“My promise to come and separate the goats from the sheep is about to become a reality”


sheep and goats

The Promise of Jesus’ Resurrection

My new paradise will become the world without end – as foretold

2014.04.17   21:00

My dearly beloved daughter, My resurrection from the dead happened for a reason. It did not take place simply to prove My Divinity to those who did not accept who I was. Up to that time, souls who died could not enter heaven. They had to wait.

But, no sooner had My resurrection taken place, than they were given new life in My kingdom. My resurrection brought eternal life for souls and death, therefore, would no longer have a hold over the human race. My resurrection will be truly evident at My Second Coming, for then all those souls, who died in me and for me, will also be raised from the dead and be given eternal life.

They will rise in body and soul, in perfect union with the will of God and they will live in my new kingdom, when the old earth and the heavens will disappear and a new world will arise.

My new paradise will become the world without end – as foretold. All those who love God and who accept my hand of mercy will enter My Glorious Kingdom. That was the promise I made, when I traded my earthly body in death, to give you all eternal life. Do not forget that what God promises, He will always deliver.  What God foretold to all of His prophets will take place, for He does not say one thing and mean another. When God told John that the world will divide in the latter days and his temple would be destroyed, He did not lie. The reign of those who wish to destroy the Word of God has commenced and the times for all those prophecies, as foretold to Daniel and John, are upon you.

My promise to come and separate the goats from the sheep is about to become a reality. Man will be given every kind of help, through intervention from heaven, and plenty of opportunity to make a final choice. He will either follow me or stay behind.

Your Jesus

Prophecies fulfilled: Pope Benedict’s “resignation”.


(Prophecies in Book of Truth from 2010 to 2015) This is only a  selection. They are not posted in any particular order.

 Pope Benedict’s “resignation”:Pray For Pope Benedict 1


  • My beloved Vicar’s days are now numbered. He will have left the Vatican before The Warning takes place. (1 June, 2011)
  • ·         “ Pray for My beloved Pope Benedict. He is surrounded by very powerful enemies of God, gluttons for power and control of My Church. Prayer can help delay his imminent departure, when he will be forced to leave the Vatican as foretold. Pray, pray, pray for this period in time, for it will be the darkest ever to befall My sacred servants, Bishops, Cardinals and all true followers of Mine. The Keys of Rome will now be handed back to God the Almighty Father.” (6 June 2011)
  • ·         My poor Holy vicar, Pope Benedict XVI, will be ousted from the Holy See in Rome”       (11 Feb 2012)

 Prophecy Fulfilled:


The last message (listed above) was dated and released on the 11th Feb., 2012.

 Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation EXACTLY one year later

on February 11, 2013

Note the words Jesus uses to describe this event: “forced to leave; he will have left the Vatican; ousted.

This is the fifth post in this series. The next post is “The one after Benedict”.

“This is the group, foretold of long ago, who will try to destroy humanity.”


lightening bolt Vatican

Thunder and lightning will descend upon the Temple of the Lord

3 January 2015 @ 8:20pm; Message 1303

My dearly beloved daughter, when God gave the world the Truth, through the prophets, it was an act of mercy on His part. So many had forgotten about God, adored false gods – which come from the hierarchy of satan – that they began to believe in their own invincibility. Were it not for God’s intervention many people would have suffered a terrible punishment.

What God told the prophets, since the beginning, happened. The warnings He gave to humanity resulted in those, who heeded them, being saved while those who ignored them were cast away.

All that has been foretold will come to pass, and those who oppose God in His attempts to bring peace and salvation to His children will have to account for their defiance. Because the Truth has been twisted and the Word of God ignored, people will continue to turn their backs on the Holy Word of God. Their descent into darkness will result in a punishment by God, the Most High.

It pains My Eternal Father to see the depths to which man has fallen in the pursuit of anything that brings him pleasure. But, the day when the Holy Sacrifice ends, and the hour that the imposters desecrate My Altar, will be the final thorn by which they will pierce My Side. At the appointed time, thunder and lightning will descend upon the Temple of the Lord and it will come crashing down. Woe to the man who participates in this sacrilege for he will be cut off from every reprieve and he will fall into the abyss like a stone. No one will defend the man who desecrates My Altar then, for once the Hand of God descends like a heavy axe, they will realise the Truth.


Many may have fallen away from God but, for the most part, many will still call out to Him seeking solace in His Arms. But, there will exist a core – a band of beasts – whose outward appearance disguises the wickedness, which lies within, who will urge, seduce and draw towards them the souls whose hardened hearts have made them the perfect cohorts in the plot to desecrate My Body. This is the group, foretold of long ago, who will try to destroy humanity. Their power will be limited, however, though it may seem great. My Father will only permit so much opposition against Me, His only begotten Son, for so long.

Jesus with open arms

The good of heart will rally and come to Me. It is through the sins of pride and arrogance that the greatest division will be created amongst men and, unless they discard their weaknesses, they will find it impossible to accept My Mercy.

The Truth must be upheld for if you accept anything but the Truth – the Word of God – you will end up with nothing.

Your Jesus

“…it will (…)be the greatest trial for all Christians in every part of the world.”


Reading this message brings to mind many, many instances, beginning with March 2013, until the present day, where  Christ’s Church has been under attacked, and actually dismantled. The latest installment is the installment of the universal “New 10 Commandments” where a gathering of “religious faith leaders” meet in a “ceremony of repentance” all to “climate justice”. This is a direct attack against God – to make sure the message is clear, it even takes place at Mt Sinai. The Church is being dismantled piece by piece in readiness of the new one world religion. The man sitting on the chair of Peter has been very proficient  in his role as the False Prophet, to prepare for the Antichrist, who is to take his seat on the throne of Peter. This latest installment should be no surprise! Stay tuned -there are still many more to come, until the final abomination.

My Church on earth is under attack and this means that My Body will be Crucified again, as foretold

3 March 2013 @ 11:45am; Message 0720

My dearly beloved daughter, fear not the attacks, which are being mounted against you, for I Am with you every second to make you stronger. It saddens Me to tell you that you will suffer much verbal abuse, because of the timing of this, My Plan of Salvation.

For this is the time in which, not only will fervent Catholics be tested in their faith and their allegiance to Me, it will also be the greatest trial for all Christians in every part of the world.

To those who accuse you of heresy, I say this. I, Jesus Christ, would never lie, for I Am the Truth. I could never deceive you, for that would not be possible. Remember, it is My Body, which is the Church. My Church on earth is under attack and this means that My Body will be Crucified again, as foretold. By this, I mean, that My Body will no longer be Present, the minute the Holy Eucharist is discarded by ministers in the Holy See of Rome. This will become a reality and you must turn your back. 

I ask you to pray for all of God’s children – all My sacred servants, including the misguided false prophets. However, I will never ask you to pray for the antichrist, for that is not possible. 

Wake up, all of you, and listen to what I must tell you. You must not panic, despair or lose hope, for this abomination will be the final torment, which all God’s children will have to witness and endure before I come again.

That will be the day of Great Glory, Great Joy and My Coming will bring to an end the evil, which blights the earth.

Instead of fear, be joyful. You must look forward to My Second Coming, because I bring with Me, the New Paradise, promised to you.

When you carry My Cross it will always be difficult. The times in which you live now, bring with them a form of crucifixion, which most Christians will find very difficult to endure – so great will their pain be.

Those poor souls, who do not believe that I speak the Truth, through these Messages, must ask themselves this. Do you believe in the Holy Bible and the prophecies declared within its covers? Do you believe in the antichrist and the revelations about the false imposter who will take the Seat of Peter through devious means? If you do, then accept that this is the time for these events to unravel before your eyes. It is not for the future – it is now taking place. Accept this with courage and come to Me with complete trust, for I love you. I need you to keep your eyes wide open. You must not shy away from the Truth.

The abomination has now begun When you refuse My Cup, you prevent Me from salvaging the souls I need to complete the Covenant promised to My Father. 

I bless you. I long for your hearts to open, so that I can take you into My Glorious Kingdom.

Your Jesus

“The Warning is a Manifestation of My Divine Mercy given to Sr. Faustina”


The Warning is a Manifestation of My Divine Mercy given to Sr. Faustina

26 June 2011 @ 6:00pm; Message 0124

My dearly beloved daughter, time is close now. There is very little time to warn and prepare all those poor souls, who will be so shocked during The Warning that they will not realize what they are witnessing.

They must be told so that they will know what to expect. If they open their hearts to this great moment of Divine Mercy, they will be given the chance of eternal life.This great Warning is the manifestation of My Divine Mercy given to Sister Faustina.

This Great Act of My Mercy was foretold and it will be during The Warning that My great Mercy will envelop the whole world. My Blood and Water will gush forth so that you will all know the Truth at last. Tell those who do not believe in Me or My Eternal Father, that this event will happen.

Then when it does, they will be able to withstand the shock of My Mercy, which will save millions of souls during The Warning, from the grasp of Satan. The Truth, when revealed, will save so many from the fires of Hell.

The Holy Spirit, thereafter present in My children everywhere, will help defeat the works of the evil one. All of you must spread the Word about how mankind needs to prepare their souls in advance. For even believers must understand that they too will find it emotionally disturbing to view their own past sinful behaviour as it appears to Me.

I call on all of you now to seek Confession.

For those other Christians, you must kneel down and pray for redemption.

For those who are unsure of this prophecy, please keep your hearts open for when you witness this ecological, but supernatural event, it is important that you understand that this is the greatest miracle you will ever see and that it is My great Gift to you all.

Consider this. This is how the final day of Judgment will unfold only this time you will not be condemned. You will be given a new lease of life when your soul will be saved, to enable you to restore to the level I desire of it.

Believers, pray for others with all your hearts now that they will be saved.

Yours Saviour
Jesus Christ

“I urge My followers to gather together at this time of sorrow in the world… pray and join with Me to help those whose souls have been stolen by the evil one.”


First Message received from Our Saviour Jesus Christ

9 November 2010  03:00am ; Message 0002
Behold the time is near for you to tell the world that justice will befall all those who reject Me.  My Mercy knows no bounds to all those who follow the Truth of My suffering on the cross.

Joy to those of My followers who reject the temptations they are faced with every day. Others who turned their backs on My teachings are blind to the promises made by Me when I died for their sins on the cross.

I am in deep pain and feel desolate with the abandonment that I suffer from My beloved sinners, for whom I gave up My earthly life.

The earth is in darkness at this time. They, My followers, suffer greatly with Me when they witness a world of sinners who have not only turned their back on God, My Eternal Father, but on Me, who suffered a great sacrifice to save them from the realms of eternal damnation.

I am distressed and cry bitter tears of disappointment and sorrow at the way I have been rejected for the second time. I urge My followers to gather together at this time of sorrow in the world. They must leave aside their indifference to pray and join with Me to help those whose souls have been stolen by the evil one.

There is still time for sinners to repent. There is no easy way. It has to be from the heart. Believers, do not be afraid to raise your voices in unison to declare the love that I have for all. Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews and for all those faiths deduced by the fallible mind of mankind I call on you all, one last time, to open your eyes to the True Word of God, the God that sent you the Word through the prophets.  The Truth was written and documented in the Holy Word of the Scriptures, which no man can amend, change or attempt to twist to his own interpretation. There is only one God. So put down your weapons, open your eyes and follow Me to eternal life.

I love you all so much that I gave up My life for you. Have you forgotten this?Through My Divine Mercy, I implore all of you to turn back to Me, one last time. Through My Mercy, I come back to earth to try and help you to look into your hearts and seek the Truth. Do not allow the deceiver to destroy you. Seek the Truth. Love – pure love – is the path to My Father’s Kingdom.

Please remember My divine Mercy.  I love each and every single one of you.  Pray for forgiveness now. Hold out your hands and let Me guide you to My Father’s Kingdom. I am returning to earth as foretold.  That time is drawing so quickly that many will not be prepared. So many will be shocked and taken unawares, that they will not believe it is happening. There is not much time now for My prophets to help prepare mankind for this great event.

Believers, I call on you all to heed My warning. Spread the Truth. Urge people to ask for My Mercy. I will strive to save every single soul who repents, right up to their very last breath.

I cannot, and will not, interfere with their free will. I beseech you to listen and heed My word. I love all of you. I ask you to pray for conversion before the end times, which are almost upon us. I have no wish to frighten My followers, but I beseech all of you now to save souls. You must remind everyone of the urgency to rid their minds of worldly pursuits. Instead, seek out the virtues of simple humility, devoid of ego and idolatry.

The ordinary people will have to lead the way in spreading the Truthabout My Second Coming.

Because of the rapidly evolving spiritual darkness, spread by atheism and the surge of satanic worship in the sad and ungrateful world of today, it is the simple souls, the true believers, who will have to take on this task.

Pray now for the salvation of mankind as the world now heads into the great tribulation, as foretold in Sacred Scripture. It will be up to mankind’s own free will whether or not they are prepared to seek redemption for their sins. They must never be afraid. My love is ever-Merciful.

Your Saviour
Jesus Christ


Easter and the Meaning of Jesus’ Resurrection


My new paradise will become the world without end – as foretold

2014.04.17   21:00

My dearly beloved daughter, My resurrection from the dead happened for a reasonIt did not take place simply to prove My Divinity to those who did not accept who I was. Up to that time, souls who died could not enter heaven. They had to wait.

But, no sooner had My resurrection taken place, than they were given new life in My kingdom. My resurrection brought eternal life for souls and death, therefore, would no longer have a hold over the human race. My resurrection will be truly evident at My Second Coming, for then all those souls, who died in me and for me, will also be raised from the dead and be given eternal life.

They will rise in body and soul, in perfect union with the will of God and they will live in my new kingdom, when the old earth and the heavens will disappear and a new world will arise.

My new paradise will become the world without endas foretold. All those who love God and who accept my hand of mercy will enter My Glorious Kingdom. That was the promise I made, when I traded my earthly body in death, to give you all eternal life. Do not forget that what God promises, He will always deliver.  What God foretold to all of His prophets will take place, for He does not say one thing and mean another. When God told John that the world will divide in the latter days and his temple would be destroyed, He did not lie. The reign of those who wish to destroy the Word of God has commenced and the times for all those prophecies, as foretold to Daniel and John, are upon you.

My promise to come and separate the goats from the sheep is about to become a reality. Man will be given every kind of help, through intervention from heaven,and plenty of opportunity to make a final choice. He will either follow me or stay behind.

Your Jesus



The Greatest Deceit in World History!


It is becoming more and more evident that things do not add up.

Everything seems surreal. How did this all happen?

What is True and what is False?

The virus, the statistics, the humanitarian plans to formulate a vaccination, deadly pandemic, forced isolation, the news, the silencing of medical professionals, from First world to Third world in a few months, the new –“powers” of governments to dictate how we practise our Faith, or where we go…

It seemingly all happened overnight.

But we were warned.

The Book of Truth (foretold by Daniel 10:21 in the Old Testament) has many messages prophesying that this all a deceit – in fact it is the greatest deceit in history.

There are 5 volumes of the Book of Truth. God loves His people and has always sent prophets to warn them when in danger. Here are some samples regarding the present (end) times.

Selection of Excerpts from Messages.

All can be found at: https://missionofsalvation.com/ or



“…They will devour all that is holy and will go to extraordinary lengths to destroy Christianity, in what will be the greatest deceit in the history of My Church on earth. They will do this by pretending to embrace Christianity. Nothing will be as it seems and only those who are blessed with the Gift of Discernment, will see what is really happening….” (November 28, 2014 @ 11:50pm)

“For many people, their lack of faith in Me, has meant that they have had no interest in My Holy Word, up to now.  Soon, they will turn and enthusiastically embrace the greatest deceit the world will have ever witnessed.” (September 13, 2014 @ 10:50pm)

“…I Am preparing you now, for you are about to witnessthe greatest deceit ever inflicted upon the world by Satan…. (January 7, 2014 @ 12:15pm)

“The Church has been infested, from the inside, by enemies of God. They – and there are twenty of them who control from within have created the greatest deceit. They have elected a man, not of God, while the Holy Father, accorded the Crown of Peter, has been carefully removed…” ( July 22, 2013 @  8:17pm)

“There can only be one head of the Church on earth, authorised by my Son, who must remain pope until his death. Anyone else, who claims to sit in the Seat of Peter, is an imposter.
This deceit has one purpose, to turn souls over to Lucifer and there is little time for such souls, who will be none the wiser, to be saved.” ( July 22, 2013 @  8:17pm)

“…Soon, every Truth documented in the Gospels will be reviewed and will then be interpreted in a different light. Many will be deceived and many will not bother to prepare their souls, including those who do believe in My Second Coming. This false sense of security will be the greatest deceit, devised in order to deny man his natural right to the Kingdom of God. Where there is no reconciliation sought by man for the forgiveness of their sins, there can be no redemption in My Eyes….” (December 9, 2013 @ 4:15pm)

“…Light will fight dark. The Light of God keeps you alive. Darkness destroys you. My Light will become brighter and brighter until My Holy Eucharist is banished. Then it will fade. Then My Church will crumble and appear to die. The world will rejoice, for along with My Church in Rome, the Jewish nations will be cut down. This will be the greatest deceit to befall mankind and those who accept this wicked form of paganism will be swept away in the flood. And then, after the fires which will sweep the Earth, will rise My Church, again, into its full glorious form. This will be the end for sinners who refuse My Hand, but the beginning of Eternal Life for those who love Me….” (May 17, 2013 @ 2:02pm)

“…My dear children there will come shortly a great deceit, which will fall upon the world like a curtain. This deceit will almost obliterate the Truth, but those who are blessed with the Light of my Son’s Mercy will see the falsities, which mask the Word of God.

Not since man was created, will God permit His enemies to succumb to such deceit – a deceit, which has one purpose only. That is to wipe away all traces of God in your society so that all those who do not come from Him will be elevated to great positions of power. God permits this as the greatest test of the human race, to determine who is for Him and who is against Him….” (January 20, 2015 @ 3:30pm)

(The part highlighted above, can mean secular power also, not just ecclesiastical power.)

The cunning of the devil has meant that, to ensure his wickedness is accepted, every moral act and deed will be declared to be inhumane and against civil liberty. But, for those who are blessed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, they will still be able to differentiate between right and wrong. Never before, since the days of Noah, has the world been covered with such deceit. Never before has man sinned like he does now. And, just like in the days of Noah, man’s self-obsession has reached such limits that he believes that he has the power over his own destiny, such is the extent of his narcissism.

“The world is covered” – that means all peoples, nations, media,

Sin today, is embraced with relish and promoted as being a civil right and therefore you are expected to respect it.  If you do not show respect towards sinful acts, then you could find that you will be guilty of a crime. Your crime will be that you uphold the Word of God and for that you will be made to suffer.

How easily man is fooled by the global plan to banish any form of guilt for sinful acts, which are being written into the laws of your nations. All of these things have been foretold and very soon not one wrongful act including murder, euthanasia and abortion will be deemed to be wrong. A time will come when genocide on a grand scale, will follow the introduction of such laws, which will be designed to make legal the lawful killing of those who suffer disabilities and other physical conditions.

Evil laws, enshrined in your nations, will lead to greater laws, which will take all power away from you. You have given authority to those who deny Me – who despise the Laws of God – and because of this, they will introduce more wicked acts, which will cause unimaginable suffering. What may appear to be laws of the land, that promote civil and humane rights, will lead to a form of dictatorship, which will make it an offense to be a Christian. …” (December 28, 2014 @ 6:30pm)

Catechism of the Catholic Church:

“The Church’s ultimate trial

675 Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers.574 The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth575 will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.576




Feastday of La Salette, 19th September, 1846: Remembering the prophecies



Messages from Our Lady at La Salette (1846) include:

  • Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the antichrist.’
  • ‘The Church will be eclipsed, the world will be in consternation..” [Abbé Combe, the editor of the 1904 edition, adds the following note after this paragraph. ‘I have from Melanie that the Church will be eclipsed in this sense, that 1) one will not know which is the true pope; 2) for a time: the holy Sacrifice will cease to be offered in churches, and also in houses: so there will be no more public worship. But she saw that yet the holy  Sacrifice would not cease: it would be offered in caves, in tunnels, in barns and in alcoves.’]• “There will be a series of wars until the last war which will then be fought by the kings of the anti-Christ, all of whom will have one and the same plan and will be the only rulers of the world…All civil governments will have one and the same plan: abolish and do away with every religious principal to make way for materialism, atheism, spiritualism and vice of all kinds”.
    • “The Holy Father will suffer a great deal because for a while the Church will yield to large persecution, a time of darkness and the Church will witness a frightful crisis”
  • “Several religious institutions will lose all faith and will lose many souls…A great number of priests and members of religious orders will break away from the true religion. Among these people, there will even be bishops”
    • “Italy will be punished for her ambition in wanting to shake off the yoke of the Lord of lords”


Jesus tells us that the Prophecies of La Salette and Fatima are now being witnessed.

(Crusader Chris):” I just found this message in the Book of Truth from 6 years ago which is SO relevant to what’s happening now, it was posted on 10 March 2014 exactly six years before the lockdown:

‘The sacraments will become fewer and the number of Masses will be slowly withdrawn until they are rarely held. Every excuse will be made, but all of this will hide the real reason behind their motives. You, My beloved followers, are witnessing everything which My beloved Mother foretold at La Salette and Fatima...’

That’s the part of the message which now registers and makes sense today.”

In another part of the message, something that is very relevant to Parramatta diocese is happening at this very time, where a new RE Curriculum is being proposed for  our Catholic Schools.

See the details in our post at:


The following message, given by Jesus on 10th March, 2014 is as follows:

“To demand the rights of Christians will be tantamount to breaking the law

My dearly beloved daughter, very soon you will hear a number of announcements by impostors, who have infiltrated My House on Earth. The heresies which will come tumbling out of their mouths and by their acts will result in new laws, which defile the Word of God and which will be forced upon all those who are faithful to the Word.

The Sacraments will become fewer and the number of Masses will slowly be withdrawn until they are rarely held. Every excuse will be made, but all of this will hide the real reason behind their motives. You, My beloved followers, are witnessing everything which My beloved Mother foretold at La Salette and Fatima. You must understand that the plan is to desecrate every Church of God, before the antichrist sits on the throne in My Temple, in all his vile glory. Those who demand answers will be ignored and later ridiculed for daring to question those who claim to lead My Church on Earth.

Every sin in the Eyes of God will eventually be dismissed. Not only will sin be rejected, but will be presented in every vile form upon My Altar. The abolition of sin will be seen in the indoctrination of children’s education. Children, especially, will be force-fed heresies. They will be told that if they do not accept these teachings that they will be guilty of judging harshly those, who declare sin to be a good thing. Children will be instructed to never openly proclaim the Word of God in the presence of others for fear of being accused of being anti-human rights.

Any attempt to promote morality, in any way, amongst the young, will be violently opposed and condemned. Christians, and those who publicly declare their right to implement Christian Teachings will be beaten down and silenced. Their words will become whispers and people will be ashamed to admit they are Christians. And while the rights of non-Christians will be upheld, it will be the rights of atheists, which will be declared to be of paramount importance.

As I have told you, hatred against Christians will mount on the outside of My Church. Then, on the inside, it will be taken apart piece-by-piece until nothing is left but a shell. The bricks and mortar will still be in place, but My Church on Earth, as you know it, will have changed beyond your understanding.

My people are My people – those who will uphold the Holy Word of God and who continue to avail of the Holy Sacraments, which will be made available to you by My brave and courageous sacred servants, who will never desert Me. 

When you hear My Word – contained in the written Word and passed down for centuries in My Father’s Book – being questioned and analysed, with a desire to rewrite It, then you must know this. I do not authorize such heresy. I condemn these traitors because of the souls they will lead astray. You, too, must never listen to anyone who tells you to deny My Word.

Soon, you will see every law in your countries and churches change, to welcome every kind of sin and legislate for this. Both sets of laws will blend together as one until, eventually, the Word of God will not be discussed or adhered to. To demand the rights of Christians will be tantamount to breaking the law and will be punishable in many ways. For those of you who do not believe that these things are possible, then, you will, sadly, witness these things in your own lifetime and as foretold.

How many of you will remain true to My Word? My Teachings? Not many. Yet, it is those who say that they honour Me now and who are dedicated to My Church, who will be the first ones to turn their backs on the Truth.

Your Jesus”





The Signs of the Times – How do we recognize them?


Jesus and His Blessed Mother have told us about what signs to look for:

  • Matt. 24: 3-9 (Douay Rheims)

And when he was sitting on mount Olivet, the disciples came to him privately, saying: Tell us when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the consummation of the world? [4] And Jesus answering, said to them: Take heed that no man seduce you: [5] For many will come in my name saying, I am Christ: and they will seduce many.

[6] And you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars. See that ye be not troubled. For these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. [7] For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be pestilences, and famines, and earthquakes in places: [8] Now all these are the beginnings of sorrows. [9] Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall put you to death: and you shall be hated by all nations for my name’s sake. [10] And then shall many be scandalized: and shall betray one another: and shall hate one another.

  • Fr Gobbi: Message # 383, May 22, 1988, Feast of the Pentecost

Moreover, your days are marked by continual rumors of wars which are multiplying and are reaping, each day, innumerable victims. Conflicts and dissensions within countries are increasing; revolts and struggles between various peoples are propagating; bloody wars are continuing to extend themselves, notwithstanding all the efforts which are being made to attain peace”.

Message #406, June 13 1989

“This masonic infiltration, in the interior of the Church, was already foretold to you by Me at Fatima, when I announced to you that Satan would enter in even to the summit of the Church.”

Message #485, December 31, 1992

The first sign is the spread of errors, which lead to the loss of faith and to apostasy. These errors are being propagated by false teachers, by renowned theologians who are no longer teaching the truths of the gospel, but pernicious heresies based on errors and on human reasoning. It is because of the teaching of these errors that the true faith is being lost and that the great apostasy is spreading everywhere.”

 Have you recognized the times yet?

Have you taken notice of the events as they happen?

Following is a list of prophecies about these events. I have not listed those which are still to happen. Make sure you are familiar with all these prophecies.

To be fore-warned is to be fore-armed!

I have not listed events. Some of the most recent events are of course the Catholic communities deprived of their freedom and the protests and riots happening in many countries at the moment.

We have been watching some of these events that are the fulfilment of prophecies over the years and are

featured in various articles on our site.  See “prophecies fulfilled” on our site menu.

We also have available in “Tools for Evangelisation” a condensed list of the main prophecies throughout the ages from Our Lady and the Saints.

One event happens after the other – particularly those involving the Faith, and we fail to take notice, or remember them afterwards. We are too pre-occupied with what is happening now. But we must think and plan ahead, and to do this you need to know your prophecies – i.e. “true prophecies’. Don’t fall for “false prophets”. Pray for discernment. Reading our series on “false prophets”, “The false prophet” and “discerning prophets” (a series currently being posted) may help. See them in the menu.

The signs which have already taken place -foretold in  Prophecies

Two popes –  St Francis of Assisi, Our Lady of La Salette, Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich, Fr. Gobbi, Book of Truth.

When Christians love heresies and the unjust trample underfoot the servants of God – St Bridget of Sweden, Book of Truth.

Masonic infiltration into the Church – Our Lady of Good Success, Fatima,  Fr. Gobbi, Book of Truth, Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich.

Perverted, putrid members in Church – St Nicholas of Flue, Our Lady of Good success Quito Ecuador, Book of Truth;

The great apostasy, begin at the top –2 Thess.2,3, Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich, Fatima, Fr. Gobbi, Book of Truth.

 Wars, uprisings, dissensions, revolts and struggles Matthew 24, Our Lady of La Salette, St. John Bosco, Fatima, Fr. Gobbi, Book of Truth.

Heresies based on errors, dangerous ideas – St Francis of Assisi;  St Bridget of Sweden; Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich. Fr. Gobbi; Book of Truth; 1 Tim.4:1-2,

Nation against nation, and kingdom against kingdom Matthew 24;  Book of Truth.

Pestilences, famines, and earthquakes – Matthew 24; Book of Truth; Fatima; St John Bosco.

Erecting altars to idols; sacrilegiously defile the churches – St Bridget of Sweden; Book of Truth.

Sacrament of Matrimony attacked – Our Lady of Good success; Quito Ecuador; Book of Truth.

Total and general corruption of customs/ moral guidelinesOur Lady of Good success; Quito Ecuador; Book of Truth.

Preachers will keep silence about the Truth/lack of courage St Francis of Assisi; Our Lady of Good Success; Fr. Gobbi; Book of Truth;

Catholic communities deprived of their freedom, – Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich; Book of Truth.

Many churches closed, vandalized– St Bridget of Sweden; Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich;, Bl. Anna Maria Taigi; Our Lady of Akita; Book of Truth.

Church’s final trial – CCC #675; 2 Thess: 2

The false Prophet –Daniel 7: 25; Apocalypse (Revelation) 19:20; Revelation 13: 20; Ven. Fulton Sheen; Book of Truth.

False Church Ven. Fulton Sheen; Book of Truth.

Persecution of the Church –  Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich;  Pope Pius IX; Fatima; Book of Truth.

Persecution of the Holy Father, prisoner –  Our Lady of Good Success;, Our Lady of La Salette;  Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich;  Pope Pius IX; Fatima; Book of Truth.

The Church will doubt – Pope Pius XII

Growth of dishonour and lawlessness -St Nilos-Gusher of Mount Athos.

Persecution of priests – OL of Good Success, Our Lady of Akita; Book of Truth.

The family, Sacrament of Matrimony, final battle  Our Lady of Good Success, – Sr Lucy of Fatima (1980’s), Book of Truth.

The Church’s Judas Iscariot/Satan in summit of the Church/Pope under control of Satan –  Ven. Abp. Fulton Sheen, Fr. Gobbi; Book of Truth; Fatima.

Communist take-over/ humanism/Errors of Russia Fatima; Garabanbdal; Book of Truth.

Cardinals against cardinals, bishops against bishops – Fatima; Akita.

The stopping of the Perpetual Sacrifice/ Daily Sacrifice stopped:  Daniel 12: 11; Book of Truth.

In the future:

Mass/Eucharist will be changed/amended/Abomination of Desolation: Book of Truth; Daniel 12:11; Matthew 24:15; Fr Gobbi.

Mark of the Beast: Book of Truth; Book of Revelation.

Schism of Church: Book of Truth.

The Warning/Illumination of Consciences: Daniel 12:10; Garabandal; St Faustina; Fr Gobbi; Book of Truth; Jude 1:14-15.

Why listen to prophecy?

God has always sent prophets  to warn and save His people. In the Old Testament there are many examples. In the past 2000 years, this has not changed. Mankind is still ignorant and refuses to listen. So God still now sends His prophets to warn us. Prophecy does not replace the Bible! We are just slow-learners!

It is explained by Jesus in the message below:

(Book of Truth; Message given on 13 November 2014 @ 11:20pm).

“…You do not have to listen to Me now for everything that God wanted you to know is contained in the most Holy Gospels.  Sadly, very few of my followers have grasped the lessons contained therein. The Truth is contained in both the Old and the New Testaments.  It has always been God’s desire to intervene in the world by revealing the Truth to chosen souls, as a means to create a better understanding as to what is needed to save your soul.  It is also a means by which He warns His children when they are being led astray by His enemies.

My Father’s Book contains the Truth and it may never be added to, or corrected.  Nor can it be amended in any way.  It is my duty, now, to declare the contents of the Book of Revelation to help you to understand that every prophecy contained within it, will happen, for the word has been laid down.

The contents of this Book, makes for difficult reading because it foretells the final betrayal of Me, Jesus Christ, by those who claim to govern My Church Let the Truth be heard, for it is written and, what is written by God, is sacrosanct.

Your Jesus”