Prophecy: “Today I was betrayed”



Pope Francis kisses the foot of a refugee during the foot-washing ritual at the Castelnuovo di Porto refugees center near Rome, Italy
Pope Francis kisses the foot of a refugee during the foot-washing ritual at the Castelnuovo di Porto refugees center near Rome, Italy, March 24, 2016. Pope Francis on Thursday washed and kissed the feet of refugees, including three Muslim men, and condemned arms makers as partly responsible for Islamist militant attacks

Prophecy: Today I was betrayed.  


“Today I was betrayed….”  Book of Truth (29 March 2013 @ 7:00pm Message # 3 on Good Friday)

My dearly beloved daughter when Judas Iscariot betrayed Me, he held My Head and kissed me on the cheek. When those who lead My Church say they love Me, and then betray Me, you will see, clearly, their kiss of betrayal.

Not at My Feet will they fall.  It will not be My Feet they kiss, but those of My servants, My followers, My sinners. …”

   See  complete message at:

Prophecy fulfilled:

In 2013, Bergoglio broke with tradition and washed the feet of 12 inmates of a youth detention centre . It was usually held in St Peter’s Basilica and was for priests (as Jesus washed the feet of the 12 Apostles). The next day (Good Friday), he did mot kiss the feet of Jesus on the Cross at the Adoration of the Cross ceremony, but kissed Jesus on the cheek.

In 2014, he further destroyed this ritual by washing the feet of women (gender equality?? Humanism)

In 2016, he included 12 prisoners including (women and girls) from Muslim, Orthodox, Hindu and Catholics. The Roman Missal states that the people must be pre-chosen from the people of God. .(Humanism and the equality of religions.)

PF even said “we are all children of the same God.” As reported by The Washington Post .

See how each year the Fp continues to desecrate this beautiful liturgy.

This is the 15th post in this series.

The next post will be “You will know these traitors by their symbolic gestures”

Prophecy Fulfilled: Substitutions made one after the other

Dr Taylor Marshall shared this image on Twitter this morning, from a celebration of the ‘Holy Thursday Mass of the Last Supper’:

A Crusader friend had sent it to me early this morning. The first thing I noticed was naturally that the inverse of what is meant to occur, according to the Rite of the Roman Missal, was enacted. A parishioner washes the feet of her priest and not the priest or bishop washing the feet of those that serve on the altar (fellow priests and deacons) or his fellow men.

The reaction that came to mind was: “Talk about turning a tradition upside down! and my friend reminded me that “upside down = demonic.” Jesus, who was Master and leader, washed the feet of his 12 Apostles, not the other way around. This was a deliberate gesture which He explained to show that they were to be humble and at the service of others as they were to be the new leaders in the Church Jesus was forming as a result of The New Covenant.

Traditionally, therefore, the rite of foot washing on Holy Thursday was performed by a bishop washing the feet of some of his priests within a Cathedral or other significant Church as it was symbolic and representative of Jesus act; as close as possible, in imitation. This is what the popes had done over the years and bishops.

From the reform of Pius XII it was then able to be led by priests enacting in accordance with the rubrics of the Roman Missal; allowing 12 men to be chosen and the Mass to be celebrated in the Evening – according to an excerpt in an article at ncregister ( quoting + Arthur Roche (the Archbishop Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments) explaining as now going:

“beyond the rather clerical and reserved sense, taking place in the public assembly with the direction for «twelve men» which makes it more explicitly an imitative sign, almost a sacred representation, that facilitates what Jesus did and had in mind on the first Holy Thursday.” Furthermore these men were to be chosen from among “the people of God”.

So the washing of the feet on Holy Thursday, up until a few years ago, looked like this:

You can clearly see the reversal of the custom in the first photo. That phrase ‘upside down’ rang a bell and the prophecy it fulfils from the Book of Truth was quickly found:

3 January 2015 @ 5:05pm

Mother of Salvation: Many substitutions will take place until the new religion is eventually formed

My dear children, the face of my Son’s Church on earth will change beyond recognition and will be substituted by one, which is not of my Son. Substitution after substitution will evolve as the Teachings of my Son will be turned upside down and replaced with false secular doctrines.

There is no room for anything other than the Word of God in any church, which declares itself to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. But, there will come a time when my Son’s Church will become part of a political movement on a grand scale, and it will then lead the way in all things that concern the world, except that it will not remain loyal to the Word as it was laid down by God.  All of these things will happen, as foretold, as my Eternal Father permits His enemies to devour the Body of His only begotten Son – but only for a limited time.  He allows for these trials to test the strength of those who know the Truth and those who remain loyal to His Church; as well as those who will discard it in favour of the doctrine of darkness.

It will take time before all of these changes will come about but the seeds have been planted. All religion will be united as one and then merged with governments as part of a new global unit and they will lead the way until the man of sin enters it to take up his seat. Many substitutions will take place until the new religion is eventually formed and it will proclaim everything that appears, on the surface, to be for the good of all.

Pray, pray, pray dear children for the strength to endure the pain, which will ensue. My Son, Jesus Christ, cries tears of great sorrow at the way in which He is to be betrayed and for the souls who will be lost to Him on the way. It will be up to His loyal sacred servants to steer the ship, which will keep His True Church on course as it sails into choppy and stormy waters. But please be assured that every good grace will be accorded to those who remain true to the Saviour and Redeemer of the world during these harrowing and difficult times.

Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

This sort of gesture, of course, has not evolved overnight; the substitutions are happening quickly- one after the other.

First Pope Francis, straight after his (illicit) election in 2013, washed the feet of 12 incarcerated prisoners, including two women and furthermore, including two Muslims, clearly breaking with tradition, outside of the rules of the Roman Missal, choosing it instead as a gesture representing humanism and (possibly) the equality of religions. He even said “we are all children of the same God.” As reported by The Washington Post

This was at the juvenile detention centre, Casal del Marmo.

That’s one big substitution! But the political statement continued:

“In 2014, Francis visited Don Gnocchi, a center for the elderly and disabled. On that occasion, the participants in the foot-washing ritual ranged in age from 16 to 86, and several were in wheelchairs with their feet swollen or disfigured. Four of them were women.” (

In 2015 more inmates, this time from Rebibbia prison in Rome in 2015.

(CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano via Reuters):

Then in 2016, PF changed the rules to officially include women and girls but the Missal still says they are to be pre-chosen from the people of God. Once again, he interprets this as he wishes and ignores rules; breaking them– as an example to others to do the same, to go beyond ‘narrow interpretations’.

Finally, we come to the new image seen at the top of the article, showing just how far some parishes have taken these substitutions and just how far the practice has now deviated from the original action which Jesus performed.

In the message quoted above from the Book of Truth, Our Lady states that “my Son’s Church will become part of a political movement on a grand scale“. We saw this when recently Francis kissed the feet of the South Sudan political leaders. (See ) Notice the cameras rolling.

PF kissing feet 2Pope kissing Feet of Sudan leaders

All this washing and kissing of feet brings to mind another prophecy from the Book of Truth (29 March 2013 @ 7:00pm):

“…When those who lead My Church say they love Me, and then betray Me, you will see, clearly, their kiss of betrayal.

Not at My Feet will they fall.  It will not be My Feet they kiss, but those of My servants, My followers, My sinners. …”

This refers to Francis when he did not kiss the feet of Jesus at the Adoration of the Cross ceremony last year (2018). But the previous day, at the foot washing ceremony of Holy Thursday, he had washed and kissed the feet of people including 2 Moslems and a Buddhist. Kissing the feet was not meant to be a part of the ceremony. After the feet are washed, they are dried. It was yet another substitution, which he began last year. This year he extended the kissing to the feet of politicians on a visit to their country!

It’s only one step more to do this to make similar substitutions to the words of the Consecration regarding the Eucharist, as well. Eventually this will also occur. 

Keep your eyes and ears open!