The Events of Garabandal: NEW movie series

I have long been touched by the stories of what occurred in San Sebastian De Garabandal between 1961 and 1965. I originally watched an older, documentary style movie with black and white film footage when I was a younger woman. It had a big impact on me at a time that I was seeking to come closer to God; the film gave me much needed hope in a God who has not forgotten His people and continues to bless the world with signs and miracles– to those with hearts open enough to believe.

My mum, sister and young niece visited Garabandal in the 1990’s and no-one who goes, can help but be touched by the authenticity and simplicity of life and the Faith of this small, not well-to-do village. It was the perfect place to receive healing and answers to prayer. The many photos mum took on her old analogue camera chronicle the experience and she can recall many facts from the places she visited, for anyone who sits down long enough to hear about their trip there.

In more recent years,  new connections popped up with Spain, on a personal level. My son entered high school and quickly learnt to love his Spanish language lessons, culminating in a student exchange program to Spain, among other things. I made friends with a couple of families in Spain and I read an amazing book by Fr. Jose Luis Saveedra: Garabandal: Message of Hope”. Part of this was refuelled by a renewed interest in Garabandal and The Warning’ in particular, because it is mentioned in the Book of Truth. Very few modern apparitions are mentioned in The Book of Truth (many more warnings are given about false prophets, which in these End-Times, will surge in their thousands) but on 24th January, 2014, Our Blessed Mother of Salvation gave this message: (reproduced below the link in full)

My dear child, let it be known that I will make one more appearance at all the Marian grottos, which were approved by my Son’s Church, over the centuries.

I will make myself known in Sacred sites, which will include Lourdes, Fatima, La Salette and Guadalupe. I will also appear at Garabandal. These apparitions will begin this Spring, just as my Son has instructed.

I will be seen, by chosen souls, with the sun behind my head. There will be twelve stars encircled and woven around the crown of thorns, which was worn by my Son during His Crucifixion, placed upon my head, as a sign for all to follow my example. My role is to lead all of God’s children along the Path of Truth and take them to my Son.

When these apparitions take place, there will be no doubt, especially amongst those who pay homage to me, that I speak the Truth when I say that soon the final Path, which will bring you to my Son, in these the end times, will be through the Book of Truth.

When you follow me, your Mother, I will take you and guide you towards my Son. My Son has promised many miracles, so that He can open your eyes to the prophecies He gave the world, through my own Mission. Many do not accept that I appeared at these special apparition sites and dismiss their importance in the salvation of souls.

When I appear one last time at these sites and present myself as the Mother of Salvation, you will know then that this Mission is my last and that all apparitions lead to this final one to bring the world the Salvation, which is the birthright of every single person.

Rejoice, for these days are close and when you hear of these things, then know that this prophecy, when fulfilled, could only have come from me, your beloved Mother, the Mother of Salvation, Mother of God.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Mother Of Salvation statue cryingMother of Salvation Medal

By this message, heaven confirms that the events at Garabandal truly did include heavenly visions and messages. All the other places mentioned (Lourdes, Fatima, La Salette and Guadalupe) already enjoy formal church approval but special, separate mention is made of Garabandal. The chosen souls to whom Blessed Mother has blessed (or will bless) with another last appearance, beginning with at least one in Spring 2014, know the truth of these events.

Blessed Mother also decries in the message above, that “Many do not accept that I appeared at these special apparition sites and dismiss their importance in the salvation of souls.” We are not one of those who do this. In an effort to spread the messages given by Our Blessed Mother, to warn us, her ungrateful children, out of her great love for us, a wonderful group of people in Spain, gave up their time, talents and money, as volunteers, to produce a really credible, recreated portrayal of the events at Garabandal in narrative style. It had a small budget but Our Lord’s Blessing and its aim was to show the all the events and controversy so you can make up your own mind and be drawn to read the messages:- so that Our Lady’s messages can be better known in Spain and throughout the whole world!

The new movie: Garabandal: Only God Knows which has very recently been released for free on YouTube, after airing over Easter as a limited release in many countries. My friends, relatives, children and myself watched it at that time and felt it very much worth our time. It is also able to be purchased on DVD in many countries.

More information is available here at the official movie site:


I highly recommend this first movie in the series. It does not shy away from representing the controversy surrounding the events and I think this lends it greater authenticity.

Make sure you have time and space to absorb, reflect and take in this movie, while you watch it.  Even if you think you know the events and what happened, you will have not see it like this. Many of those who watched it were brought to tears at one or more points in the movie…a beautiful prayer group member (a fellow Crusader) said that afterwards he cried like a baby…

On July 2nd, 7pm (EST) the sequel will also air for free in Australia and some other countries for a limited time. This is the information and trailer from the promoters:

In the film “Garabandal, Only God Knows” we saw how the first commission failed to carry out a real investigation of the events taken place in San Sebastian. Through interviewing eyewitnesses, “Garabandal, Uncontainable Cascade” provides never-before-published information about the second commission and why the apparitions of Our Lady in Garabandal are still awaiting an authentic investigation.
On July 2, 2020 at 19:00 EST, Garabandal, Uncontainable Cascade will premiere online free of charge on our YouTube channel:

Here is the first movie: Garabandal: Only God Knows with English audio. It is also available in Spanish with English subtitles or several other languages if you search.

God bless your watching!


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Catholic mother of seven children. Crusade prayer warrior in Jesus' Final Mission to save souls.