Prophecies in the Book of Truth fulfilled, lead us ever closer to the time of The Warning

Many prophecies concur that The Warning is close. In the article below, the author outlines that several markers have now been fulfilled, as outlined many years ago- with specifics, in the Book of Truth. The conclusion of ‘That Synod’ and release of the accompanying document is the only outstanding event, having been delayed and now due to be released in 2024. The more preparation that you have done in your soul, the greater Peace you have, in awaiting the arrival of The Warning. Do not put off either Confession, spiritual direction or plumbing the depths of humility before this Act of God’s Mercy occurs. If He is tugging at your heartstrings, answer the Call.

Prepare for the Desecration of the Church and Denial of Faith


On December 28th, during morning prayer, I had watched the latest Catholic news, a lot of it being about the new permissions for blessing same sex couples, and the sign of lightning symbolically destroying specific aspects of St Peter’s statue, at a particular place, on a particular day. See more about that here:

Thereafter, I opened, after prayer, on this biblical story: 2 Maccabees Ch 5-12

This, strangely, seemed to match with what I read this morning, including the ominous signs sent from heaven.

Let me summarise the story first and what I saw in it. At first, you think you know the story… until you pay attention to details that are now strikingly relevant. First lesson in humility; don’t assume you know and fail to re-read a passage. God has a point in mind, even if you think you ‘already know this’ or already know the story.

It begins in Chapter 5, as Antiochus invades Egypt, there is a striking sign appears in the air.

“And it happened that over all the city, for almost forty days, there appeared golden-clad horsemen charging through the air, in companies fully armed with lances and drawn swords— troops of horsemen drawn up, attacks and counterattacks made on this side and on that, brandishing of shields, massing of spears, hurling of missiles, the flash of golden trappings, and armor of all sorts. Therefore all men prayed that the apparition might prove to have been a good omen.”

Angel armies

Following this are some terrible tragedies:

Jason attacks the city by surprise with 1000 men- and slaughters his fellow citizens without discrimination or mercy! He does not gain any long-term success or overthrow anything, (his actions are not right in the eyes of God) but the worst part is that his actions cause a major misunderstanding. The reports of Jason and his riotous conduct cause King Antiochus to think that all of Judea is in revolt, which is not the case. He becomes enraged and attacks the city with his armies, massacring young, old, women, children, virgins and infants alike. 48,000 people were lost, murdered or sold into slavery in the space of 3 days. He plunders and desecrates the Temple and treats the people with hatred and contempt.

Afterwards, many grave injustices took place, particularly through an evil administrator called Menelaus, who did things especially out of hatred for the Jews. Judas Maccabeus, however, prudently withdrew into the Wilderness, with about 9 others:- to live there on wild foods, and to avoid becoming part of the defilement (including being forced into desecrating the Temple and abandoning God’s laws).

Chapter 6 is the Chapter which particularly stood out and struck a chord in me.

The Temple Desecrated and Abolition of the Law

Not long after this, the king sent an Athenian[a] senator[b] to force the Jews to abandon the customs of their ancestors and cease to live by the laws of Godand also to profane the temple in Jerusalem and dedicate it to Olympian Zeus, and to call the temple in Geri′zim, the temple of Zeus the Hospitable, as requested by the people who dwelt in that place.

Pagan dedication St Peters

This intensified the evil in an intolerable and utterly disgusting way. For the temple was filled with debauchery and reveling by the Gentiles; they amused themselves with prostitutes and had intercourse with women within the sacred precincts, and besides brought in things for sacrifice that were unfit. The altar was covered with abominable offerings which were forbidden by the lawsA man could neither keep the sabbath, nor observe the traditional feasts nor even admit himself to be a Jew.

Moreover, at the monthly celebration of the king’s birthday, the Jews[c] were taken, under bitter constraint, to partake of the sacrifices; and when the feast of Diony′sus came, they were compelled to walk in the procession in honor of Diony′sus, wearing wreaths of ivy. At the suggestion of Ptol′emy a decree was issued to the neighboring Greek cities, that they should adopt the same policy toward the Jews and make them partake of the sacrifices, and should slay those who refused to adopt the customs of the Greeks.

Fidducia Supplicans

One could see, therefore, the misery that had come upon them10 For example, two women were brought in for having circumcised their children. These women they publicly paraded about the city, with their babies hung at their breasts, then hurled them down headlong from the wall. 11 Others who had assembled in the caves near by, to observe the seventh day secretly, were betrayed to Philip and were all burned together, because their piety kept them from defending themselves, in view of their regard for that most holy day.”

The next paragraph however, interrupts the story to remind all those who believe in God, that these calamities are not to dishearten them. God chastises us early, that we might not become entrenched in sin and take our Faith for granted. The author states:

16 God never withdraws his mercy from us. Though he disciplines us with misfortunes, he does not abandon his own people. 17 Let these words suffice for recalling this truth. Without further ado, we must go on with our story.”


Chapter 7 then details the glorious example set for us, of a man of integrity, old Elea’zar and then the mother and her seven sons. For further inspiration, in standing up for your faith, read this chapter to refresh your admiration and draw strength.

Connection to now:

As far as I can see the connection is this: We are at war, in our own Church. We are being rightly chastised and purified. The Holy Temple of God is about to be overtaken with all manner of ills. 2 Maccabees:6

It has already been dedicated to foreign pagan idols- repeatedly. Soon we will be forced to participate or flee to the mountains. Some priests are already in hiding. Some religious have been called to bravely and publicly witness. Many have been cancelled or exiled or silenced.

Take for yourselves the examples set by Eleazar and the 7 brothers, their mother and many others (Ch 7). For encouragement and inspiration, read their testimonies- for it is better to die for the Lord and lose all, than to act ignominiously and cause scandal before our children. Their real inheritance is worth far more than all we can give on earth. And so what, therefore, if we are called to give it all?

Remain focused on He Who comes.


Rosary Crusade Procession

Should you just give in?

A testimony of a monk, a man and a woman


This is for all our friends; for dear friends who are suffering greatly– from intense pressure, coercion, bullying, derision and even hatred, to get the jab. They are being threatened with all sorts of horrible things; job loss, loss of friends, loss of freedom, loss of status in the eyes of loved ones, social isolation, even being kept from church and the Sacraments. We have been ridiculed, bullied and castigated.

This is not normal. Think about it. The coercive way that the government is using propaganda and pressure should make you highly concerned. But the acrimonious way that loved ones react and turn against you, or pressure you, can mean only one thing. It is Satan driving their behaviour; goading them to get at you. It doesn’t feel normal because its not. It’s demonic. This is diabolical pressure.

Why am I telling you this? There are several people who have told me about the intense pressure that they are under- and what they are suffering. They do not want to take the injection. Some of them know and believe the messages given by Jesus from 2010. They have always believed them. Some just have a gut feeling. But despite not wanting to have this vaccination, some of them gave in and did. They caved;- because of fear of how they would manage, because of feeling there was no way out, because of intense anxiety, despair, feeling overly pressured by family, feeling fear about their health, lots of reasons. 

I am here to tell you, ‘don’t’. We are all under enormous pressure. But I can tell you that caving in, will not make you feel better. You think it will take away the fear and worry, the pain, the stress; it will end it? It won’t. It will be back; possibly coupled with regret, grief, anger- even despair. You need to surrender your suffering to Our Lord and stand firm. Taking it won’t make things better. It won’t end anything.

Remember the story of the trial participant? “They’ve killed God. I can’t feel God..My soul is dead!” (see link at end of article)

Recently, another reader wrote to us in desperation; Vaccine- please help…” Her words touched me greatly. Please pray for her. I am sharing her testimony as a warning to others. I think she would want to save you from her pain.

I came across your post about the vaccine trial, about how a volunteer started saying they’ve killed God. I have had both doses (Pfizer) and deeply regret them – even though I was ignorant at the time, something in me was screaming at me not to take the second, I felt something was wrong, and yet I was in such an awful state and so worn down that I allowed myself to be pressured into it by my family. I feel terrible, like I have been abandoned by myself and abandoned by God. Please – do you know what I can do to fix this? I am terrified and am trying to find a way to reverse this, whatever it is. Have I damned myself through my cowardice? Something is wrong, something is gone from me. I had a dream before the vaccinations that I have only understood in retrospect, and now I feel it is too late and the damage has been done. I don’t know how to live with myself, I do not feel worthy of God’s grace. My family mean well but they do not understand. Any advice is appreciated – please pray for me.

My heart breaks for her.

Of course, I have reminded her that nothing is beyond the Mercy of God and there is nothing that cannot be healed through the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. We have offered to fast and pray for her, there were many other words. her testimony sounded very much like the person in the trial, which she recognised herself. And she is not the only one.

Below is the testimony of a monk in the form of a video. He received many signs on the way to turn away from what had been mandated, but he ignored them. It tells his story, of the many varied effects on his soul, and how he still didn’t connect the dots. His spiritual advisor recounted that he was a “holy monk”. Watch the video of his story, and how, through many more signs, he was able to resolve the issue.

We are told, that many of us may not realize these effects because we are not “spiritually aware” or maybe not as sensitive. But this is an amazing story of God’s Grace and Guidance which led the monk back to have peace in his heart.

The final comment:

“Anything that is forced is not from God.”

Knowing all of the above, I implore you all to hold the line. There is only one way to have true peace at this time. Surrender all your suffering to Our Lord to save souls. Ask Him to show you what to do, one day at a time. Pray for the grace to do His Will. Pray to Him, with full trust that one way or another, He will provide. Let go of all those things that you don’t need. They don’t matter, anymore. And then you will have true freedom in Christ. His Peace will descend on you and nothing else will matter.

You may also want to read our article from Oct. 2020, at the link below:

“They’ve Killed God; I Can’t Feel God, My Soul Is Dead”

Happy Birthday Blessed Mother!

Today we pour out our hearts in love and gratitude- and rejoicing for the birth of such a pure and holy soul: born to be blessed among women: to be Mother of God and us also- forevermore!

Why It it Mary that on your birthday, we receive all the graces? The gifts are truly ours this day, although it’s your birthday!

Thank you Blessed Mother, evermore!

August 5th 2021

In honour of Our Mother’s birthday, another Jesus to Mankind prayer group leader has posted a beautiful document on the presentation of “Our Lady’s Role in Salvation”, which was originally given on June 5th.

Please visit here for details and download the document for reading and reflection.

An Angel to Guide Me

These are not times to draw back from the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. On the contrary, we need Our Lord more than ever!

closed churchLast time (the first time) there was a lockdown and they closed the churches, I suffered the effects greatly. In my parish there was no access to the Sacraments, no visiting of the sick or dying or those in need of counsel, no spiritual guidance, not even any contact; not so much as an email or phone call. Months, we went without, and then, when we were allowed to return, (after, and therefore without, an appropriate celebration for Feast of Easter) we had to register online which meant the elderly who had no access to or knowledge of technology, would be turned away at the door. They were given no alternative. Half the numbers at most, returned.  It was a pity they didn’t also educate themselves about exemptions, leaving me alone to assist their understanding. Having been so quick to exclude, they were a little slower at acting but they did listen- for The Hand of the Lord was upon me.

One of the saddest parts was that a kind and elderly friend of mine, who loved Our Lady and used to attend Daily Mass before the lockdown, was unable, like all of us, to do so. Add to that the additional difficulties of registration, and being a small church, he waited- and went without Holy Mass for 6 months. And in that state, he died, unexpectedly. At home. Alone. And no one knew. It is one of those great injustices that will always be with me.

On a personal level, I was going through one of the hardest trials of my life, right in the midst of  COVID, lockdowns and what I will call, lock out. I needed the Sacraments and I needed to celebrate Mass and receive grace. But our shepherds, whether they meant to or not, abandoned us. Afterwards, I told them that they were never to do that again. If they were ill prepared last time and did not know how to do battle, if they were caught unawares, then surely reflection and the stories which came to light, would make them do differently this time. Surely my tearful pleas to ‘never do that to us again’ would have imprinted on the heart of my shepherd?

Fast-forward to June 2021. Just in time for the school holidays and with very little warning, the government closed churches again. Restrictions were already again in place. By the time we heard about the order, on Friday afternoon, to take place before 6pm, there was little time to scramble. Some good shepherds, quickly chose to organise a 5pm Vigil mass to strengthen the faithful, to conclude before lockdown, and word quickly spread to daily Catholic Mass devotees. By the time I heard about it, I was too far away to make it across the suburbs, but I took solace in the fact that I had been able to go earlier in the week, and that I was able to ask a friend to offer up Holy Communion for my grieving soul. They are trying to keep Our Lord from us, I thought. The friend did do just that and the effects upon my soul, cannot be measured. I decided, by Saturday night, that I would not obey this time and I would not stay away from Our Lord. I would find a way.

Sunday morning arrived. I got dressed for Mass and drove right past our empty local churches. Where was I going? What was I doing?

I had decided to find a secret Mass. And I thought that if I wasn’t allowed in, at least I could be outside the walls and praying while a Mass took place inside. There was the risk that I would find nothing at all, but then, at least I could pray and mourn- and lay my head and one little hand on the outside wall;- for The Lord, left alone inside, on the other side of that wall, in the Tabernacle.

I had heard that previously a good priest (known to me but out of area) had continued to say Mass secretly, in an unadvertised location, and to minister Holy Communion, during the last ban. Word of mouth gets info. around in Catholic circles (and that’s without social media and despite lockdown!)

 I didn’t know what time that was but I had an approximate. I went alone, not wishing to expose the children to getting pulled over by police or to take the risk, when I had not surveyed the country and did not know what to expect. My husband thought I was crazy. When I arrived, not a car was in sight. There was a high fence with two locked gates. I was locked out. I looked toward the chapel. I thought, “There’s a Mass going on in there”. I wanted to get in. I craned my neck and looked through the gate. I spied something. Down the very back, a high solid, fence had a gate. The gate was ever so slightly ajar. But for this fact, I would not have even known that this fence panel, doubled as a gate. Behind the barrier appeared to be thick bush. I wonder if that is fenced also? I wonder if I can get in that way.

Down the road I sped, light as a feather on my feet, past the property, to the thick line of bush. A little barbed wire fence inside the boundary. I hope they don’t mind me trespassing. I hitched up my long skirt a little and hopped over. I considered snakes, but it was partially clear. A quick prayer and I weaved towards the high fence boundary. Praise be to God! I could see the gate. It was still ajar and I could slip straight in. I ran to the chapel and up the steps, faced by a large, closed, imposing wooden door. There was not a person or car in sight. Not a sound to be heard. I tried the handle. Not locked. A step more and I was inside; Mass was underway and it was glorious! I was full of joy.

Afterwards, I learned the procedure– including when to arrive and where the cars were hidden. I learned that the priest was holding daily Mass, Adoration, Benediction, Confession and Communion. He joked about the possibility of going to gaol. We laughed but we all knew the risks we were taking. The graces were worth it. We left quickly and quietly.

Sundays are the biggest risk. I don’t think most police would even suspect, let alone know, that weekday Mass occurs. So each week, on a Sunday in particular, I am faced with the same decision. Do I take the risk? What will I say if I am pulled over? But how I, how will society, survive this draconian period, without Holy Mass being attended? How would Our Lord feel? He, Who begs us to come to Him and be embraced by Him. No. The laws of God are above man.

“You will get caught. You will be fined” my husband said. $1000 is a lot of money… But what’s a Mass worth? For my husband, for my children, for my country? One mass is worth far more than that. The graces are four-fold in this situation. I can feel it. Because we have taken risks and placed our stakes and chosen to trust in The Lord. And I am not the only one. This priest is not the only one. A small handful of faithful shepherds doing what they can. Quiet, determined resistance.

It has been 3 weeks now and just before this weekend, they further tightened restrictions and made it harder to leave home. You can only travel within 10km of home- only to approved ‘essential’ services, or to do one shop- and then only one person. No travelling or gathering with friends. More police on the roads checking. Police blocks on main roads. Some areas completely locked down to all travel. From Wednesday, fines will be over $10,000 if you don’t let people work from home. Even all construction work is banned. Barely anyone will have a valid excuse. A single car will be visible. The risk is much greater now. Well, Lord what are we going to do? You know I have to go. Which mass will be safest to avoid detection?

angel dfb2d96633d107b74e1effcf79e7245b

So, this morning I asked my angel to wake me up. If he wanted me to leave extra early, he’d have to wake me. He knows how. Maybe I was needed early? (To give a lift home to an elderly friend who otherwise walks for 2.5 hours). If I didn’t wake early, I would have to go in the light of day. There were three Mass options; one priest, same location. I always pray the Seal of The Living God for protection. It makes us invisible to our enemies. And I ask my guardian angel to help me. I prayed as I fell asleep.

That night I fell asleep very late and then tossed and turned over a work problem. Suddenly around 6am, I became wide awake, which was surprising. I still had work on my mind. I went to the toilet and noticed that in the back of my mind was a tiny, little tune that I could barely hear playing. It persisted to nag at me, like an ear worm. What was that tune? I concentrated a little harder and then it became suddenly clear: the words flooded my mind; the whole first verse and chorus, as if someone had finally tuned the radio! The angels had been singing to me last night! On very rare occasions, I awake to sacred music in my mind. The song is nothing I have been singing or heard or thought of recently, usually I haven’t heard it in years! But nevertheless I wake up as if I have been singing it, or have been sung to, all night long. I also awake at these times, surprised  with wonder and joy. (That’s not the way I usually wake up either. I am not a morning person at all!)

And what was the tune? “Blessed Be the Lord.”

It was the perfect encouragement. I jumped up for early Mass with complete confidence. The words are as follows:

Blessed be the Lord. Blessed be the Lord.

The God of Mercy. The God Who saves.

I shall not fear the dark of night.

Nor the arrow that flies by day.


He will release me from the nets of all my foes.

He will protect me from their wicked plans.

No harm shall come to me.

No arrow strike me down.

No evil settle in my soul.


Blessed be the Lord. Blessed be the Lord.

The God of Mercy. The God Who saves.

I shall not fear the dark of night.

Nor the arrow that flies by day.


And so, once again, I joyfully and safely made my two and a half hour round trip.

Not surprisingly I was able to use this to encourage others too who had been seldom able to venture out, to have courage and trust in the Lord – no matter how long their journey. Fr. also emphatically assured us that these twice daily Masses would continue throughout lockdown, no matter what.

Last night the reading in the Book of Truth that I opened on, also urged me to go to Mass. And to keep going daily until the time that the Daily Sacrifice is taken away.


The reading was entitled:

“My Holy Eucharist must still be received by you. You must not stop your daily Sacrifice, as it will not be you who will be forced to make this decision.” (Wed. Feb 27, 2013.)

The message can be read here:

It’s a message for us all. If you are afraid, take it to The Lord. He knows the desires of your heart and you only need to ask for courage to do His Holy Will and the help of your angel to guide you.


Prophecy being fulfilled: Changing the meaning of the Holy Eucharist.

With the new motu proprio now affecting the celebration of the Holy Mass in its universal form, the next step, after binding as many priests as possible to saying and using the new form or Novus Ordo rite, is to change it again- in an inconceivably evil way. For having tricked and coerced them in to co-operating, the “new mass” will ever ‘evolve’ and these priests and people will find themselves very far from where they wished to be. To effect great and sweeping changes, you must first condition people to accept small compromises. Not until the majority of Catholics are in one snare (or another- as with the SSPX) will Bergoglio act, to swiftly but slyly change both the meaning of the Eucharistic Celebration and the Act of Consecration; even by the smallest change of phrase within the Mass. And we, who have been waiting, flee to the secret places to find Our Jesus, Still Present, although the Daily Sacrifice has been destroyed. We will look upon an Abomination of Desolation which will reign in its place- but not for long.


+AMDG+precious blood

Yesterday morning, I received an email from a dear friend and fellow comrade in Jesus’ Mission to Save Souls. The heading of his email was: Pope Francis ‘Changes Meaning of Eucharist’.

That set off alarm bells because that this will occur (the meaning of the Eucharist will be changed) is prophesied in the Book of Truth, using these same words. This was not ‘the official event’ but a warning of what’s to come.

The following introduction comes from TFP (The American Society for the Defence of Tradition, Family and Property) for an article entitled: For Pope Francis, the Holy Eucharist Is the “Bread of Sinners,” for Saint Thomas Aquinas, It Is “Panis Angelorum” written by Luiz Sérgio Solimeo.

“Pope Francis took advantage of the commemoration of the Feast of Corpus Christi recently to change the meaning of the Sacrament of the Eucharist into one entirely contrary to…

View original post 3,905 more words

God’s Warning on Hell: A Free Webinar — Veritas Vincit: The Truth Shall Prevail

Is hell real? Does it really exist? How do we know that it is real?  The unfortunate reality is that many people nowadays, including priests and clergy, no longer believe in hell. 217 more words

God’s Warning on Hell: A Free Webinar — Veritas Vincit: The Truth Shall Prevail

Please pray with us for this universal intention…

The rumours regarding the revision, re-interpretation or abolition of the motu proprio, Summorum Pontificum, are very troubling, to say the least. But all our trust turns to God. Please join us in a Novena of prayer, praying the Litany of The Blessed Virgin Mary  to ask Mary to obtain for us, these favours..

As a means of beseeching God for:

His protection on all traditional communities 

and His protection on the venerable Ancient Roman Rite of the Church

We invite you to pray this Novena with us from the 5th of July – 14th July.

Litany of Blessed Virgin Mary_2018

Litany of The Blessed Virgin Mary

Lord have mercy Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy on us. Christ hear us. Christ graciously hear us.
God, the Father of heaven,  Have mercy on us. 
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,  Have mercy on us. 
God the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us. 
Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us. 
Holy Mary,  Pray for us.
Holy Mother of God,
Holy Virgin of virgins,
Mother of Christ, 
Mother of the Church, 
Mother of Mercy,
Mother of Divine Grace,
Mother of Hope,  
Mother most pure, 
Mother most chaste, 
Mother inviolate, 
Mother undefiled, 
Mother most amiable, 
Mother admirable, 
Mother of good counsel, 
Mother of our Creator, 
Mother of our Savior, 
Virgin most prudent, 
Virgin most venerable, 
Virgin most renowned, 
Virgin most powerful, 
Virgin most merciful, 
Virgin most faithful, 
Mirror of justice, 
Seat of wisdom,
Cause of our joy, 
Spiritual vessel, 
Vessel of honour, 
Singular vessel of devotion, 
Mystical rose, 
Tower of David, 
Tower of ivory, 
House of gold, 
Ark of the covenant, 
Gate of heaven, 
Morning star, 
Health of the sick, 
Refuge of sinners, 
Solace of migrants,
Comfort of the afflicted,
Help of Christians,
Queen of Angels, 
Queen of Patriarchs, 
Queen of Prophets, 
Queen of Apostles, 
Queen of Martyrs, 
Queen of Confessors, 
Queen of Virgins, 
Queen of all Saints, 
Queen conceived without original sin,
Queen assumed into Heaven, 
Queen of the most Holy Rosary, 
Queen of families, 
Queen of peace.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,  Have mercy on us. 
Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray. 
Grant, we beseech thee, O Lord God, that we, your servants,
may enjoy perpetual health of mind and body; 
and by the glorious intercession of the Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, 
may be delivered from present sorrow, 
and obtain eternal joy. Through Christ our Lord. 


Mary in souls

Prophecy being fulfilled: Changing the meaning of the Holy Eucharist.

+AMDG+precious blood

Yesterday morning, I received an email from a dear friend and fellow comrade in Jesus’ Mission to Save Souls. The heading of his email was: Pope Francis ‘Changes Meaning of Eucharist’.

That set off alarm bells because that this will occur (the meaning of the Eucharist will be changed) is prophesied in the Book of Truth, using these same words. This was not ‘the official event’ but a warning of what’s to come.

The following introduction comes from TFP (The American Society for the Defence of Tradition, Family and Property) for an article entitled: For Pope Francis, the Holy Eucharist Is the “Bread of Sinners,” for Saint Thomas Aquinas, It Is “Panis Angelorum” written by Luiz Sérgio Solimeo.

“Pope Francis took advantage of the commemoration of the Feast of Corpus Christi recently to change the meaning of the Sacrament of the Eucharist into one entirely contrary to the Church’s perennial teaching. Thus, changing the poetic but theologically safe formulation of Saint Thomas, he transforms the designation “Bread of Angels” into “Bread of sinners.” (Source: American TFP, June 23, 2021.)

And he apparently did this on the solemn Feast of Corpus Christi (the Feast Day celebrating Christ’s Body and Blood), making it a particular insult.

Why can the Eucharist not be called the “bread of sinners”?

The answer to this question is quite simple. It is not the bread of sinners because we may not be in a state of sin, when we receive this Sacrament. St. Paul clearly admonishes us in 1 Corinthians 11 to receive this Sacrament worthily by examining our conscience thoroughly. If there is any stain of sin in us, we must first renounce it completely and seek absolution from all serious sin. We must be living new lives in Christ. While St Paul admonishes the sins of that Corinth church community, whose members were treating communion as if it’s just another community meal, there are much in his exhortation that applies to us, as well:

1 Corinthians 11 (Douay Rheims Edition)

11 Be ye followers of me, as I also am of Christ.

Now I praise you, brethren, that in all things you are mindful of me: and keep my ordinances as I have delivered them to you…

17 Now this I ordain: not praising you, that you come together not for the better, but for the worse.

18 For first of all I hear that when you come together in the church, there are schisms among you; and in part, I believe it.

19 For there must be also heresies: that they also, who are approved, may be made manifest among you.

20 When you come therefore together into one place, it is not now to eat the Lord’s supper

22 What, have you not houses to eat and to drink in? Or despise ye the church of God; and put them to shame that have not? What shall I say to you? Do I praise you? In this I praise you not.

23 For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread.

24 And giving thanks, broke, and said: Take ye, and eat: this is my body, which shall be delivered for you: this do for the commemoration of me.

25 In like manner also the chalice, after he had supped, saying: This chalice is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as often as you shall drink, for the commemoration of me.

26 For as often as you shall eat this bread, and drink the chalice, you shall shew the death of the Lord, until he come.

27 Therefore, whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord.

28 But let a man prove himself: and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of the chalice.

29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord.

30 Therefore are there many infirm and weak among you, and many sleep.

31 But if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.

32 But whilst we are judged, we are chastised by the Lord, that we be not condemned with this world.

34 … And the rest I will set in order, when I come.

What does St Paul mean by infirm, weak or asleep? He means spiritually, as well as physically. These followers of Christ are not well; spiritually infirm, because they show in their behaviour that Christ’s death has no effect- they do not truly believe Who He is and why He came. They do not truly believe that the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Our Lord, at all! This is clear from the blithe and wavering way in which they act towards the most solemn and holy celebration of Christ’s Great Sacrifice. There is no guarantee of salvation for them. They do not behave as if Christ is The Lord, or as if this Sacrament is His Body and Blood, poured out for them, for their salvation. Therefore, they profit not from this Sacrament, but instead bring The Lord’s judgement upon themselves. They would not be in this state if they had examined what they do and why they do it and approached the Lord for His forgiveness and grace, reforming their lives as worthy servants of the one True Master; refraining from the Sacrament until they can truly call Him, ‘Lord’.

What does Bergoglio mean by calling it the bread of sinners?

By calling the Holy Eucharist ‘the bread of sinners’, and particularly when we look at it within the context of other lies and false teachings he has proclaimed, Bergoglio makes it clear that he means any sinners at all, in any state, should approach the Eucharist. What he omits, is important too- he fails to talk to emphasize the Sacrament of Confession, with appropriate contrition and firm purpose of amendment of life. This careless state of sinfulness in approaching God, is the exact opposite state to that which St Paul and Our Lord Himself taught- and even is in opposition to the stories of the Old Testament which testify to the Holiness of God in His Covenant and Holy Tabernacle. (See 1 Chronicles 13:9-12). The following examples will make clear Bergoglio’s consistent teaching.

How do we know that Bergoglio means serious sinners?

The first and immediate example which Bergoglio himself gives, after proclaiming that sinners should receive Christ in Communion, is a horrid and evil misrepresentation of Judas as a recipient of Divine Mercy! Blithely forgiven, without repentance, without acceptance of Jesus as Lord of all heaven and earth and without even needing to ask for forgiveness. This horrible twisting of the story of Judas Iscariot, as I had read previously , makes me feel very upset; indignant and aggrieved, angry even- for those who may be led astray by this! I cannot let it rest until I have put it right and explained how very wrong it is.

Bergoglio gives Judas as his own ‘fitting example’  to encourage ‘sinners’ to receive Jesus in any state of sin, serious ones…even the worst type. This is the clue as to where this doctrine comes from: the bowels of hell.

Why is Judas not a worthy example of anything, other than ‘just condemnation’?

Meditate on this:

Judas who deliberately chooses to receive of Jesus’ in His Most Holy and Solemn Sacrament of Love,

during It’s institution on Holy Thursday,

and doing so while having already committed to betraying Him,

and who leaves directly afterwards, (John 13: 30)

to collect silver, in place of Jesus, in his life;

the man whom scripture tells us that, directly after Judas took the piece of bread, Satan enters him

and is the man who then follows through with his evil plan and willingly betrays Jesus with a kiss– giving Him up to certain death.

This man, filled with Satan…What communion can Satan have with The Lord God of all?! Between Satan and God, there is no union possible.

What does Jesus think of Judas?

Judas and Jesus hand in bowlDirectly before this, at the Last Supper, Jesus explicitly warns his apostles, (in John 13: 16-20) that “no servant is greater than his master, no messenger is greater than the man who sent him. Now that you know this, happiness will be yours if you behave accordingly. I am not talking about all of you: I know the ones I have chosen; but what scripture says must be fulfilled: Someone who shares my table, rebels against me.” He clearly specifies that those who welcome him as the Messiah, welcome God Himself. But Scripture tells us next that Jesus was troubled in spirit and declares that: “I tell you most solemnly, one of you will betray me.” (John 13: 21)

Earlier on, Jesus had explained at length to all His disciples, through His Eucharistic exhortation in John Ch. 6: 25-70 , that only those who welcome Him as God and keep the Father’s Commands (v 45):- those who really believe: they will have eternal life, (v 47) but he also warned that “there are some of you who do not believe.’ He is not pointing out Judas in that moment, but some Pharisees who were supposedly there to follow Him, but who did not really believe.  Again it tells us, “And Jesus knew from the outset, those who did not believe and who it was that would betray him.” (v 64) Many then leave, because the teaching on the Eucharist is too hard for them to accept. Jesus lets them go and then insists on His teaching even more firmly, as a deal breaker, so to speak. He challenges the disciples as to what they will believe. “Will you go, too?

Peter then makes a moving and definitive statement of faith, representing those who show themselves as worthy by fully accepting all that Jesus teaches, whether they understand it or not. “Lord, to whom shall we go? Only you have the words of life eternal- and we have believed and known that you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” (John 6: v 66-69) Jesus then again makes a point of delineating them from Judas, saying, “Didn’t I choose you, the twelve? And yet, one of you is a devil!” (John 6:61-71). If what God thinks, is not yet clear, read on…

The Fate of Judases

When Jesus gives Himself in the lasting Sacrament of the Eucharist, that holy Passover night, foretelling His death, He also foretells the fate of Judas.

“And yet, here with me, on the table, is the hand of the man who betrays me. The Son of Man does indeed go to his fate, even as it has been decreed, but alas for that man by whom he is betrayed!”

The Gospel of Mark adds one more dire line spoken from Jesus, which seals the fate of Judas:

“Better for that man if he had never been born.” (Mark 14: 21).

There is only one reason that it would be better never to have been born and that is to end up in hell for all eternity. This is perennial and undisputed Catholic teaching on Judas since the beginning.

This evil, seductive deception of Bergoglio perturbs me very much. This Judas analogy is a basis for all error. He tries to set up a false narrative, which is not of the Gospels, to build a false and immortally dangerous premise, which is that God is all merciful and all people (no matter how sinful) are therefore, forgiven and saved automatically, without any renunciation of sin. He has, moreover, actually enshrined a heretical painting of Jesus ministering to the dead body of Judas over his desk. He allowed the publication of a double page newspaper story spreading the horrendous heresy through Judas. So Judas is used once again to betray Jesus– at the hand of the man who shares His table. Both in the Vatican newspaper and from his own mouth, in Bergoglio’s sermon on the Feast of Corpus Christi.

Jesus Judas Heretical Interpretation

Other information and analysis on the Judas picture and story can be found here:

Or here:

This sort of heresy has been prophesied in the Book of Truth. Read this message here:

Luiz Sérgio Solimeo’s article, which brought all this to my attention, is below:

In the above article, what Luiz does, is bring in to context, this puzzling statement about the so called ‘bread of sinners’ in order to understand what Bergoglio means by it. I agree with him that this is where the answer lies. All the other actions and statements that PF has made on the Eucharist and on Reconciliation, as well as predestination, become part of this undermining of teaching; the Anti-Magisterium, with which he sways souls away from ‘rigidity’ (which is really ‘purity’) towards an undermining and outright destruction of the teachings about sin -and salvation in particular, to change it to one where men can now forgive themselves because ‘ we are all sinners’.

Proof of Bergoglio’s meaning through additional information he provides:

  1. His words and actions in the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, he opened in a footnote the possibility for people living in adultery to receive Holy Communion, even while being in an objective state of grave sin.8. This, of course, is against St Paul’s teaching which is that no one should approach the table of the Lord unworthily because in doing so, he drinks condemnation on himself. 1 Corinthians 11: 27 – 29

He also publicly accepted the interpretation of the Argentine bishops which spoke of allowing ‘absolution’ without firm purpose of amendment and the reception of Holy Communion, while still remaining in sin. This is sacrilege and reveals those who do not truly believe and obey the teachings of the Gospel, preferring their own reasoning instead, to that of the Master.

  1. In response to the official Dubia, which explains the seven heretical propositions inherent in Amoris Laetitia, Bergoglio chooses silence, rather than to defend and reaffirm the true teachings of Faith. This again shows that the heresy (and resulting sacrilege) does not worry him because Truth is the last priority when you are intent on changing worldwide, traditional beliefs about the Eucharist, (slowly over time, of course) to form a new understanding; one where ‘its only a bit of bread’ as he said to one remarried woman, where its available to all ‘sinners’ (as is salvation) as ‘a remedy for the weak, not a prize for the perfect’, where sin is a natural weakness to be overlooked and tolerated and where all sorts of sins are accepted, condoned and acknowledged in churches and in/through the Sacraments as a sign of unity. He does this where, instead, St Paul warns us in holy scripture:  “How much more severely do you think one deserves to be punished who has trampled on the Son of God, profaned the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and insulted the Spirit of grace?” Hebrews 10:29.
  2. In response to atheists and pagan idolators, Bergoglio has clearly shown by his choice of actions that those who condone sin, in an open and unrestricted way, including the sexually rebellious, spiritually wayward, progressive, humanist, abortion promoting, the rich and infamous, are to be promoted and favoured with his attention- through special honours, privileged audiences, ‘blessings’ and promotional positions within his courts. Those he criticises, demotes, banishes, disbands, re-educates and restricts are good and faithful priests, bishops and cardinals and the ‘rigid’ young who promote and evangelise the Truth through traditional pious practices, including the celebration of Mass, Adoration, Pro-life and Rosary rallies.
  3. According to Bergoglio, in ex-cathedra statements, which make up part of his ordinary magisterium, Bergoglio has purportedly said that all atheists will ‘meet us there’ in heaven, just by ‘doing good’ (ie. in his infamous Scalfari interviews) the cross was a failure, homosexuals cannot be judged, ‘no one can be condemned forever’ because that’s not the logic of the Gospel and truly evil souls simply disappear- there is no hell. Judas and Pf pic.jpg

What this battle is really about:

This article at describes what is at stake, or how the argument should be correctly framed, summarised in the final paragraph:

“The battle about “Eucharistic coherence” is not about President Biden.  It is not about “weaponizing the Eucharist” as Archbishop McElroy has claimed. (He should ponder St. Paul’s words in I Corinthians 11:27ff.)  Neither is it about opinions about how the Church should function in a militantly secular society.  The battle is about whether the Catholic Church will remain faithful to the Tradition, at whose heart is the person of Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life…” (emphases mine).

Furthermore, due to the warnings of Our Lord through prophecy, we know exactly where Bergoglio is headed with his small, subtle changing of teachings about the Holy Eucharist. It is to bring about a gradual, sliding destruction of the Faith in what It Is (the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord, imparting supernatural life to the soul for eternal Salvation) and a building of a new faith around that which It is not:–  mere bread as a symbol of unity among sinners, united in fraternal Marxism, to celebrate their automatic salvation, because truth is relative and the here and now is all that truly matters!

Currently, Bergoglio has perpetuated many untruths which change perceptions and understandings about the Holy Eucharist, towards evil ends. But these are just the starting point. His final aim is replacement. After these new understandings start to take root everywhere, like a cancer, he will subtly change the words of the Consecration and Christ will no longer be present. Let all those who scoff, take note.

The Book of Truth prophecies in this message are being fulfilled:

(Excerpts from message given by Jesus on 6 October 2013 @ 11:20pm- Message 0930)

*Note that the false prophet refers to Bergoglio, who calls himself Pope Francis.

My dearly beloved daughter, the voice of the false prophet* roars about all that is sacred in My Church. Little, however, will be said about the importance of upholding God’s Teachings, Sacraments and the Proclamation of the Truth. Instead, you will see diversions…and this will be deemed to be your first task as servants of God.

As servants and followers of God in the Church, your first allegiance is to the Truth of what I told you… My Church on Earth has a much bigger role, which was sworn to Me. This includes the teaching of the Truth in everything I taught you and you will do this, if you truly love Me…

Very shortly, statues, relics, posters, cups and large commissioned paintings will be made of the false prophet to be placed in Churches everywhere. His image, along with the antichrist, in time, will adorn many public places…This will create a new form of false evangelism, and because it will appeal to a modern secular society, it will attract admirers from all over the world.

Not one word will condone the importance of the Holy Sacraments, as they were given to the world or the important Graces, which they yield. Instead, each will be played down – extra meanings added, in order to appeal to those who deny them as they are. This will be in the hope that the abomination of the desecration of My Sacraments will be offered to as many people as possible, to take them away from God, so that the enemies of God can complete their pact with the devil.

The devil will deceive many who belong to My Church in this time in history…

 My Teachings will be twisted in order to destroy My Church and steal those souls closest to Me. Millions will accept the lies, without a care in the world. You must pray for them in the hope that they will realise, in time, that something is wrong.

When I appoint leaders and when a chosen soul has been appointed to spread My Holy Word, within My Church on Earth, the Truth is always straightforward, clear, concise, and straight to the point. When you are being lied to, through the influence of the spirit of evil, you will become confused. Phrases won’t make sense. So-called improvements, presented by enemies within My Church, mean that the Truth is not ‘good enough.’

My Word, My Sacraments, My Teachings do not need to be improved upon, for they came from Me. I Am God. I Am Perfect. My Word remains forever. Any man who tampers with My Most Holy Word is an enemy of God. My Anger is great at this time and any man who treats My Body, the Most Holy Eucharist, with disrespect and says he leads My people, know that this is untrue. I would never request a leader in My Church to change the Word of God, by introducing new meanings or new interpretations. This could never be.

Your Jesus.

So that’s the real purpose of the Judas story and the urging to receive the Eucharist as if it is the bread of sinners.  Pope Francis changing the meaning of the Eucharist by a phrase and a story to introduce heresy and lead souls to hell.

The Book of Truth also warns what new understandings of the Eucharist will eventuate:

  • My True Church will be thrown out of Rome and will have to endure a number of years of desolation. 28 September 2013 @ 3:23pm

“…Soon, all pagan feasts and festivals will be integrated within the Catholic Churches everywhere. Pagans and those who hate God will be invited onto the altars in front of the tabernacles. This feast will be declared to be the new form of Communion – all God’s children joining together in order to respect each other’s beliefs and human rights. You, My followers, will be asked to show respect for those who want to destroy My Presence in the Holy Eucharist. You will be accused of being anti-Christian if you do not embrace paganism. This is how you will all be fooled. This is how I, Jesus Christ, will be desecrated. They will do the same in schools, in order to banish Christianity. They will do the same in political circles, when everything to do with Me will be wiped out. No other religion will be targeted with such hatred. Christianity, because it is the Truth, will be destroyed …” 

See complete message at :

  • “…Christians will soon be banned from practicing their faith in public places, in schools, in colleges, until eventually in the Temples of God.  … This will come about in the most cunning way, where millions will be deceived, with little notice paid, as every single detail of the Word, as it is now, will change, but this will pass quietly. …. It will be the Christians, who will be made to idolize paganism, which will be carefully presented as a new church and which will embrace a new form of ‘communion’a church for everyone – where I, Jesus Christ, will not feature.  (18 April 2014 @ 11:24pm)

See complete message at:

See our previous articles on the Eucharist at:

  • The Importance of the Eucharist: Part 1 – Our Lady’s Apparitions

  • The Importance of the Eucharist: Part 2 – What did Vatican II do to belief in the True Presence?

 As and from this year, My Crosses will begin to disappear …” (18 April 2014 @ 11:24pm)

More Messages about the Eucharist:


 Stay true to Christ.


“Each of us has followed the inclinations of our wicked hearts, served other gods, and done evil in the sight of the LORD, our God.”


Jesus to Mankind Crusade of Prayer on Thursday 22 April, 2021

Prayer Theme: Protection (groups A and C)

Bible: Baruch 1: 1-22

Book of Truth: 29 March, 2012

Reflection on the readings: 

The Israelites were in captivity in Babylon and things were not going well. They recognized God’s Hand in all that was happening to them and collectively owned their sin. They recognized that “we did not listen to the voice of the LORD, our God, in all the words of the prophets he sent us,” (verse 21) and also that “each of us has followed the inclinations of our wicked hearts, served other gods, and done evil in the sight of the LORD, our God.” They had sinned against the Lord and repeatedly it mentions that they did not listen to Him. If they had listened to Him, they would have been better able to “follow the precepts the LORD set before us” and obey Him.

Those that listened to this declaration, which accepted full responsibility before God for all that was happening to them, responded also with their whole heart, because they knew it to be true! Their response was to weep, to fast, to pray and to send offerings of money in order to make reparation through the (then prescribed) offerings for sin, such as burnt offerings on the altar of God. They sent this to the priests to make these offerings on their behalf. they did not even ask to be freed from captivity but to kept in peace and protection, under King Nebuchadnezzer, for whom they prayed. They recognize that evil clings to them, as God said it would and that they must pray for their earthly ruler, even though they are in exile.

To accept suffering and carry the cross is the path of a true Christian; Jesus burned the path for us to follow. But most importantly, as the Book of Truth reading explains, He has paid the price for us, through laying down His Life for us as The Perfect Sacrifice and only acceptable atonement to the Father, given for ALL sins. Jesus suffered immensely and the details revealed in this passage are given as a special insight in to His Passion. They were shared with Maria, as a gift, after she made a great sacrifice for The Lord to save souls. These details were given that we may not ever doubt or deny the extent of His Love or the ability of Jesus’ suffering and death to atone for our sins. He reminds us that this is for all sinners, not just us, as He desires the Salvation of all. He says, ” I died for ALL sins, including those committed today. I want and I need to save, even those who deny Me, even today.” That implies great responsibility because many deny Jesus’ Sacrifice took place, have forgotten it or do not understand the extent of His Suffering and what it can do. Just like at the time of His Crucifixion, many do not acknowledge Him as the Messiah. 

His appeal is that we are not to let His Crucifixion go to waste.

The Israelites acknowledged their sins before God, prayed for forgiveness and offered whatever sacrifices they could, for themselves and others. But we… we have the Most Perfect Sacrifice of all time, and we know Its Power. We must honour and offer up Jesus’ Sacrifice, through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (which is the prescribed and only perfect way) and through the worthy reception of Holy Communion- not just for ourselves but as often as we can, for the Salvation and forgiveness of all peoples. If we do not, we let His Suffering and Crucifixion ‘go to waste’.

I pray that you may be sufficiently recollected to listen to the Words of Our God and Saviour, and not to fear them or reject them in your heart. Pray and listen with an open heart. I pray they may touch you deeply, so that you may respond in the way He asks.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Bible Reading

Baruch 1: 1-22

Now these are the words of the scroll which Baruch, son of Neriah, son of Mahseiah, son of Zedekiah, son of Hasadiah, son of Hilkiah, wrote in Babylon, 

2 in the fifth year, on the seventh day of the month, at the time the Chaldeans took Jerusalem and destroyed it with fire. 

3 Baruch read the words of this scroll in the hearing of Jeconiah, son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, and all the people who came to the reading:

4 the nobles, kings’ sons, elders, and all the people, small and great—all who lived in Babylon by the river Sud.

5 They wept, fasted, and prayed before the Lord, 6 and collected such funds as each could afford. 7.These they sent to Jerusalem, to Jehoiakim the priest, son of Hilkiah, son of Shallum, and to the priests and the whole people who were with him in Jerusalem.

8 At the same time he received the vessels of the house of the LORD that had been removed from the temple, to restore them to the land of Judah, on the tenth of Sivan. These silver vessels Zedekiah, son of Josiah, king of Judah, had had made 9 after Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, carried off as captives Jeconiah and the princes, the skilled workers, the nobles, and the people of the land from Jerusalem, and brought them to Babylon.

10 The message was: “We send you funds, with which you are to procure burnt offerings, sin offerings, and frankincense, and to prepare grain offerings; offer these on the altar of the LORD our God,

11 and pray for the life of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and of Belshazzar, his son, that their lifetimes may be as the days of the heavens above the earth. 12 Pray that the LORD may give us strength, and light to our eyes, that we may live under the protective shadow of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and of Belshazzar, his son, to serve them many days, and find favor in their sight.

13 Pray for us to the LORD, our God, for we have sinned against the LORD, our God. Even to this day the wrath of the LORD and his anger have not turned away from us.

14 On the feast day and during the days of assembly, read aloud in the house of the LORD this scroll that we send you:

15 “To the Lord our God belongs justice; to us, people of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, to be shamefaced, as on this day—

16 to us, our kings, rulers, priests, and prophets, and our ancestors.

17 We have sinned in the LORD’s sight

18 and disobeyed him. We have not listened to the voice of the LORD, our God, so as to follow the precepts the LORD set before us.

19 From the day the LORD led our ancestors out of the land of Egypt until the present day, we have been disobedient to the LORD, our God, and neglected to listen to his voice.

20 Even today, evils cling to us, the curse the LORD pronounced to Moses, his servant, at the time he led our ancestors out of the land of Egypt to give us a land flowing with milk and honey.

21For we did not listen to the voice of the LORD, our God, in all the words of the prophets he sent us,  

22 but each of us has followed the inclinations of our wicked hearts, served other gods, and done evil in the sight of the LORD, our God.

Reading from the Book of Truth

Jesus King of Love

Jesus reveals details of His Crucifixion

29 March 2012 @ 1:15pm; Message 0380

My dearly beloved daughter, My time for more suffering will come about, as My Passion on the Cross, will be commemorated.

No man understands the extent of My suffering, during My Crucifixion or the way in which I was scourged.

My scourging was the worst. I was beaten savagely – by ten men and every inch of My Body was slashed.

The Flesh on My Back was torn and My Shoulder Blades were visible.

I could barely stand and one Eye was bruised and crushed.

I could only see through My left Eye.

By the time they took Me before Pontius Pilate and placed the Crown of Thorns on My Head I could barely stand up.

They then stripped Me bare before placing a short red garment over My Head and then placed a palm branch in My right Hand.

Each thorn was like a needle, so sharp was it. One of these thorns also pierced My right Eye, which left Me barely able to see.

I lost so much Blood that I vomited and was so dizzy that when I began My ascent to Calvary I could not hold the Cross.

I fell so many times, that it took hours before I reached the top of the hill.

I was scourged and whipped each step of the way.

My Body was bloody all over and covered with a thick sweat produced by a scorching sun.

I fainted a few times.

Much as this was painful and agonizing, the most frightening of all was the hatred shown to Me, not just by the adults along the way, but by young children who kicked Me because they were following their parents’ example.

The screams that poured out from their mouths and the hatred was nothing compared to the fear they had of Me.

Because, behind it all, they were still not sure whether or not I was, in fact, the Messiah, they were awaiting for so long.

It was easier, therefore, to hate Me, denounce Me, rather than accept Me, for that would have meant that they would have had to change their ways.

My most agonising moment was when I lay on the ground on My Side, having been kicked in the back again and saw My beloved Mother looking at Me.

She was heartbroken and had to be held up by two of My disciples.

I could only see her through the one remaining Eye and I could not bear to watch her torment.

The jeers, screams and roars from the crowds of hundreds could be felt from the ground I lay on and it took six hundred soldiers to organise and supervise the Crucifixion of Myself and six others.

I was the main focus of their attention and the others did not suffer like I did.

When My Wrists, at the base of My Thumbs, were nailed to the Cross I could no longer feel.

My Body was so battered and bruised that I had gone into shock.

My Shoulders were dislocated and My Arms were torn out of their sockets.

The worst physical damage was inflicted on My Body, before I was nailed to the Cross.

I let out no scream.

No protest.

Only a whisper.

This infuriated My executioners who wanted a reaction to satisfy their lusts.

I never engaged with them, for to do so would have meant that I would have had to engage with Satan and his demons, who infested their souls.

This is why their viciousness towards Me was so intense.

I was hanging on the Cross for five hours.

The sun was scorching and without clouds to help reduce the burning of My Skin.

As soon as I took My last breath, My Father sent forth black clouds, as well as thunder and lightning.

The storm that took place was of such a frightening magnitude and so sudden, that My spectators were left in no doubt, at that stage, that I was, indeed, the Saviour, that had been sent by God the Father.

I reveal this to you, My daughter, as a Gift to you in return for the huge act of suffering you have offered Me.

Tell My children that I do not regret My Passion on the Cross.

What I do regret is that My Sacrifice has been forgotten and that so many deny that My Crucifixion took place.

Many have no idea as to what I had to suffer, as many of My apostles did not witness My climb to Calvary.

What hurts Me today is that so many deny Me still.

My appeal to you, My followers, is do not allow My Crucifixion to go to waste.

I died for ALL sins, including those committed today.

I want and I need to save, even those who deny Me, even today.

Your beloved Saviour

Jesus Christ
