerning a few points that nobody has really brought up in discussion anywhere in the so-called “Catholic” channels and websites that she frequents.

She says: “The priesthood is in trouble”. Her own pastor, this priest, is very, very troubled. He has shown a very deep sadness during his live streamed masses (which he has allowed lay people to attend despite the Diocese suspended all public masses). She says he is not the same priest that she knew prior to today’s morning mass. He looked very burdened with a tremendous heaviness to him that she had never seen before, all because the situation has deeply affected him especially by the fact that he cannot give holy communion to the faithful, even though they are present at the mass.

She says that the fact that the people or congregation have been taken away from priests, is “killing the priesthood” but the good priests, like her pastor, are not talking to anyone about this personal crisis. She says “We” the laity are letting it happen. And we need to do something about it.

And in her eyes, keeping people away from the priests is also a way of getting rid of the “good priests”, so, again, something really needs to be done.

She says “we” the laity have yielded to the State when we must demand our right to receive communion, so this cannot be! The laity need to be rallied somehow or we’re gonna lose “eternally” on this one -if we don’t take a stand.

She says we are not risking our lives for Jesus, and this is not the Catholic Faith by any means. This is our opportunity to fight, to stand up for Him, or we will lose Him forever. “We will lose these eternal goods forever”

Her suggested solution:

We the laity need to go and start knocking on rectories, Diocesan Pastoral Centers or wherever Bishops are staying these days, and need to start kindly demanding communion from them saying “Father” or “Dear Bishop, I want communion. This is my God given right”.


A voice that cries out in the desert

Published by

Remnant Disciple

Traditional Catholic; member of Jesus' Remnant Army; leader of a Jesus to Mankind Prayer group since 2010. Prayer group leader for about 25 years.