Prophecies: Sacraments – Rules changed and tampered with.


FP Silhouette with Message

Prophecy:  The Sacraments- rules changed; tampered with.


All the rules will have been changed; …the sacraments tampered with…” (September 7th, 2014)

Prophecies being Fulfilled:

Eucharist, Holy Orders, Extreme Unction, Penance and Matrimony have all definitely been tampered with.

Eucharist, Penance and Matrimony:  “Amoris Laetitia”

People who have divorced and remarried (without annulment) , and others in “irregular” situations (such as those living together) may be able to receive Holy Communion, whilst living in adultery. This will have a ripple effect on the Sacrament of Matrimony, as well as on Penance and on the Eucharist. It makes a mockery of the Sacraments, of Jesus’ teachings and of the Ten Commandments.


  • PF emphasizes that “unjust discrimination” against gays and lesbians is unacceptable, and he downplays the idea of “living in sin” and suggests that priests should use their own discretion on whether divorced Catholics in new marriages can take Communion. See CNN news at:

In fact, because of his many (unofficial) utterances, many take it that those living in adulterous relationships can approach the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, if they want to.

The latter exchange came up during a prayer service on 15th November, 2015 at a Lutheran church in Rome that had invited the pontiff.

  • On 21st January, LifeSite News reported that after a meeting with the Pope, a Finnish group of Lutherans were given Communion during a Mass, even though they had their right hand on their left shoulder. The Lutheran bishop Samuel Salmi said: “I myself accepted it [Holy Communion].” He added that “this was not a coincidence”.


Pope Francis ( in a Meeting with priests and deacons of Rome, February 11, 2016): “And here I recommend that you understand not only the language of the word, but also that of gestures. If someone comes to you and feels something must be removed from him, but perhaps he is unable to say it, but you understand … it’s all right, he says it this way, with the gesture of coming. First condition. Second, he is repentant. If someone comes to you it is because he doesn’t want to fall into these situations, but he doesn’t dare say it, he is afraid to say it and then not be able to do it. But if he cannot do it, ad impossibila nemo tenetur [no one is obliged to do the impossible]. And the Lord understands these things, the language of gestures. Have open arms, to understand what is inside that heart that cannot be said or said this way … somewhat because of shame … you understand me….. Often shame makes one mute and … The gesture, the language of the gesture.

Can we receive absolution without confessing?  True humility is needed for absolution. Humility means saying the words. To do as the PF/FP says. is not a true administration of the Sacrament.

Matrimony – (Effects of Amoris Laetitia)

  • LifeSite News Jan. 18th 2017: Anglican Ordinariate: No Communion for unchaste divorced and remarried couples; no ‘at peace with God’ exceptions
  • LifeSite News Jan. 19th 2017: Malta archbishop defends Communion for adulterers: We’re just following the Pope.
  • Remnant Newspaper Jan 19th 2017: Christopher Ferrara’s in ‘Stan Gets Stapled: Is Catholic Answers Becoming Protestant Answers?’ discusses AL and the document of the Maltese bishops: “Guidelines for the Implementation of Chapter VIII of Amoris Laetitia”  that the new pseudo-doctrine of “discernment” permits a Catholic to “discern” that he can receive Holy Communion without ceasing adulterous sexual relations, and that he must be allowed to do so:
  • Rorate Caeli 16th 2017: ‘URGENT – Bergoglian Persecution Begins: Priest is Suspended a divinis in Colombia for criticizing the new papal doctrine on Marriage and the Eucharist’ . On 16th Jan the Bishop of Pereira issued a decree that suspended Father Luis Carlos Uribe Medina from his priestly ministry because he “has expressed publicly and privately his rejection of the doctrinal and pastoral teachings of the Holy Father Francis, mainly regarding Marriage and the Eucharist.”
  • Cardinal Cupich: Amoris Laetitia is a call for an ‘adult spirituality’ where we ‘discern’ what is true

Beware of the “new Evangelisation that FP/PF announced some years ago, as well as the “new Mass” which the FP has had a group working on for a few years already. This will include a new interpretation of the meaning of the Eucharist. (Look it up in the book of Truth)

Holy Orders:

  • Headline: Vatican Approves ‘Transitory’ Gay Seminarians. com  December 8, 2016  

The Vatican’s new guidelines for seminarians is relaxing the rules on men with homosexual tendencies. While continuing to exclude from the seminary men with “deep-seated homosexual tendencies,” the new guidelines now allow in seminaries men with a “transitory problem” of “homosexual tendencies. The document, titled “The Gift of the Priestly Vocation,” was promulgated Thursday, December 8, by the Congregation for the Clergy.”

See complete article at:

  • Archbishop of Santiago ordains two homosexuals to priesthood, knowing they were a couple           com;    December 14, 2016

SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, Spain – A new low for the Catholic Church in Spain has been reached with the ordination of a homosexual couple to the priesthood by Archbishop Julian Barrio of Santiago de Compostela. These men, part of an ordination class of six, are not only active homosexuals but are in a public relationship with each other

See complete article at:

Extreme Unction:

Mon Dec 12, 2016 ; on LifeSiteNews

Headline: Atlantic Canadian bishops approve last rites before euthanasia: ‘Pope Francis is our model’

“…The document, entitled A Pastoral Reflection on Medical Assistance in Dying and signed by 10 bishops, emphasizes pastoral care more than doctrine, Champagne told the Catholic Register.“Our concern is pastoral accompaniment. Pope Francis is our model,” he said.”

Expect many more changes. If there are announcements from the Synod in October, be assured there will be many doctrinal changes announced. Look out for them. Some cardinals/bishops are already commenting on this possibility – e.g. Bp. Strickland’s Pastoral Letter.

This post is the 12th in this series.

Next post will be: “They will not kneel before Me”

Are the Prophecies True? 8.The Sacraments- “rules changed; tampered with”


 Prophecy:  The Sacraments- rules changed; tampered with.


“All the rules will have been changed; …the sacraments tampered with…” (September 7th, 2014)

Prophecies being Fulfilled:

Eucharist, Holy Orders, Extreme Unction, Penance and Matrimony have all definitely been tampered with.


Eucharist, Penance and Matrimony:  “Amoris Laetitia” santo tomas de Aquino leyendo la heretica Amoris Laetitia

People who have divorced and remarried (without annulment) , and others in “irregular” situations (such as those living together) may be able to receive Holy Communion, whilst living in adultery. This will have a ripple effect on the Sacrament of Matrimony, as well as on Penance and on the Eucharist. It makes a mockery of the Sacraments, of Jesus’ teachings and of the Ten Commandments.


  • PF emphasizes that “unjust discrimination” against gays and lesbians is unacceptable, and he downplays the idea of “living in sin” and suggests that priests should use their own discretion on whether divorced Catholics in new marriages can take Communion. See CNN news at:

In fact, because of his many (unofficial) utterances, many take it that those living in adulterous relationships can approach the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, if they want to.

The latter exchange came up during a prayer service on 15th November, 2015 at a Lutheran church in Rome that had invited the pontiff.

  • On 21st January, LifeSite News reported that after a meeting with the Pope, a Finnish group of Lutherans were given Communion during a Mass, even though they had their right hand on their left shoulder. The Lutheran bishop Samuel Salmi said: “I myself accepted it [Holy Communion].” He added that “this was not a coincidence”.


  • Pope Francis ( in a Meeting with priests and deacons of Rome, February 11, 2016): “And here I recommend that you understand not only the language of the word, but also that of gestures. If someone comes to you and feels something must be removed from him, but perhaps he is unable to say it, but you understand … it’s all right, he says it this way, with the gesture of coming. First condition. Second, he is repentant. If someone comes to you it is because he doesn’t want to fall into these situations, but he doesn’t dare say it, he is afraid to say it and then not be able to do it. But if he cannot do it, ad impossibila nemo tenetur [no one is obliged to do the impossible]. And the Lord understands these things, the language of gestures. Have open arms, to understand what is inside that heart that cannot be said or said this way … somewhat because of shame … you understand me….. Often shame makes one mute and … The gesture, the language of the gesture.

See  full article at:

Can we receive absolution without confessing?  True humility is needed for absolution. Humility means saying the words. To do as the PF/FP says. is not a true administration of the Sacrament.

Matrimony – (Effects of Amoris Laetitia)

  • LifeSite News Jan. 18th 2017: Anglican Ordinariate: No Communion for unchaste divorced and remarried couples; no ‘at peace with God’ exceptions
  • LifeSite News Jan. 19th 2017: Malta archbishop defends Communion for adulterers: We’re just following the Pope.
  • Remnant Newspaper Jan 19th 2017: Christopher Ferrara’s in ‘Stan Gets Stapled: Is Catholic Answers Becoming Protestant Answers?’ discusses AL and the document of the Maltese bishops: “Guidelines for the Implementation of Chapter VIII of Amoris Laetitia”  that the new pseudo-doctrine of “discernment” permits a Catholic to “discern” that he can receive Holy Communion without ceasing adulterous sexual relations, and that he must be allowed to do so:
  • Rorate Caeli 16th 2017: ‘URGENT – Bergoglian Persecution Begins: Priest is Suspended a divinis in Colombia for criticizing the new papal doctrine on Marriage and the Eucharist’ . On 16th Jan the Bishop of Pereira issued a decree that suspended Father Luis Carlos Uribe Medina from his priestly ministry because he “has expressed publicly and privately his rejection of the doctrinal and pastoral teachings of the Holy Father Francis, mainly regarding Marriage and the Eucharist.”
  • Cardinal Cupich: Amoris Laetitia is a call for an ‘adult spirituality’ where we ‘discern’ what is true

Beware of the “new Evangelisation” that FP/PF announced some years ago, as well as the “new Mass” which the FP has had a group working on for a few years already. This will include a new interpretation of the meaning of the Eucharist. (Look it up in the book of Truth)

Holy Orders:

  • Headline: Vatican Approves ‘Transitory’ Gay Seminarians. com  December 8, 2016  

gay priestsThe Vatican’s new guidelines for seminarians is relaxing the rules on men with homosexual tendencies. While continuing to exclude from the seminary men with “deep-seated homosexual tendencies,” the new guidelines now allow in seminaries men with a “transitory problem” of “homosexual tendencies. The document, titled “The Gift of the Priestly Vocation,” was promulgated Thursday, December 8, by the Congregation for the Clergy.” Continue reading Are the Prophecies True? 8.The Sacraments- “rules changed; tampered with”

God will give us one last chance- “…many will faint and collapse…”


Thought: This is such a wonderful message, which fills us with Hope and Joy in this wonderful way that Jesus will win many souls back. But Jesus knows also, that we need pre-warning of this event. His message to St Faustina set the scene, He reminded us at Garabandal, and gave us further information. In this message He prepare us for the sorrow, and shock, for those who will faint, for the penance we will have to suffer as well as the lies our enemies will fool many with. We have everything we need in order to prepare and help others to prepare.

cross in sky

Billions will convert and recognise God, the Triune God, for the first time

16 November 2013 @ 10:17pm; Message 0969

My dearly beloved daughter, when I come to the world in My Divine Mercy, people will be given the chance to seek My Mercy, for this will be the first true confession many of them will have partaken in.

Everyone, no matter who they are, will experience this unique revelation of Mine, blessed by the Authority of My Father. The Illumination of Conscience will bring with it much pain, because the sorrow lost souls will experience will be such that they will not be able to withstand the shock. Many will faint and collapse, overcome with grief. But they will realise how much their soul needs to be cleansed first, before they are ready to enter My Eternal Paradise. These people will then know what is expected of them and they will suffer penance for some time, after the Great Event. Many people will think that they are dreaming. Some will think that it is the end of the world, but it will not be. It will be the Final Warning, however, which will be given to humanity to help them redeem themselves before God. every knee shall bow

Billions will convert and recognise God, the Triune God, for the first time and they will be grateful for the proof which they will be given as to the Existence of their Creator. Some will simply cower from My Light and this will bring them incredible pain and they will hide and turn their backs without a shred of remorse in their souls. They will deny My Intervention. Then the rest will rejoice, when they experience My Rays of Mercy, for these souls will be so thankful to witness My Presence that they will gravitate towards My Light with ease and with a longing for My Presence, which will be beyond their grasp, as this will not be the time for the Gates to My New Paradise to be opened. And so, they will then have to do penance as My disciples, on behalf of those souls who will reject My Hand of Mercy.

After the Great Intervention by God, to give humanity the chance to prepare themselves for My Second Coming, the world will be asking many questions. Some will be so changed within their souls that they will devote much time in helping to convert those they want to help save from deceit. Others will be remorseful and it will take some time for them to fully understand the significance of their presentation before Me and they will spend much attention to reconciling themselves with Me.

Then the enemies of God will deny The Warning ever happened and they will fool millions into believing that it was a cosmic event, when the light of the sun overtook the whole of the planet by a one-off event, caused by the movement of the Earth on its axis. Nothing could be further from the Truth. And, while they will put forth all these causes, they will deny that God Exists and lead many away from Me. Sadly, many will not come back to Me and only with God’s Interventions, when He will be forced to punish His enemies, in order to bring them back to their senses, can souls be purified.

Be thankful for these Mercies, as without this Gift from God very few people will be able to enter the Gates of Paradise.

Your Jesus

St Michael, and the demons: Plans for October


A Call to Arms!

This email was circulated by a chaplain of a TLM community in Brisbane.

Happy feast of the great Archangel, St Michael!

Today’s feast, which reminds us of the vital place of this great Angelic Spirit in combat with the spirit of evil, to whom the Scriptures give the name Satan, is an appropriate day to be called to arms.

It has been publicly announced that a Black Mass is to be celebrated on Friday October 30 in Noosa on the Sunshine Coast. It has been presented as an occasion of light-hearted entertainment, for which tickets were made available, and invitations extended to members of parliament (among others).

We need to pray and offer acts of penance that this Black Mass not go ahead, and that the evil it is intended to bring into effect be averted.

Some suggestions:

– whenever this comes to mind throughout the course of the day, when possible take a few moments to pray the prayer of St Michael the Archangel.

call on Our Lady of the Rosary with particular intensity for the feast of October 7 and October 13 (anniversary of the last apparition at Fatima).

If there is sufficient interest, it might be possible to co-ordinate a rosary novena … beginning on October 5, running through October 7, to conclude October 13.    

– given that the date seems to be aimed at coinciding to some degree with October 31, beginning of the occult “new year”, and that this is well known to be something of an anti All Saints celebration, it would be fitting to call on the intercession of all the Saints, in addition to the Mother of the Lord and St Michael, perhaps beginning from October 14.

acts of penance should made, particularly fasting, bearing in mind the Lord’s own indication in Mt 17:21.

It is apparently well known that radical elements in recent violent demonstrations in the United States have staged similar occult or Satanic public events. Let us bear this in mind to help motivate ourselves to make use of all the spiritual means at our disposal in an attempt to avert, if possible, this alarming and distressing event and the influence it is intended to bring about.

“Who is like God?” No one. Yet, we are to be remade in God’s likeness by the gift of Divine grace. The Lord Himself wishes to grant us a participation in the Divine Nature which the evil one desired to grasp at out of malicious envy.

Let us be bold in our prayer, knowing that if only two agree on earth to ask anything in the Lord’s name, the Father grants it. (Mt 18:19)  …”


St Michael, pray for us!


Watch out for a new post in the next day or so:

“Satanists could be lurking anywhere -a personal testimony “

Today – Good Shepherd Sunday


Heard a great sermon today. I can’t remember it all, so I will just use the main ideas and embellish them with my own thoughts, as inspired by the sermon. (The parts that are definitely from the sermon I heard are in italics, but in my own words).

Shepherds in Jesus day were not well thought of – they did not have good reputations. Sometimes they were not even allowed to give testimony in court. Jesus said ‘I am the Good Shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know Me.…” He would even lay down His life for his sheep.

Shepherds make sure their flocks have good food, go and look for them when they stray and get lost, and bring them back to the fold. They stay with them day and night and keep them safe from predators and wolves. The crook is an aid to help rescue them when they are in trouble, or approaching trouble.

Jesus, the Good Shepherd appointed His apostles as bishops – to be shepherds of the flock of the faithful. We call them “pastors”. Jesus gave them 3 main functions – to sanctify, teach and govern – these are to  keep the flock safe from harm.

Sanctify – to make holy by offering the Sacrifice of the Mass and to confect and give the Sacraments;

teach –  the teachings of Jesus Christ laid down by Him and which cannot be changed – to enable the flock to stay safe and reach their eternal reward; 

govern – the structures laid down to enable all this to happen.




The Protestant Reformation of the 1500’s distanced itself from the role of the priest, and therefore of the “Good Shepherd”. They cannot offer up the Sacrifice of the Mass, or the Sacraments of Eucharist and Penance – keeping the flock safe from harm and evil and keeping holy. It is such that their ministry is a job – in which they must use their own personalities to emphasise their homilies and teachings. In doing so, they face the people. Their altar is just a table (without relics) – it is not used to offer up the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ offered up on the Cross. This has crept into our own Catholic Church since Vatican II. When the priest faces the people, they are the centre of attention.

The priest referred to modern shepherds who use “clown” antics to keep the people amused; who wear secular clothing, who are referred to by their Christian name only and  the title of  “Father” is not used.

I, myself, can think of many “clown” Masses – they seem to have been multiplied especially since 2013.

Remember Fr Scheier? He was in an horrific car accident and should have died. He says that his sentence was “hell” when Our Blessed Mother interceded for him. You might think  – what did he do that was so bad?

 See his whole story here: 

Also see Youtube EWTN: :

Many of our dear priests have let the spirit of the world infect them: they think that they have to be seen as accepting everything and everyone. Jesus and His teachings are no longer important unless they have been twisted to show that Jesus will show Mercy to every single person, regardless of whether they ask for forgiveness and express their sorrow.

Father told us that the devil once said to St John Vianney: “If there were three such priests as you, my kingdom would be ruined.

WE MUST PRAY FOR GOOD SHEPHERDS especially all the modernist cardinals and bishops who are leading the flock astray; and for good priests with courage to proclaim the Truth despite secular modernist and relativist opinions and persecutions.

Jesus does not want any of His beloved “Sacred Servants” to be lost. Remember Jesus’ exhortation to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet every day at 3 o’clock for all to be saved. We were just reminded of that in our prayer group meeting  a few days ago. See the post entitled “JtM Crusade Prayer meeting on Thursday 27th April, 2017”


Pope Pius XII  July 17, 1956

O Jesus, eternal High Priest, Good Shepherd, Font of Life, Who by a special favor of Thy most tender Heart hast given to us our priests in order to accomplish in us those holy ideals with which Thy grace inspires our hearts, let Thy mercy, we beseech Thee, come to the aid of our priests.

Grant them, O Jesus, lively faith in their works, unshakable hope in their trials and fervent charity in their intentions. May Thy word, radiant with eternal Wisdom, become through continual meditation, the never failing nourishment of their interior life; may the examples of Thy Life and Passion be renewed in their conduct and sufferings for our instruction and as a light and consolation in our sorrows.

  Grant, O Lord, that our priests, free from all earthly attachments and solicitous for Thy glory alone, may persevere to their last breath in the fulfillment of duty and in purity of conscience. And when in death they deliver into Thy hands a task well done may they have in Thee, Lord Jesus, their Master on earth, the eternal reward of the crown of justice in the glory of the Saints. Amen.

Book of Truth – Prophecies Fulfilled – Part 2


B of T6. The Sacraments:


“All the rules will have been changed; …the sacraments tampered with…” (September 7th, 2014)            

and also

“The second stage will come about when people are denied the Holy Sacraments, as they are meant to be.” (Prophecy from the Book of Truth 20th October, 2013)

Prophecy Fulfilled

 Eucharist, Holy Orders, Extreme Unction, Penance and Matrimony have all definitely been tampered with.

Eucharist, Penance and Matrimony:  “Amoris Laetitia”

People who have divorced and remarried (without annulment) , and others in “irregular” situations (such as those living together) may be able to receive Holy Communion, whilst living in adultery. This will have a ripple effect on the Sacrament of Matrimony, as well as on Penance and on the Eucharist. It makes a mockery of the Sacraments, of jesus’ teachings and of the Ten Commandments.


  • Pf emphasizes that “unjust discrimination” against gays and lesbians is unacceptable, and he downplays the idea of “living in sin” and suggests that priests should use their own discretion on whether divorced Catholics in new marriages can take Communion. See CNN news at:

In fact, because of his many (unofficial) utterances, many take it that those living in adulterous relationships can approach the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, if they want to.

The latter exchange came up during a prayer service on 15th November, 2015 at a Lutheran church in Rome that had invited the pontiff.

  • On 21st January, LifeSite News reported that after a meeting with the Pope, a Finnish group of Lutherans were given Communion during a Mass, where they were given Holy Communion, even though they had their right hand on their left shoulder. The Lutheran bishop Samuel Salmi said: ““I myself accepted it [Holy Communion].” He added that “this was not a coincidence”.


  • Pope Francis ( in a Meeting with priests and deacons of Rome, February 11, 2016): “And here I recommend that you understand not only the language of the word, but also that of gestures. If someone comes to you and feels something must be removed from him, but perhaps he is unable to say it, but you understand … it’s all right, he says it this way, with the gesture of coming. First condition. Second, he is repentant. If someone comes to you it is because he doesn’t want to fall into these situations, but he doesn’t dare say it, he is afraid to say it and then not be able to do it. But if he cannot do it, ad impossibila nemo tenetur [no one is obliged to do the impossible]. And the Lord understands these things, the language of gestures. Have open arms, to understand what is inside that heart that cannot be said or said this way … somewhat because of shame … you understand me….. Often shame makes one mute and … The gesture, the language of the gesture.

See  full article at:

Can we receive absolution without confessing? That is not a true administration of the Sacrament.

Matrimony – (Effects of Amoris Laetitia)

  • LifeSite News Jan. 18th 2017: Anglican Ordinariate: No Communion for unchaste divorced and remarried couples; no ‘at peace with God’ exceptions
  • LifeSite News Jan. 19th 2017: Malta archbishop defends Communion for adulterers: We’re just following the Pope.
  • Remnant Newspaper Jan 19th 2017: Christopher Ferrara’s in ‘Stan Gets Stapled: Is Catholic Answers Becoming Protestant Answers?’ discusses AL and the document of the Maltese bishops: “Guidelines for the Implementation of Chapter VIII of Amoris Laetitia”  that the new pseudo-doctrine of “discernment” permits a Catholic to “discern” that he can receive Holy Communion without ceasing adulterous sexual relations, and that he must be allowed to do so:
  • Rorate Caeli 16th 2017: ‘URGENT – Bergoglian Persecution Begins: Priest is Suspended a divinis in Colombia for criticizing the new papal doctrine on Marriage and the Eucharist’ . On 16th Jan the Bishop of Pereira issued a decree that suspended Father Luis Carlos Uribe Medina from his priestly ministry because he “has expressed publicly and privately his rejection of the doctrinal and pastoral teachings of the Holy Father Francis, mainly regarding Marriage and the Eucharist.”

Holy Orders:

  • Headline: Vatican Approves ‘Transitory’ Gay Seminarians. com  December 8, 2016  

The Vatican’s new guidelines for seminarians is relaxing the rules on men with homosexual tendencies. While continuing to exclude from the seminary men with “deep-seated homosexual tendencies,” the new guidelines now allow in seminaries men with a “transitory problem” of “homosexual tendencies. The document, titled “The Gift of the Priestly Vocation,” was promulgated Thursday, December 8, by the Congregation for the Clergy.”

See complete article at:

  • Archbishop of Santiago ordains two homosexuals to priesthood, knowing they were a couple        December 14, 2016

SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, Spain – A new low for the Catholic Church in Spain has been reached with the ordination of a homosexual couple to the priesthood by Archbishop Julian Barrio of Santiago de Compostela. These men, part of an ordination class of six, are not only active homosexuals but are in a public relationship with each other

See complete article at:

Extreme Unction:

Mon Dec 12, 2016 ; on LifeSiteNews

Headline: Atlantic Canadian bishops approve last rites before euthanasia: ‘Pope Francis is our model’

“…The document, entitled A Pastoral Reflection on Medical Assistance in Dying and signed by 10 bishops, emphasizes pastoral care more than doctrine, Champagne told the Catholic Register.“Our concern is pastoral accompaniment. Pope Francis is our model,” he said.”

This is just the beginning!!!


Also see: